
ID216 - Send Order Confirmation for Sales Order Overview & Sample:

This alert emails the contact listed on a Supply Order the details of their order with your customized verbiage, logo, signature, etc. 

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Keep your customers in the loop and avoid them calling your team for updates. This alert sends an automated confirmation email to your customer for the supply order just placed. Not only will this provide even better customer service, but it will also save your staff some phone calls! We also give you the option to send these notifications to a fixed Helpdesk email address each time.

Note: This alert will still send a notification even when an order is on credit hold.  The purpose of this alert is to let the customer know you received and placed their order.  The customer is not notified by this alert of their credit status. That will still be up to your AR rep to resolve.

As with all of our customer-facing alerts, we will install this in Test Mode until you review and let us know you are ready to start sending it to your customer (Live Mode).

(ID216 main, see clones ID655, ID745, ID146, ID710, ID975)

Run Schedule: Every 10 minutes

Type of Output: Email


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We can customize the verbiage, logo, fonts, and colors on the email that sends out, see this link for details.

Standard Sample:


Backorder Sample:


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Variable W: Custom property to disable sending alert to the customer. The default value is ZCJOrderConfToOrderedBy.

Variable X: Category for the contact to opt-out of receiving the alert. The default value is ZCJDNSOrderConf.

Variable Y: Custom property for the Help Desk contact set on the customer record to send the alert to a static help desk contact. The default value is ZCJOrderConfHelpDesk.


Variable Z: Mode, default is NoSupress to send to all Ordered By contacts on the sales order. Set to Suppress to ONLY send alert to the help desk contact and NOT to the Ordered By contact. (NotSuppress is same as NoSuppress)

Variable 1: Order Types to include on alert, separate order types by comma, or leave blank to trigger for all order types that contain the string 'Suppl'.


Variable 2: Calendar Days after order creation to notify customer of backorder status (first notice)

Leave at 9999 to not use backorder status emails

Variable 3: Calendar Days after order order creation to notify of backorder status again (second notice - additional backorder follow-up)

Leave at 9999 to not use backorder status emails


Variable 4: Branch Numbers for alert to trigger on (Separated by comma) OR leave blank for ALL


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

-Alert will send if order is open or shipped. But if order is fulfilled before our alert fires, then we will not be able to send notice of order confirmation. 

Who to send to?

Who to send to?

When setting up this alert, you can select whether to send to all ordered by contacts or only a set help desk contact via Variable Z. You may want to only send to a fixed contact OR to the contact listed in the "Ordered by" field of the sales order OR both.

Variable Z=Enter 'Suppress' or 'NotSuppress'

Suppress turns off sending to ALL "Ordered by" contacts (listed on sales order) and will only send to the help desk contact.

Not Suppress will send to ALL "Ordered by" contacts listed on the sales order who qualify based on the order type(s) listed in Variable1 and any help desk contacts that are set on the customer record.

The "Ordered by" field is here:

Remember this 'Ordered by' contact must have a valid email address in the contact's record.

If you have a contact who wants to also receive the email notice regardless of who placed the order, then use Custom Property ZCJOrderConfHelpDesk on the customer record to assign that contact record. 

**Please note, for alerts versions prior to 20211227, this fixed contact will only receive IF there is also an 'Ordered by' contact on the sales order.**

This Custom Property is set on the Customer Record:

Multiple Contacts:

Multiple Contacts:

If you need this alert to go to more than one email, we can wire it to consider Other emails from the Contact Record If needed, please reach out to asking us to set ID216 to consider Other emails. If you have multiple emails listed in the Other emails field, separate them with a semi-colon please.



How to Opt-Out Customers from Receiving the Alert:

1. To turn the alert off for all of the customer's contacts, set the custom property ZCJOrderConfToOrderedBy on the customer record to 'Disable'. This will turn off the tracking details email for all orders for this customer. Note: the alert will only consider this custom property for the customer set as the customer on the sales order (see screenshot above) and does NOT consider the bill to or parent customer.


2. To turn off the alert for a specific contact, add the contact category ZCJDNSShipConf to the contact's record:


What Orders to Send?

What Orders to Send?

Use Variable1 to determine what order types (not order type description) to send this email notice on (i.e. Supply, Equipment, Other). Or leave Variable1 blank and the alert will send for all order types containing the string 'Suppl'.

Order Type is here:


Whom to send from?

Whom to send from?

Since this a customer-facing alert, we strongly recommend that the from email address for the alert comes from one of your department emails your customer can reply to (i.e. supplies@ OR customerservice@). We can make that change on your subscription, but please make sure the CEO Juice user has "Send As" permission to send as that email address, otherwise no emails will send out. Please see THIS POST on setting those permissions up.


Backorder Emails

Backorder Emails

As of 12/27/21, you can use Variables 2 and 3 to set email notices of back order status. Please email to get this change put in place. 

Variable 2: First Notice - Days after order creation to notify customer of backorder status

Variable 3: Second Notice - Days after order order creation to notify of backorder status again (additional backorder follow-up email), set 9999 to not utilize 2nd email.

We can customize the subject line and/or verbiage above or below the table contained in the email, shown highlighted below:


If you would like to provide ETA or any other order specific information, we can include what you have populated on the Remarks tab (of the Sales Order) at the time the alert sends:

(We can NOT pull the ETA from a linked PO.)



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

Please see THIS LINK for differences in ID216 and ID200 and our UPS Integration.

**Please see THIS LINK on how to opt-out a customer or contact from receiving these order confirmation emails. 

If you choose to send this alert to the sales rep, the alert will send to the sales rep listed on the order.

Custom Property Set Up

Custom Property Set Up

 Custom property to disable sending is ZCJOrderConfToOrderedBy, set on the customer record:


Custom property for set help desk contact to be notified on orders is ZCJOrderConfHelpDesk, set on customer record:


Contact category for individual contacts to opt-out of receiving alert is ZCJDNSOrderConf:




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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID200 - Email Supply Order Tracking Details to Customer.

ID165 - Sales order missing contact and email.

ID655 - Cloned alternate alert to send order confirmation for different branch or order type.

ID886 - Summary showing emails collected on Orders

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