
Survey Response options with FACE EMOJI Icons to select

CEO Juice offers the option to add Happy and Sad faces as a way for your customers to share their feedback.

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You now have the ability to add faces as an option in our various survey cover emails, so your customers click on a face image that matches their level of satisfaction with the service provided by your company.

This option can be added to any of the various CEO Juice surveys we offer. ID109 service call survey is our most popular, followed by ID220 supply order shipment feedback, and ID312 new equipment install survey.





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Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 4.48.27 PM.png



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality


When your customer clicks on one of the face options in the email, they will be directed to a landing page as below.

They have the option to change their selected face and add feedback in the comments box.

Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 4.33.44 PM.png

At the bottom of the landing page, there are two options:

a) Click the Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 11.20.15 AM.png at the bottom of the page to submit their one response only and close out the survey as completed. 



b) Click the Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 4.50.39 PM.pngat the bottom of the page to take them to the entire survey for them to complete and provide additional feedback.



Note: If your customer forgets to select either option at the bottom and closes the tab, our process will still pick up the face selection after one hour as their response, and process the response to you as normal.


There is an option to only have the one question with the faces and remove the additional questions permanently from your surveys.

Once the customer selected their face option in the email, they would be taken to this page below with a "Thank You for your Feedback" message.




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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID109 - service call surveys

ID220 - supply order surveys

ID312 - new equipment install surveys

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