Auto creates and closes AR Tasks to your Accounts Receivable Console when account is past due. Can also auto close other task types your staff uses once account is no longer past due.
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Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts
Auto creates and closes AR Tasks to your Accounts Receivable Console when account is past due and/or when invoice past due. Can also auto close other task types your staff uses once account is no longer past due.
Run Schedule: Weekday Afternoons
Type of Output: Email
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Variable X: Task Type to Create AND Close, only one entry allowed.
Variable W: Exclude/Include Customers with open Task matching that listed in VariableX.
Variable Y: Term Code on customer to be used for Grace Period allowed (per VariableZ), only one entry allowed.
**Leaving this blank will not mean ALL Term Codes to be considered.
Variable Z: Grace Period allowed past due before this alert creates an ARTask for customers (not invoices) with the TermCode listed in VariableY.
Variable 3: If you want the process to create AR Tasks for customers with a TOTAL past due amount over $XXX, enter in the amount here (no decimals). Leave variable BLANK if you do not want a separate ARTask for a customer's total past due.
**Please note, as soon as customer total past due is any value less than what you have listed, we will auto complete the task.
Variable 2: If you want the process to create AR Tasks for an individual invoice with an amount due over $XXX, enter in the amount here (no decimals). Leave variable BLANK if you do not want a separate ARTask for any specific invoice.
**Please note, this is amount due on invoice, so if partial payment made and invoice amount due exceeds value you have entered in Variable2, we will still create an AR Task. This also means if partial payment made reducing the amount due to a value less than what you have listed in this variable, we will auto complete the AR Task.
Variable 4: Task Type(s) to auto-complete in addition to task type in VariableX, separate by comma.
Variable 1: Customer Type(s) to exclude from creating an AR Task, separate by comma, or leave blank to not exclude any.
Variable 5: Enter Branch Number(s) to trigger on, separate by comma, or leave blank to include ALL
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. Use variables to tell process what circumstances need to exist for us to open and/or close AR Tasks. You can exclude customers with existing open AR Tasks, exclude Customer Types (i.e. leasing companies) from process completely, set if we create AR Task based on invoice level minimum amount past due or customer level (total AR) minimum amount past due. We will auto create and close AR Task listed in VariableX. We can auto close any AR Task(s) listed in Variable4.
2. We will install in Test Mode initially so you can review the daily email seeing what AR Tasks we would open and/or close based on your variable settings. Once you are comfortable with the results, email us at letting us know you are ready to be set to run live.
3. Creates and completes tasks in AR Console. These tasks can be seen via Tasks or at Customer Level Tasks:
AR Console / Tasks:
OR at Customer Level in AR Console / Tasks:
Will show entered/updated by CJID640 with time stamp:
4. Description in AR Task (same as daily email sent) reflects trigger reason based on your variable settings.
For example:
Total Past Due for customer is $2800.15: Customer is past due as of today in amount of $2800.15
Total Past Due for customer is $3476.89 for terms Due On Receipt + 30 days: Customer is 30 past due with terms of Due On Receipt for $3476.89
Invoice 1345678 total due is $6300.00: Invoice in amount of $6300.00 is past due today
5. Process runs weekday afternoons:
AR Tasks created will have 'Scheduled for" date of next weekday.
AR Tasks completed will have "Completed on" date of the day our process closed it (not the next weekday).
So be sure to consider this for schedule change requests as our code can't be customized to change those dates assigned to AR Task.
4. VariableY will apply to Term Code on Customer Record, NOT invoice.
6. Grace period days is looking at "Past due days" column per AR Console:
7. Assigns AR Task to AR Rep listed on Customer Record. If no AR Rep on Customer Record, then task will be assigned to no one.
Sample AR Task not assigned to AR Rep because Customer Record has no AR Rep listed:
8. You can subscribe to more than one ID604 task. This enables you to have different variables for each subscription. For example, you may want to create an AR Task for specific Term Codes, Past Due Amount, etc. Just click on the plus (+) sign below your first subscription.
Use the Clone Description to differentiate:
Subscription Clone Description field:
Subscription listing with clone description:
9. When to use a clone? This process has multiple functionalities, so we highly recommend creating a separate subscription for each functionality you want it use it for.
Suggested use of clones
Suggested use of clones:
a. Setting different Term Codes with Grace Period. VariableY allows only one entry.
b. Creating/Closing AR Task for minimum Total Amount Due and for minimum Invoice Amount Due. Use a clone for each, do not set a value in Variable2 and Variable3 on one subscription. This will help you identify high dollar invoices needing an AR Reps attention separately from high dollar customer total past due amounts.
c. Using different AR Tasks. For example, if you want us to create an AR Task when Account Past Due and create an AR Task when minimum invoice amount due.
d. For auto completing AR Task Types our process is NOT creating for you. Leave ALL variables blank except Variable4 (and Variables 1 and 5 if limiting by Customer Type and/or branch). Then we will auto complete that task when customer no longer past due.
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
1. This process is essentially creating an AR Task for you when an account is past due and auto completing that same task once no longer past due. You can set exceptions using the variables:
You can delay when the AR Task is created by listing Term Code and Grace Period. The grace period is how many days past due until the AR Task created.
You can specify limitations:
You can set minimum dollar amount the ACCOUNT can be be past due before AR Task is created.
You can set minimum dollar amount the INVOICE can be past due before AR Task is created.
You can tell us NOT to create an AR Task if we've already opened one based on other settings.
2. We suggest creating/listing a Task Type in VariableX that your staff doesn't already use for manual task type creation.
3. Be sure to give Task Type listed in VariableX security permissions to AR Console:
3. If you are missing (or have never populated) the AR Rep on your Customer Records, you can use eAuto's Bulk Update tool to update.
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID21 - AR Past Due Customer Not Contacted
ID182 - Past Due Activities from the AR Console Tasks > VariableW Days
ID627 - Create AR Task for Unapplied Payment
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OLD FUNCTIONALITY (versions prior to 20240710)
ID604 - This alert runs weekly and will create a new AR Task, if an open one does not already exist, for any account with a past due balance (per the AR Console). It will assign this task to the AR Rep per the Customer Record. The alert will also auto-close tasks of that same type when they are no longer past due.
**Please note, if you do not use AR Reps, then alert will create new AR Task and you can search for those by running the open tasks list and filter it by "SysGen" activity type.
**Please also note this alert does not generate an email indicating what tasks were / were not created.**
Variable Set Up:
VariableW allows you to either create new tasks for customers who have an existing task or not, as you prefer.
VariableX is the TaskType (you'll need to create it in eAuto, or change VarX to match the one you have) for the newly-created Tasks which will also be auto-completed by the logic once there is no longer a past due balance.
VariableY allows you to specify one TermCode that you will override with 'grace days' for (might not want to chase your Net2 customers right away). **Need to have one term code entered here for the alert to work correctly, will not create the tasks without something entered here.
VariableZ is the number of grace days to allow clients with overdue invoices of TermCode Y (so, for instance, enter '5' here to chase your Net2 customers when they're 5 days past due).
VariableX and VariableZ do NOT support multiple entries separated by comma. Note that tasks will not be closed if the client has 'anything' past due, including a positive balance.
ID605 - Whereas ID604 will create new AR Tasks of a given Type and then close them when no longer required (customer no longer past due), ID605 will auto-close the AR Tasks your staff create manually as a part of the collection process (again, once that customer is no longer past due per the AR Console).
This assumes your staff are creating those tasks of a certain Type which you set in VariableX above so the alert knows which tasks to consider closing.
**Please note this alert does not generate an email indicating what tasks were / were not created.**
VariableX is the TaskType (you'll need to create it in eAuto, or change VarX to match the one you have) for the newly-created Tasks which will also be auto-completed by the logic once there is no longer a past due balance.
VariableY allows you to specify one TermCode that you will override with 'grace days' for (might not want to chase your Net2 customers right away)
VariableZ is the number of grace days to allow clients with overdue invoices of TermCode Y (so, for instance, enter '5' here to close AR Tasks even if invoices are less than five days past due).
VariableX and Variable do NOT support multiple entries separated by comma. Note that tasks will not be closed if the client has 'anything' past due, including a positive balance.
AND use alert ID182 to ensure the AR person is completing their tasks and not just leaving them open.