Automatically enters Freight Charges on Contract Record
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This process adds the supply order freight charge to the contract, so the charge is invoiced on the next contract invoice, instead of on a zero dollar supply order. This avoids sending out multiple small dollar amount invoices for freight charges, and moves those charges onto the next Contract invoice to be billed.
This process maintains a permanent record on the Contract Record Miscellaneous tab of what was billed for which shipment, and when. The charge shows on customers invoice as separate line item.
Run Schedule: End of Day
Type of Output: Email
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Freight Charge on Contract Invoice:
Daily Summary:
Note that the summary will always show customers who were eligible for freight charges based on the variables set, however, if the custom property that controls if it actually charges or not is set to No Charge it will indicate that in the Action column of the summary. In other words, it will show you all eligible customers and will also show if it will actually charge or not.
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Variable 2: Price method for charge, Enter Markup, FlatRate, OR Cost.
FlatRate-fixed freight charge to be assigned to each charge
Markup-% markup applied to actual cost of freight. (i.e. Freight cost is 5.00. Multiply that by 1.50 for a 50% markup and you get $7.50). Requires Shipping Record have Freight Cost listed.
Cost-actual freight cost on Sales Order. If you select Cost, then you MUST have cost populated on each Sales Order Shipment:
Variable X:Enter your Flat Rate (per shipment) with decimals OR your multiplier Flat Rate in decimals (i.e. if multiplier is 15%, then enter 1.15 or for 30% enter 1.30or Multiplier for freight charge. **your entry MUST have three digits
(If using Cost as your Price Method, then enter 1.00 in VariableX, it has no function, but still needs a value.)
Variable 3: Misc Charge Code (not description) to use on Contract Charge (you will need to set this up or enter one you already have in eAuto)
Variable Y: Consider Credited Fulfillment reversals, enter Include or Exclude.
Include = Freight Charge will be removed if order credited.
Exclude = Freight Charge will still be incurred even if order credited.
Variable Z: Order Type(s) to Include (separate multiple with comma)
Variable 4: Enter Contract Bill Code(s) to include (blank for all, separate multiple with comma)
Variable 1: Enter Ship Method(s) to exclude from this process (separate multiple with comma)
Variable W: Custom Property on Customer/Contract custom properties defer/charge/no charge (we will create this for you)
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. This process will add freight charges to contracts billing both base and overages to a leasing company. However, before using for those types of contracts, confirm that your leasing company will bill for the freight charges in addition to the base and overage charges. If the contract is billing to Great America, they will bill freight charges but the description of the Misc. Charge Code must begin with GA- as shown below:
2. Looks at Sales Order Shipments where the Bill checkbox is not checked and the item is associated with a contract, it then adds the Misc Freight Charge to the contract. A supply order for staples that are chargeable & freight (not covered by a contract), will be excluded in this alert.
3. If multiple freight charges incurred, only one line item will appear on invoice showing TOTAL of all charges.
4. Sample of Daily Summary email, showing contracts that had a charge added. Reports Contract Number, SO invoice#, Tracking Number freight charge for reference. You will only receive daily summary IF there are qualifying orders (for both Test and Live mode). "SC" indicates the charge was based on the custom property set on the service contract. "CU" indicates the charge was based on the custom property set on the customer record.
Action column explanation: Cont#3162-01: SC No Charge / Inv# 67874 / 514564172011
Contract Number / Sales Order Invoice Number / Tracking Number
SC No Charge - means the Custom Property is set at the Contract Level and is set to NO Charge
SC Charge - means the Custom Property is set at the Contract Level and is set to Charge
CU No Charge - means the Custom Property is set at the Customer Level and is set to NO Charge
CU Charge - means the Custom Property is set at the Customer Level and is set to Charge
5. If you receive the summary and decide you want to override when a particular charge is assessed, this can be done by editing the charge line item and changing whether it bills with the base or overage or lease to override this global setting if needed. It will then bill accordingly with that contracts next invoice when pushed through the billing queue.
6. We will set this process up in Test Mode first so you can review before actually assessing charges to your customers. When switching the alert from test to live mode, the alert only looks back one day for qualifying Sales Orders. When set to live, the alert will only add charges to ones that previously didn't trigger in test mode. We could wipe the event log clear and change the look back if you want to assess charges for the last the last couple weeks or the last month. We wouldn't want to look back further than a month though.
7. Creating Misc Charge Code - The Misc Charge Code in Variable3 must exist in eAuto. We will NOT set this up for you, you will need to create.
The process does not consider the Method, so you can leave as seen in screen shot below as we use your variable settings to determine method. If you check off both Base & Overage, then the charge will bill with the next most recent billing whether it be base or overage. Most clients set this to overage to avoid any problems if the base might bill to an alternate party i.e. Lease company.
8. Once running live, the charge can be seen on Contract Record Miscellaneous tab:
**You can uncheck 'Show only current charges' to see charges already billed.
Details of Sales Order created for each charge shows in the Notes:
9. Using Custom Property - we will set up the Custom Property ZCJFreightChargesToContract for you with default of Charge. This Custom Property can be used to turn OFF this process on a specific Contract Record OR to defer to the settings on the Customer Record. Can set on Parent Customer to affect all linked locations. Hierarchy is first contract record, then customer record in header of contract, then customer record in the bill to of the contract.
**If Custom Property is BLANK, that is same as Charge**
Charge is to asses the Misc Charge for freight
No Charge is to NOT assess the Misc Charge for freight
Defer is used to push the alert to look at another level for the setting. So if you had defer set on the contract record then it would look to the customer record.
Contract Record:
Customer Record:
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
1. As of version 20220331, send daily summary to Branch Role function now exists (there is no variable to limit by branch as you set via Custom Property which customers/contracts the fees will be assessed on:
2. You must be following best practice of linking your supply orders to the contract and shipping the Sales Order BEFORE fulfilling, see this post for best practices. If you are not shipping first, but rather fulfilling first, then you break the ability for user to "ship" the order in eAuto. Note that if you have more than one contract linked to the same sales order and all contracts are eligible for this process, the freight charge will be split evenly across all contracts.
Custom Property Set Up
Step 1: Create Attribute via Lists & Codes / Attributes / New:
Attribute Name: ZCJFreightChargesToContract
Description: Bill Freight Charges as Misc Charge on Contract
Data Type: User-Defined lookup
Lookup List: Charge
No Charge (must have space between words)
Step 2: Assign Attribute to BOTH Customer and Contract Configurations via Lists & Codes / Configurations (Custom Properties). Shown below is just Customer Properties, so be sure to also do for Contract Properties:
** Be sure to set default of Charge and select 'Quick Add' before selecting OK
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID216 - Send Order Confirmation for Sales Order Entry
ID200 - Send Supply Shipment Email with tracking Details to Customers
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