
ID274 - Documents Left in eAutomate Customer Document Queue OR Invoices Not Printed Overview & Sample:

Notifies of documents in queue or not printed

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To notify if there are documents stuck in the eAutomate customer document queue and/or if there are invoices in past VariableW days that have not been printed either manually OR thru the document queue when their send method is Print. Alert will continue to notify you of documents in customer document queue until they are properly printed, emailed, or removed. Documents removed from queue will report once on alert for informational purposes.


Run Schedule:  Daily

Type of Output: Email


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Variable W: Enter number of days since created before document will reported on alert

Variable X: Enter Branch Numbers to trigger on, separated by comma, or leave blank for ALL


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Shows document left in eAuto Queue to Print OR invoices not printed which is most often caused by your eAgent task(s) failing. 


2. To figure out which document type(s) have not been sent open the document queue in eAuto, Reports / Customer document queue / Current Queue:


3. You need to check and make sure eAgent is setup correctly.  If you are using the document queue for faxing, printing, and emailing documents you will need three tasks.  The task is called “Autosend Customer Queue” or “Send From Customer Document Queue”.  This task can be setup in multiple ways.  Some people want each different type of document to have its own task which allows for them to have their own schedule, send from, and subject.  You need to have every document type setup. Be sure to check that you have an eAgent task for the document type stuck in the queue. Below is a screen shot of the eAgent task filter page:


4. The other issue that can happen is the invoice has not been printed manually.  This can happen because you want to use the Document queue but you forgot to change the company options.  Tools / Options / Company / Edit main branch settings / Report Options (Tab).  Make sure that the items you want queued are checked.


If you do not have Auto-approve invoices sent to the document queue checked, then you will need to manually approve the documents in the queue before they will be processed.

5. Also be sure to check your eAgent task(s) to ensure they are running. If not, then restart them and the documents should process. We have alert ID3, which checks to see if there are any past due tasks scheduled in eAgent. Past due eAgent tasks usually indicate that eAgent is not currently running.

eAgent is accessed via Tools / E-agent


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. When eAgent tasks in the queue fall behind schedule, try to manually run them (as your system may have been off-line when they should have processed).  If they run, with no error message, but continue to fall behind you may have to re-create the task (according to ECi).  However, before doing so, try changing the schedule, saving it, then changing back to the schedule you want.  If it resets and runs, you may not have to recreate the task.  



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID3 - eAgent Missed Scheduled Task

ID657 - Contract Invoice Batch Not Pushed to Document Queue


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