We see dealers starting to add eCommerce solutions like B2BToolBox, not to compete with Amazon, but to allow their customers to easily order additional products & services, without having to talk to a sales rep. The goal is to have a fully automated system, from credit approval, to lease signing and creating the contract in eAutomate.
B2B Toolbox (was MPS Toolbox) is an eCommerce solution. This process will create sales orders in eAutomate from B2B Toolbox and the line items on the order (if they don't exist). If we do not find a match on customers we set the customer to a default one listed in the variable.
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Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts
B2B Toolbox (was MPS Toolbox) is an eCommerce solution. This process will create sales orders in eAutomate from B2B Toolbox and the line items on the order (if they don't exist). If we do not find a match on customers we set the customer to a default one listed in the variable.
Run Schedule: Every 15-Minutes
Type of Output: Data Push and Email
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**coming soon**
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Variable 2: Only available on eAuto version 20 and higher! By default, the process will use the Customer Number supplied on the import table. But if the Customer Number imported is invalid, then we need to have a default customer to use for the sales order we create. If you do not want the process to import orders with un-matched customer numbers, leave this variable blank.
Variable 3: Prefix to Order Number that comes over from integration which will be used to assign the Sales Order Number in EA to identify the order as an MPS Toolbox order.
Variable 4: The import table allows for you to import an Order Type for each of your imported records. If that order type column is left blank, then indicate here the default Order Type to be used for those imported records
Variable 5: You can choose the Terms Code that is assigned to the order if you want to override the default terms on new sales orders in e-Automate.
Variable 6: Freight will be added as a line item on the sales order. Enter the Item Number to use to add freight charge from MPS Toolbox
Variable 7: Enter the Ship Method that you want to set to new orders. Leave blank to use the default.
Variable 8: If you want to override the default warehouse that the items will be assigned, enter the Warehouse number. Leave blank if you want to use your e-Auto default.
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. To start, please provide your Public IP address to B2B Toolbox along with letting them know you would like to get our integration going. Then they will provide you (with help@ceojuice.com on copy, please) the needed server, user, and password for us to connect to your B2B Toolbox account.
2. We will get this set up in a Test e-Auto database until you are ready to move into production. If you don't have a test e-Auto database, you can create a test company via e-Admin with a backup of your live e-Auto database. To create a test CEOJuice database, a different process is necessary and we have a write up here.
3. This integration has a dependency on ID634 which imports Sales Orders into e-Auto. ID634 has required variables and that items be created in e-Auto. Be sure to subscribe to ID634 and complete the variables. Use THIS LINK to subscribe and for details.
4. Setup required in e-automate:
- On Hold codes – There are two required on hold codes and one optional on hold code. See notes here on creating these on hold codes.
- Error item – The import process requires an item record that will be used when the sync is unable to add a specific item to a sales order. When that happens, the sync will add this error item to the order as a placeholder item. See details here on creating the error item.
- Shipping methods – You will need to specify both a default shipping method and a default drop ship method in the variable settings. See notes here on these two shipping methods.
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
None at this time
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID634 - Sales Order Import Utility
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