Notify your Service Tech and Tech's Manager of Service Call just placed where contact has rated you poorly on Service Call Survey.
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Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts
Would you want to be notified when a customer is unhappy with the level of service they previously received from your company when they place a new service call? This alert looks at responders to the Net Promoter Score and alerts when a detractor places a service call. Assumes you are using our closed call survey ID109 and/or one of its alternates. Suggest that this goes to tech and tech manager.
Run Schedule: Every 15-minutes
Type of Output: Email
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Variable W: Branch Numbers you want the alert to fire on, separated by a comma, or blank for all
Variable Y: Enter quantity of months to look back at survey results for qualified detractor
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. Notifies (within 15-minutes of call being opened) of detractor rating from Service Call Survey. This rating was given in last VariableY months.
2. Fires at customer level, not contact level. The previous detractor could be another contact but all at same customer.
3. Detractor = Response of 6 or less to question "How likely is it that you would recommend our company to a friend or colleague?"
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
1. Email will show you the details of the service call placed today and the historical service call info for time period you indicate in VariableY.
2. See this link for Understanding Net Promoter Score
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID109 - Service Call Survey
ID612 - Update Sales & Service Messages with NPS Detractor Info
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