
ID634 - Sales Order Import Utility Overview & Sample

Sales Order import utility to facilitate 3rd party billing system and inject those imports into e-automate as sales orders.

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This alert was built to use a custom CEO Juice table populated via import or direct SQL feed from a 3rd party billing system and inject those imports into e-automate as sales orders.  As this will require SQL expertise from your internal IT and/or 3rd party provider to write the required data into our custom table, you will need to coordinate with our team to make sure that table is populated accordingly. 

ID634 works with several third-party systems, see notes here on current integrations.

The records imported are the line item details for the order(s) to be created, and our process will calculate the order total / tax / freight accordingly using the matching e-automate Item you created with the imported 'item'. That is a requirement, that the imported 'item' must match to an existing e-automate item (whether that be an expense code item or an actual inventory item).  This match is required so that the tax is calculated accurately according to the tax code flags for the customer's tax authority.

Run Schedule: Every 15 minutes

Type of Output: Data Push/Email


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Jump to: Sales Order Header | Items Tab | Billing\Shipping Tab | Messages\Remarks | Email Output

Sales Order Header

Sales Order Header

sales order header.jpg

1. Customer - ImpCustomerNumber in the import table.

2. Description - This varies depending on the integration used to create the order. You can control the data that populates in this field based on Variable Hidden2 and Variable W.

3. Order Type - OrderType in the import table, if provided, otherwise the default order type is set in variable 1.

4. Sales rep - Sales rep linked to the SalesRepNumber in the import table, if provided, otherwise the default sales rep for the customer.

5. PO number - PONumber in the import table, if provided, otherwise will be blank.

6. Ordered by - If creating contacts, and proper information is in the import table, the contact on the imported order.

7. Branch - If a branch is specified in the SOBranchNumber field, that branch will be used. If nothing is in the import table, variable Z will determine where the branch is pulled from, either the customer record or the sales rep record.

8. Number - ImpSONumber in the import table, if provided. Otherwise will be the next number from e-automate.

9. Warehouse - WarehouseNumber from the import table, if provided. Otherwise, the warehouse is determined by the hierarchy detailed here.

10. Department - Department set in variable 2, if no department is provided in the import table.

11. Status - Default order status set in variable 4.

12. Total - The total should match the total price from the third-party integration.

Items Tab

Items Tab

items tab.jpg

Each item from the imported order will be listed on the items tab of the order. Items that do not exist in e-automate will be added to the order as the error item, description, quantity and price will all match the third-party integration.

Billing\Shipping Tab

Billing\Shipping Tab

billing and shipping tab.jpg

1. Bill to - ImpBillToCustomerNumber from the import table. If no bill to customer is specified, the customer from the sales order header will be used.

2. Ship to - ImpShipToCustomerNumber from the import table. The attention line will be populated from the ShipToAttn column in the import table.

3. Ship method - pulled from the variable settings, variable 6 for standard orders and variable 7 for drop-ship orders.

4. Terms - If the TermsCode column of the import table is populated, that is the terms that will be used. If this column is blank, the terms from the customer record will be used.

5. Tax code - The tax code is pulled from the customer record.



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The Messages tab will be populated based on the Hidden2 variable. If this variable is set to Yes, then the messages tab will be populated with the data selected in Variable W, along with anything populated in the Notes column of the import table. If Variable W is set to not display anything, the only data populated on the messages tab will be what is in the Notes column.

If the Hidden2 variable is set to No, nothing will populate on the messages tab, except for any errors importing the order. 

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The remarks tab is populated based on the Remarks column in the import table

Email Output

Email Output

An email is generated when a new sales order is created.

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Variable Y: 3rd party integration used - You must specify at least one integration from the list for the task to process. Each integration used will require a separate subscription. More details on the available integrations are here. **This is a required field for the integration to work.

Variable X: One order per - Option to have one sales order per ship to location or one sales order per 'Host' configuration.  **This is a required field for the integration to work.

Variable 1: Order Type Default - Indicate the default order type to be used when sales orders are created. **This is a required field for the integration to work.

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Variable 4: Default Order Status - Enter the default status to be used on created orders. **This is a required field for the integration to work.

Variable 6: Default Ship Method - Enter the ship method code you wish to use on non-drop ship orders if the default ship method on the customer is not set. **This is a required field for the integration to work.

Variable 7: Default Drop Ship Ship Method - Enter the default drop-ship shipping method code to use if the imported ship method code = "Drop". **This is a required field for the integration to work.

Variable 9: Default Customer - By default, the process will use the customer number supplied on the import table. But if the customer number imported is invalid, then we need to have a default customer to use for the sales order we create. **Only available if you are running version 20.1 or higher of e-automate. 

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Variable 3: On Hold Code - Optional to specify an on-hold code to be used for all orders created with no errors. If left blank, orders with no errors will not be placed on hold. 

Variable 8: On Hold Code for Errors - Enter the specific On Hold code to be used when there are errors on the order. **This is a required field for the integration to work.

Variable 11: In Process On Hold Code - Specify an on-hold code to be used while the order is being created by the sync. **This is a required field for the integration to work.

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Variable 10: Error Item Number - Enter an item number to be used on the sales order when the sync can't find a matching item in e-automate to use. Example Item#: **ItemError. **This is a required field for the integration to work.

Variable 2: Department - Enter the department code to use on orders created by the sync. 

Variable Z: Branch Source - Indicate whether the branch on created orders should pull from the customer record or the sales rep record in e-automate. 

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Variable 12: Group Renumber - Set the variable to yes if you are importing multiple orders that are related (for example, one order per host equipment for a multi-equipment order) and wish to renumber all the sales orders to be sequential with the same main sales order number.

Variable 5: Renumber Invoices - Enter yes to renumber the e-automate sales invoice to match the invoice number from the external system.

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Variable W: Sales Messages - If you would like to have the process update the sales order messages tab, indicate here the concatenation of the possible combinations to incorporate into the message:

SourceID - ID# from the host system (SourceID column of import table)

DoNotWriteMessage - no description added

DealNumber - The deal number from the third-party. (DealNumber column of import table)

PriceBookName - if your integration has special pricing options enabled on quotes and they are populating our column PriceBookName. (PriceBookName column of import table)

Imported SONumber from CRM

Imported Description - Description column from the import table.

Variable Hidden2: Update Sales Order Message - if you want the process to add the options selected in Variable W to the sales order message, select Yes. When set to No, the process will not add a sales order message.

Variable Hidden1: Update Sales Order Detail Remarks - If you want the sales order detail remarks from the import table added to the line item detail on the sales order select Yes. When set to No, the process will not add these line item details.

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Variable Hidden3: Create Jobs - By default the process does not create jobs, if you are using jobs with one of the two supported use cases, choose that case from the drop-down to have the process create jobs.

Processor Assigned: use a job on an order to indicate the sales order processor who will be handling the processing of the order/deal through e-automate

Deal Costing: link all the transactions associated to getting an equipment 'deal' processed.

Variable Hidden4: Create Ordered by Contact - If you would like the process to create the order by contact select Yes in this variable. To create the contact, the integration must populate the OrderedByEmail, OrderedByFirstName, and OrderedByLastName.

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Import Table

Import Table

For each integration used with ID634, the data is populated into our import table and the sales order is created based on this information. 

Below is a list of the column names in the import table that are either required to be populated or are optional to be populated in the table. The full list of columns in the import table are noted in the spreadsheet attached at the bottom of this post. **Please review the spreadsheet for the full list of columns, this is not an exhaustive list of all columns in the table**

ImpSONumber - This is the Sales Order number from your 3rd party system. We will use this number as the SO Number created. If the data pushed is not coming from our Quote Conversion process, then a value in SourceID or ImpSONumber must be provided.

ImpInvNumber - This is the Invoice number from your 3rd party system . After the imported sales orders are Fulfilled in e-automate, the process will identify the created invoice and change the invoice number to this imported number.

Description - Sales Order Description, optional.

ImpCustomerNumber - Must correspond to your e-automate Customer Number. REQUIRED

ImpShipToCustomerNumber - Optional, if none is provided, then we will use ImpCustomerNumber

SODate - Will use today/date of import unless you tell us otherwise, optional.

SalesRepNumber - The e-Automate employee agent number of the sales rep associated with the order. if blank will default to the rep assigned to the customer.

SOBranchNumber - The GLBranch to be associated with the sales order. This branch will override the branch settings in Variable Z.

PONumber - If provided, will be pushed as the PO number on the sales order.

Item - This must correspond to an item number in e-automate, or have an item template to be used to create the item.

DetailDesc - This is the description you wish to be written to the sales order detail lines (it will override the EA item description)

Qty - Item quantity. REQUIRED

UnitPrice - Specify or we will default to price on Item

DetailID - Used to determine the sales order detailid. If you leave this column null, the process will auto assign a unique detailid within the ImpSONumber/SourceID grouping.

EquipmentNumber - If there is a particular Equipment record to be associated to the line item, this would be populated in the import with the appropriate equipment number from e-automate.

ContractNumber - If there is a particular contract record to be associated to the line item, this would be populated in the import with the appropriate contract number from e-automate.

Remarks - Remarks to be added to the sales order. Remarks are added to the Remarks tab of the order and each line items remarks are added to the line item remarks.

Notes - Notes to be added to the sales order. Notes are added on the messages tab of the order and to the line item notes.

WarehouseNumber - If the item is set up as a stocking item, then the e-automate warehouse number must be included in the import records.

BinNumber - If the item is setup as a stocking item, then the associated e-automate bin should be included in the import records (unless the client has the proper default sales fulfillment bin setup for the item in e-automate)

OutCost - If there is a salesrep outcost, include that amount in the import

ParentID - The line item sales order detail Parent line item id. Only populated if importing sales order details that will be using the parent/child line item hierarchy.

ImpBillToCustomerNumber - The e-automate customer number for the Bill To record to be associated to the sales order.

SourceID - If the imported data is not pushing in a value into ImpSONumber column (which would be used as the e-automate order number when created), then you will have to provide a unique SourceID that would represent the common value across rows that are to be grouped into a single sales order. Either SourceID or ImpSONumber must be provided (if data is not coming in from converted quotes).           

ShipToAttn - This will override any defaults from the Customer record if provided to populate SOOrders.

ShipToName - This will override any defaults from the Customer record if provided to populate SOOrders.

ShipToAddress - This will override any defaults from the Customer record if provided to populate SOOrders.

ShipToCity - This will override any defaults from the Customer record if provided to populate SOOrders.

ShipToState - This will override any defaults from the Customer record if provided to populate SOOrders.

ShipToZip - This will override any defaults from the Customer record if provided to populate SOOrders.

ShipToCountry - This will override any defaults from the Customer record if provided to populate SOOrders.

OnHoldCode - REQUIRED if we need to put On Hold, otherwise will default to Variable3.

OrderType - REQUIRED or will default to Variable1.

ContactNumber - The Eautomate contact number to be used as the 'ordered by' on the sales order header.

ReqDate - If value is provided, this will be used as the order required by date.

ShipMethod - If value is provided, it will be applied as the shipmethod on the order. Typical use would be for drop ship quotes converted.

DetailParentID - This would be the recursive DetailID to associate detail line items to a Parent line item. If provided, then it's expected the import is also providing the DetailID on the import, and then the process will update the SOOrderDetails DetailParentID to create the desired parent/child relationship on the order.

ConfigID - From, this is the Host device in the configuration, required from SFAD integrations.

ConfigShipID - From, this is the individual items… Note: the ParentID column coming in from AgentDealer is the numeric portion of ConfigShipID and it points back to the 'Host' configshipID

IsDevice - to indicate if the item is a machine/accessory, the process will only link devices to the Host Item from the quote

ShipToContactNumber - The e-automate contact number (CMContacts.ContactNumber) to be used as the 'Shipping Contact' on the sales order line items (SOOrderDetails.ShippingContactID)

TargEAOrderStatus - The order status you wish to be applied to orders newly populated. This value must match a valid EA OrderStatus.

ImpSource - This column is meant to identify the 'source' of the import (ie: SFAD, Quotes, etc).  This column is populated by the specific ID634 subscription importing data to the table. Any feed to the import table that is not from on of our alerts should use 'Client' as the source.

DeliveryRemarks - Additional delivery instructions are to be passed through to the EA Sales Order remarks. Please note, the remarks column is limited to 1024 characters.

JobNumber - E-automate JOB# to associate to transactions

HiddenLine - if a line item on an order should be 'hidden' when printing.

RollUpPrice - indicate if an item price is to be 'rolled' up into the Parent line item.

ConfigParentShipID - If you are unable to populate the DetailID and ParentDetailID (the DetailID that accessory lines in a configuration belong to) then we can discuss how to use the ConfigShipID / ConfigParenShipID to accomplish the same relationship of host/accessory.

LineNumber - This is not required but it basically is what is used to display line item relationships in the EA UI (ie 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc to visually reference parent/child (host/accy) relationships. We will populate this column if left null.

TaxCode - The EA TaxCode to be applied to the order. Leave null and EA will use the Shipto customer's tax code.

TermsCode - The EA Terms code to be applied to the sales order ( leave null to let EA determine default terms).

Message - Message to be added to the sales order 'message' block (we take the max value based upon a grouping by the SOURCEID ) column.

Freight - if freight is to be added to the sales order..(note: we take the max value of this freight column across all rows with common SOURCEID).

DealNumber - if you have a visible deal# from your quote you need to populate to EA pass that value here.

OrderedByEmail - This is used to create a new contact record in EA if there not a contact with the same email address that exists in EA.  If not found, the process will create the new contact (using the OrderedByFirstName/OrderedByLastName columns) and associate the new contact to the customer on the order, and then associate this new contact to the sales order as the 'OrderedBy' contact.

OrderedByFirstName - see above ordered by email.

OrderedByLastName - see above ordered by email.

OrderdByPhone - see above ordered by email.

RowsExpected - This is the total number of rows included on the order. This is required and used to verify that all items are added to the sales order. (Sync will not process orders till the number of lines in the table for an order match the rows expected value.) REQUIRED


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

Data from third-party integrations is pushed to the CEO Juice background table and used to create sales orders in e-automate.

Jump to: Third-Party Integrations | Customers | Order Number | Description | Order Type | Sales Reps | PO Number | Ordered By | Branch | Warehouse| Department | Order Status | Error Item | Bill To | Ship To | Ship Methods | Terms | Tax Code | Jobs | On Hold Codes | Outcost | Messages Tab | Remarks | Parent/Child Line Items | Order Grouping | Error Details | Clones

Third-Party Integrations

Third-Party Integrations

For each integration used, a separate subscription to ID634 will be used, with the third-party notification set in variable Y. Currently, ID634 can integrate with these third parties:

  • Salesforce Agent Dealer: Clients can use an ETL utility called SKYVVA for integration from SalesForce. SKYVVA allows you to map the data from SalesForce to the import table's columns.
  • ConnectWise: Subscribe to ID966 to push sales orders from ConnectWise to e-automate.
  • Supplies Network: Subscribe to ID30 to push sales orders from Supplies Network to e-automate.
  • FM Audit: Subscribe to ID29, this process is currently in Beta.
  • KPAX: Subscribe to ID76, this process is currently in Beta.
  • Sharp MICAS: Subscribe to ID32, this process is currently in Beta.
  • Printanista: Subscribe to ID192, this process is currently in Beta.
  • B2B Toolbox: Subscribe to ID126, this process is currently in development.
  • Autotask: Subscribe to ID915 to push sales orders from Autotask to e-automate. This process is currently in development.
  • EA Quote: Subscribe to ID742.
  • Client: If you are manually pushing to the import table from another source, set the integration to Client.

As new integrations are added, this list will be updated. (Current as of 4/10/2024)



The customer number imported into the ImpCustomerNumber column of the import table must match the customer number in e-automate. If you are on a version of e-automate higher than 20.1, you can choose to use a default customer to use on orders where there is no match to an e-automate customer number. If there is no customer match, and no default set, the order will not import.

customer on order.jpg

Order Number 

Order Number

If an order number is specified in the ImpSONumber column of the table, that number will be used as the sales order number in e-automate. If no order number is specified, the next sales order number from e-automate will be used.

order number.jpg

Additionally, you have the option to group renumber the orders in e-automate when variable 12 is set to yes. This is used when you have one order from the CRM that is split by ship to location or host, the group renumber will renumber the created sales orders with a -1, -2, etc, so that all orders are linked in e-automate.

order number grouping.jpg


Sales Order Description

The sales order description is determined by the values selected in Variable W. The options are:

1. SourceID - The data from the SourceID column in the import table.

2. DoNotWriteMEssage - No data is populated in the description field.

3. DealNumber - The data from the DealNumber column of the import table.

4. PriceBookName - The data from the PriceBookName of the import table.

5. ImportedSONumberfromCRM

6. The imported description - the value in the description table of the import table.

7. DeliveryRemarks

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Order Type 

Order Type

If the imported order has a type set, that is the order that will be used on the order. If the import table does not have a value for order type, the default set in Variable 1 will be used.

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Order Types can be found in e-automate in Tools - Lists and Codes - Sales order types:


Sales Reps 

Sales Reps

To link the sales rep from the CRM order to the created sales order in e-automate, you'll need to populate the SalesRepNumber column in the import table with the employee number from e-automate:


If no sales rep is mapped in the import table, then the sales rep is pulled from the customer record.

PO Number

PO Number

If there is a PO number populated on the PO field of the import table, that value will be posted to the PO number field on the order in e-automate.

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Ordered By Contact

Ordered By Contact

Beginning in the 20240326 version, if the Hidden4 variable is set to Yes, the sales order creation process will attempt to populate the Ordered by contact field on the sales order. 

ordered by contact.jpg

At a minimum, the OrderedByEmail column in the ZCJ_ImpSOOrderDetails table must be populated with an email address. The first step is to check the email address in the OrderedByEmail column and see if that email address exists in e-automate on a contact record. If an exact match is found, that contact will be linked as the Ordered by contact. 

If no match is found, a new contact record will be created in e-automate. In order for a new contact to be created, the OrderedByFirstName and OrderedByLastName column of the ZCJ_ImpSOOrderDetails table must be populated.



In variable Z, you can specify if the branch on the sales order is pulled from the customer record or the sales rep record. If the SOBranchNumber column of the import table is populated, that value will override the setting in variable Z.

Customer Branch:


Sales Rep Branch:





The logic follows this sequence to find the warehouse to use on the order if nothing is specified in the import table:

1. The default warehouse for the branch used on the order.


2. If there is no value for the warehouse at this branch, the logic moves to the default warehouse for the customer's branch.


3. If there is no value for the warehouse for the customer's branch, the logic moves to the warehouse set for the main branch.




The department will be assigned based on this hierarchy:

1. A department is specified in the import table.

2. A default department is set in Variable 2.

If neither of the above applies, the department field will be blank on the order.

order department.jpg

Order Status

Order Status

The order status specified in variable four will be used on all orders created by ID634:



Error Item

Error Item

An error item is required for the sync to work, it's used whenever the sync is unable to either create a new item, or find a matching item in e-automate. The error item needs to have either an inventory or expense code and a sales code:


The description, quantity, and pricing on the order will match the imported details:


You'll need to cancel the error item from the order and add the proper item once it has been created.

Order Bill To

Order Bill To

The bill to on the order will match the bill to customer that is set in the import table. If no bill to customer is specified, the bill to on the order will be set to the customer on the sales order header.

bill to.jpg


Order Ship To

Order Ship To

The order ship to will match the ship to customer set in the import table. If no ship to customer is specified in the import table, the ship to will be set to the customer on the sales order header.

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Ship Methods 

Ship Methods

The default ship method that will be used on the sales orders will be the default setting on the customer:


If there is no ship method set on the customer record, the default standard shipping method set in variable 6 will be used. If the order is set as a drop ship order, the sync will use the default drop-ship method specified in variable 7.

Shipping methods are found in e-automate in Lists and Codes - Shipping Methods:




The terms on the order will be pulled from the customer record, unless a valid terms code is specified in the import table.

terms code.jpg

Tax Code

Tax Code

The tax code on the sales order will be pulled from the Ship to customer record in e-automate.

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Starting with the 20240326 version there is an option to create jobs in e-automate for SFAD orders imported. There are currently two use cases for creating jobs:

Processor Assigned: The job number in e-automate is used to indicate the sales order processor that will be handling the processing of the order.

Job/Deal Costing: The job number in e-automate is used to link all associated transactions to getting the equipment deal processed. This use case is for future development.

Set the Hidden3 variable to the use case that applies or leave as Not using jobs to not create jobs. 

When Hidden3 is set to Processor, the EAUserID column of the import table will need to be populated with a valid e-automate user login. 

job ea userid.jpg

The order insert will attempt to match the value in the EAUserID column to a job number in e-automate:

job 2.jpg

If a match is found, that job will be applied to the sales order. If no match is found the process will create a new job for the e-automate user.

On Hold Codes 

On Hold Codes

There are two required on hold codes for the order import and one optional on hold code:

In progress on hold code: While the import is creating the order, this hold code will be applied to the order. This indicates that the order should not be edited as it's still in the process of being created. This is specified in variable 11.

Error on hold code: This hold code indicates that there was an error on the order that needs to be resolved. This hold code is set in variable 8.

On hold code: There is an option to place all orders that do not have any errors on hold. This is done by specifying a hold code in variable 3. 

In e-automate, on hold codes are found in Lists and Codes - On Hold Codes




The outcost on the order will be the sum of the data in the outcost column of the import table.


Sales Messages

Sales Messages

The notes posted in the import table column for messages will show on the messages tab of the sales order. If you do not want the messages tab of the order populated, you can set the Hidden2 variable to no. If Hidden2 is set to Yes, anything in the notes column of the import table, plus any columns specified in Variable W will be added to the messages tab.

Details of any errors on the sales order will also be posted to the messages tab.

sales messages.jpg

The data from the notes column will also post to the notes section for each line item:

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The data in the remarks column of the import table will post in the Remarks tab of the order:

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The data in the remarks column will also post to the remarks for each line item on the sales order:

line item remarks.jpg


Parent Child Assoc

Parent / Child Line Item Association

The order import can assign parent/child relationships on the order in e-automate based on the sequence of the items in the import table. 



Order Grouping

Order Grouping

You can create orders grouped by either the ship to location or the host configuration by selecting the option in variable X. Orders that are grouped by the ship to location will create one order per ship to location, all items associated to that ship to will be on the order. If orders are grouped by the host configuration there will be one order per machine.

If you are using one of these two options you may also want to set variable 12 to use the group renumber functions. This will renumber linked orders so that the order numbers are the same, with an incremented number after the order number for each additional order in the group. For example, the orders would show as SO123-1, SO123-2, SO123-3, etc.

Error Details

Error Details

The sales order insert is designed to have very few reasons why an order would not import at all, most errors on the order will not stop the order from being created and will be detailed on the Messages tab.

The one error that will stop the order from being created is if the imported customer number for the order doesn't match a customer number in e-automate. If you are on a newer version of e-automate you can use the default customer number variable to have these orders imported. (Versions of e-automate prior to 20.1 do not allow the customer to be changed after the order is created.

The most common error is that the item doesn't exist in e-automate or can't be created from the template. If the process can not find a matching item or can't create an item based on the template, the error item will be added to the order. The description, quantity, and price will all match the item that should have been added to the order.



Each third-party integration will need a separate subscription for ID634, after the first subscription is created additional subscriptions are created by clicking on the + sign below ID634:


On the new subscription created, set the specific integration to be used in Variable Y. This clone of ID634 will not push sales orders into e-automate until moved to live mode by CEO Juice.



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

Custom eView

Custom eView

As part of the installation of the sales order import, we will install a custom eView showing the details of the imported orders. You'll find this eView in the System section of eViews. The included columns are listed below, they are also included on the schema spreadsheet attached at the bottom of this post.

[SourceID] - This is the value from the 3rd part importing, typically this is the overall "DEAL" identifier.

[ImpOrderNumber] - If the 3rd party is pushing an order# to use this is the value they pushed. The process will use this as the EA Order# (if the imported number doesn't already exist)

[SFADDealNumber] - The SFAD deal number.

[DealNumber] - The column in the import table for the deal number.

[OrderCustomer] - This is the EA Customer name matched to the imported value in the ImpCustomerNumber column.

[OrderBillTo] - This is the EA Customer name matched to the imported value in the ImpBillToCustomerNumber column.

[OrderShipTo] - This is the EA Customer name matched to the imported value in the ImpShipToCustomerNumber column.

SO Number - If the order was successfully created in EA , this will be the SONumber from that order. A blank value indicates either there was an error preventing the order from being created, or the process hasn't triggered to process this order (runs every 15 min). 

[ImpOrderType] - The order type from the import table.

Order status - The current order status of the EA sales order.

[OrderedbyEmail] - The email from the contact on the order, if mapped in the import table.

Item - This is the EA Item# matched to the ImpItem value. Blank values indicate the imported item# cannot be found in EA

[ImpItem] - The Item# imported from the 3rd party source

Item description - The EA item description (if ImpItem matched to an EA Item#)

[ImpItemDescription] - The line item description imported from the 3rd party source. 

[ImpQty] - The Qty imported to use for the order line item

[ImpUnitPrice] - Unit price imported to use as the unit price on the sales order line item

[ImpOutCost] - OutCost value from 3rd party to use on the imported line item details (will override the Eautomate default outcost value on the item) 

[ImpOrderDescription] - Imported value to use as the sales order description (the process will also pre-pend the imported description with "SourceID:" and the value from the SourceID column if it's provided. This is to help users visually match & sort orders by the visible DealID value imported.

[ImpOrderRemarks] - Imported values to insert into the sales order remarks.

[ImpSource] - Indicates the "source" of the data for this row. (SFAD for AgentDealer, SalesChain for SalesChain, EAQuote for eautomate quote conversions, etc)

[ImpIsDevice] - This column was inserted to help identify 'equipment/accy' items from misc non-accy items. 1 means the item on this row is a machine/device, 0 means it's not

[ConfigID] - This is the configuration master ID for imported quote details and is used to 'group' the parent-child relationships. All rows with the same ConfigID are part of the same configuration grouping

[ImpCustomerNumber] - The customer number from the import table

[ImpShipToCustomer] - The ship to customer from the import table

[ImpBillToCustomer] - The bill to customer from the import table.

[ParentID] - The line item sales order detail Parent line item id…if importing sales order details that will be using the parent/child line item hierarchy

[SODetailID] - If the row was processed into an EA order successfully, this is the EA SOOrderDetails DetailID 

[DataErrors] - If there were any errors on this row (customer number not found, bill to not found, ship to not found, item not found, rep not found) will contain the value(s) that were not matched in EA at the time this row was processed

[DateImported] - This is the date time stamp of when this row was inserted into our import table from the 3rd party source

[ImpPriceBook] - If the 3rd party allows for reps to select special pricing books to be used for ordering, this is the value of the PriceBookName they inserted 

[ImpRollUpPrice] - If this 'row's price should be rolled up into the Parent line item on the order details , then the value imported should be "1". If the item should not rollup, the value should be "0" 

[ImpHideLine] - If this line should be 'hidden' when the EA order prints, this value imported s/b "1". If not to be hidden, value s/b "0". (this is the checkbox on the EA SalesOrder line item edit screen "Hide on sales order/invoice". If this value is "1" (hide), then the ImpRollUpPrice column must be "1" as well. 

[ImpJobNumber] - The EAJobNumber to associated with this sales order. The JobNumber must exist in EA before the deal is pushed down if you intend to use Job#'s.

[ImpDeptNumberr] - The Eautomate GL department number to be associated with the sales order line items (requires version 20.x of EA or higher!)

[ImpBranchNumber] - The Eautomate BranchNumber to associate to the sales order. If this value is not imported then the process will use either the Branch assigned to the Customer record, or the SalesReps' branch based upon your settings in the ID634 subscription for VariableZ "BranchSource"

[ImpSalesRepNumber] - The imported value that should match to the EA EmployeeNumber for the SalesRep to assign to the sales order

Sales rep - If the Imported value in ImpSalesRepNumber matched successfully to an EA employee number, the EA employee name will display here.

EAQuoteNumber - If this row came from our process to convert EA Quotes to sales orders, this column is the EAQuote# it came from

ImpQuoteNumber - This is the imported value of the EAQuote# to convert 

ImpQuoteID - This is the QuoteID from SOQuotes for our quote conversion imports

ImpQuoteDetailID - This is the DetailID from SOQuoteDetailss for our quote conversion imports



*  *  *

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*  *  * 



Table Schema

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