
ID200 - Send Tracking Details for Sales Order Shipments Overview & Sample:

This process emails your customers when a supply order has shipped and includes tracking information if it is on the e-automate shipment record.

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Real time shipment confirmation available to your customers and less time on the phone for your staff providing updates. This alert will give your customers the tools to track their shipment(s) by sending an email with the UPS/FedEx link when you ship the order and we also include back order information. In addition, you can attach an optional survey link to get feedback on the supplies team (ID220). We can even set up your organization with a n integration that will automatically populate eAuto with the tracking info so your staff don’t have to (ID34 or ID530). 

The alert will send to the "Ordered by" contact on the sales order and also to the shipping contact set on either the sales order or equipment record. Additionally, you can designate a set "help desk" contact on the customer record to send the alert to if needed. 

(See clones ID618, ID643, ID718, ID976, and ID977 for additional options for branches.)


Run Schedule: Daily about 4:30 PM

Type of Output: Email


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We can customize the verbiage, logo, fonts, and colors on the email that sends out. See this link for details.

Email to Customer:



Daily Summary:



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Variable W: Custom Property to disable customer contacts from receiving the alert. The default custom property is ZCJDisableShipConf

Variable X: Order Types to Include (separate list by commas)

Variable Y: Category for contact to opt-out, the default category is ZCJDNSShipConf.

Variable Z: Sales order stage that the alert will trigger on, default is Shipped.

Enter 'TrackingNumber' to have the alert trigger when the tracking number is entered **Note, if you select Tracking Number and there is no Tracking Number listed on Shipment Record, then NO email will send to your customer.


Enter 'Shipped' to trigger when the order is shipped


Enter 'Invoiced to trigger' when the order is invoiced.

If VariableZ left blank, then defaults to Shipped.



Variable 1: Ship Methods to use (separate by comma or blank for ALL)


Variable 2Custom property for help desk contact. Custom property set on the Customer Record to send the notification to a set help desk contact, the default value is ZCJOrderShipHelpDesk.

Variable 3: Mode: Enter Suppress to only send to the help desk contact or leave blank to send to ALL ordered by contacts. **Please note, select what will be the majority of how you want this process to run and then you can manually set the exceptions via Custom Property.

Variable 4: Indicate here if you wish to include the Sales Order Remarks from the sales order (Yes) or to not include the sales order remarks.


Variable 6: Include open/backordered items? Select 'Yes' if you wish to include in the body of the email any un-shipped/backordered items from the sales order at the time this alert goes out.  'No' will only send items shipped on the shipment processed for this alert

Variable 5: Branch Numbers for alert to trigger on, separated by comma OR leave blank for ALL


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. As of Revision 20220805:  On your alert subscription, emails listed in TO receive emails sent to customers, emails listed on CC receive Daily Summary ONLY, emails listed in BCC receive both actual emails and daily summary. 

2. If any 'Send To' box is checked on the subscription, those recipients will be listed in the CC field of the emailed notification:

Check Box Recipients.jpg

3. As of Revision 20220805: Email will include Shipment Notes (from Shipment Record)



4. This alert will still send a notification even when an order is on credit hold. The purpose of this alert is to let the customer know you shipped some or all of their order.  The customer is not notified by this alert of their credit status. That will still be up to your AR representative to resolve.

5. As with all of our customer-facing alerts, we will install this in test mode until you review it and let us know you are ready to start sending it to your customer.

6. Alert will look back 24 hours for qualifying orders, except on Monday when it looks back 72 hours.

7. Sales orders must be shipped first and then fulfilled within 24 hours of the shipment. Please see THIS LINK for best practice on entering tracking information and how to ensure your Ship/Fulfill Process will meet this alert requirement.

8. The "click here to track . . . " link will be a part of your email as long as you enter tracking information into the sales order when shipping. It uses the shipping company set in the "Shipping method" (via Lists & Codes) in eAutomate. ECI only provides four shipping companies that come standard. If you need another shipping company associated with a shipping method, please contact and we can write it into your back-end tables in e-automate for you.

Shipping company set here:


Who Will Receive

Who will receive the alert?

By default, this alert sends to the "Ordered by" contact, the shipping contact, and a help desk contact (if set on the customer record.) To set the alert to ONLY send to the help desk contact, and NOT send to the ordered by or shipping contact, set Variable 3 to Suppress. If Variable 3 is blank, the alert will send to ALL ordered by, shipping and help desk contacts set. Each of these contacts must have a valid email address for the alert to trigger correctly. If one of these areas is blank, or does not have a valid email address, it will only send the alert to the areas that are not missing this information. 

Please note, that shipping contact can be populated on the sales order itself or on each line item on the sales order.  If populated on the line item of the sales order, an email will be sent for each different Shipping contact assigned at the line item level, so if four line items with four different Shipping contacts, the Ordered By and Help Desk contacts will be copied on all four emails sent.


The "Ordered by" contact is here on the sales order:

The shipping contact is shown here on the sales order:


Shipping contact is often populated here on Equipment Record:


The help desk contact would be set on the customer record as shown below. The alert will still send to this fixed contact even if you have 'Ordered by' or 'Shipping Contact' fields blank.

Please note alert only considers Custom Property set up on Customer Record here in Sales Order (will not consider Bill To or Parent Customers):



How to Opt-Out Customers from this alert:

1. To turn the alert off for the entire customer, set the custom property ZCJDisableShipConf on the customer record to 'Disable'. This will turn off the tracking details email for all orders for this customer. Note, the alert will only consider this custom property for the customer set as the customer on the sales order (see screenshot above) and does NOT consider the Bill to or Parent customer.


2. To turn off the alert for a specific contact, add the contact category ZCJDNSShipConf to the contact record:


Orders Ship Methods

What Orders and Ship Methods to Send?

Use Variable X to determine what Order Types (not Order Type Description) to send this email notice on (i.e. Supply, Equipment, Other). Or leave Variable X blank and the alert will send on ALL shipped and not filter out by Order Type.

Order Type on the sales order is set here:


Use Variable1 to determine what Ship Methods (UPS, FedEx) to send this email notice on. Or leave Variable1 blank to send on ALL Ship Methods.

**Please note, this alert requires order do contain a Ship Method (even if your subscription Variable1 is set to fire on ALL Ship Methods.**

The ship method is set on the Billing/Shipping tab of the sales order:


When will Send?

When will Email Send?

Use Variable Z to determine what stage the email will send.

Tracking umber=fires when tracking number entered on the shipment record (please note if no tracking number entered, then alert will not send at all)


Invoiced=fires when invoiced


Shipped=fires when shipped

Send From

Who to send from?

Since this a customer-facing alert, we do recommend that the from email address for the alert comes from one of your department emails your customer can reply to (i.e. supplies@ OR customerservice@). We can make that change on your subscription, but please make sure CEOJuice has permission to send as that email address otherwise no emails will send out. Please see THIS POST on setting those permissions up.

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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. Please see THIS LINK for differences between ID216 and ID200 and our UPS Integration.

2. Please see THIS POST on how to enter tracking info and on how to ensure your Ship/Fulfill Process will meet the alert requirement.

3. For details on using PO Processor with ID200 see THIS POST.

4. Consider our UPS Integration (ID530) or our OnShip Integration (ID34) so you don't have to manually enter tracking info into eAuto.

5. Alert will look back 24 hours for qualifying orders, except on Monday when it looks back 72 hours.

6. We can tweak your process so it will also send to Other emails on Contact Records. If needed, please reach out to asking us to set ID200 to consider Other emails. If you have multiple emails listed in the Other emails field, separate them with a semi-colon please.


Custom Property Set Up

Custom Property Set Up

There are two custom properties needed for this alert:





 The contact category of ZCJDNSShipConf is set under Contact Categories:


If there are any questions on setting up either the custom property or the contact category, please send an email to


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID34 - OnShip Integration

ID165 - Sales Order Missing Ordered By Contact

ID216 - Send order confirmation for Sales Order entry.

ID220 - Supply Order Survey

ID530 -UPS Integration

ID750 - Combine Freight Charges on Contract Record


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