
ID388 - Low Profit Contract with New Service Call Overview & Sample:

Notifies real time for new service calls where contract profit is low.

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This alert is designed to give you a heads up when there is a new service call for a contract with low profit. Will also indicate if Supply Profit with extra note of "High Supply Cost" on email so tech can look for spare toner on the shelf.

Run Schedule: Every 15-minutes

Type of Output: Email


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Variable W: Profit Margin % (example: .10 for 10% profit etc) contract is below to trigger alert on

Variable X: Advise to look for spare toner if Supply Costs are X% or more of total costs (example: 0.3). Alert will add verbiage "High Supply Cost" so tech can look for spare toner when onsite.

Variable Z: Quantity of months contract has to have been 'active' for to be considered in this alert



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

-This alert is designed to give you a heads up when there is a new service call for a contract with low profit.  To calculate the profitability, the alert will look back 24 months, if the contract has been in place that long. If there are not two years of data, the alert will look back 12 months, then six months, then three months.

-Use the Variables to exclude brand new contracts and to set the profit levels. 

-Note this alert WILL provide false positives (bad data) if you maintain contracts which record only Costs or Revenue, but not both in one Contract Record.

-Only considers service call with status of pending


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

-See THIS LINK on Best Practices on how to set up one contract to bill base to leasing company and overage to your customer.



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID560 - Low Profit Contract up for Renewal/Escalation


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