Stream your favorite survey comments to your website.
Overview | Samples | Alert Functionality | Variables | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts |Mark Favorite | Developer tips | WordPress Sites
When reviewing the responses to our surveys you will occasionally come across a comment that stands out and would like to share with all your prospects.
You must subscribe to alert ID125 for this to work for you.
We added a "favorite" button (it is labelled like/dislike) to our survey dashboard so that you can flag these comments and we make them available to stream to your website. This is automated and real-time, so once you "favorite" a comment it is added to the list that streams.
**Please note that we only supply the data (JSON format), there is not a UI for this.
Run Schedule: N/A - Automatic
Type of Output: Data Push
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Go to to see how CEO Juice has implemented this.
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
-You must subscribe to alert ID125 for this to work for you.
-Before your web developer can feed to your website, you will need to (1) enter credentials on our website under Account Details AND (2) select which comments to stream via your Survey Dashboard
Account Details
1. Account Details
Two parameters - BOTH are required:
1. Your CEO Juice Customer Number
2. Your CEO Juice API Code
Feel free to reach out to for these or you can find on our website under Profile / Account Details: (login permissions required)
2. Survey Dashboard
2. Survey Dashboard - selecting comments to stream
Accessed via
Our big screen service stats (ID917) is designed to display your service metrics in your showroom etc. and you can also add the survey quotes.
**Please note, the Customer Name can't be fed through via our API. The payload does include Customer ID which would be Customer Number from eAutomate. If the website is hosted in house, then users can make a separate call to their own DB to get Customer Name.**
1. We added a section for just survey comments:
You can then,
1. See if your customer OK/Not OK to share comment (via survey)
2. Like/Favorite a comment
3. Dislike a comment. Highlight a negative comment that may need some other type of follow up (These would NOT show on your site)
4. Note the comments where the question is also needed to give context
5. See that entire survey and all questions answered
By default we add this language at the top of every survey, click here to change that.
Be sure to take note of the date range filter in place when reviewing comments:
This date filter feed from your main dashboard date:
See below Best Practices & Tips for further details on the GUI available for the json feed.
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This alert has no variables
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips (for your website developer)
-Make sure your company is subscribed to alert ID125; otherwise, none of this will work for you.
Your website developer will need to set this up for you.
The URL for json feed would be like:
It expects two parameters and BOTH are required:
1. Your CEO Juice Customer Number
2. Your CEO Juice API Code
Feel free to reach out to for these or you can find on our website: (login permissions required)
We suggest you show the contact 1st name and date as a minimum but you may also want to show last name and company name. There are options to include the question as well as the answer when needed for context.
**Please note, the Customer Name can't be fed through via our API. The payload does include Customer ID which would be Customer Number from eAutomate. If the website is hosted in house, then users can make a separate call to their own DB to get Customer Name.**
There are two options for getting liked Survey Comments to use on an external site. This provides the most flexibility with regards to how it’s displayed, since the web developer on the Customer’s end would query the data and do their own formatting.
Our API has Swagger documentation at
Select 'Try it out':
Enter your
(1) CEO Juice Customer
(2) Authorization Key
(3) Enter Qty integer - this is the max quantity of comments to return. (The larger the quantity, the slower the scrolling through speed.) You can select more than 100, defaults to 100 as a suggested maximum.
(4) Execute
Code examples:
These show how to get the data (not how to format/display it). Javascript (using JQuery, but other js libraries are very similar). Both examples do the same thing, just demonstrating how to pass the parameters either on the query string or as header values:
(screenshots below show old URL- would be like:'
C#: Windows Forms or ASP.NET
$posts = file_get_contents('');
// do something w/ $posts here....
echo $posts;
For WordPress Sites:
With WordPress, the easiest route will be to use a plugin to display the data. There are several WP Plugins for displaying JSON data. This one is prevalent, although there are probably dozens of others. Once installed, the plugin’s user interface in the WP admin portal will have a place to specify the JSON feed (which would be the link from above that returns the raw JSON data) and probably a place for credentials, although those are unneeded here. The developer of that plugin has several videos on how to install and configure it here.
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Related Alerts
ID102 - Share company details for NPS Awards
ID230 - Stream NPS Score to your website
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