
ID636 - Terminated Contracts Overview & Sample:

This alert is a report that will show you the list of all contracts terminated for the period that you specify, for all contract termination codes specified.

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The alert reports on all contracts terminated for the time period. You can set the alert to trigger for all termination codes or just a specified list of termination codes.

The contracts will be grouped by the termination code to give you an idea of why you lost the contract; sorted with the highest revenue at the top, so that you can see the dollar figure that the lost contracts are costing you. 


Run Schedule: Monthly on the first

Type of Output: Email


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Variable W: The number of months back to report on. The default value on this variable is 3.

Variable X: Termination codes to report; this is a required value. You can set this to ALL to report on all contracts or enter a list separated by commas.

Variable Y: Branch Numbers to trigger on, separated by a comma, or leave blank for ALL.



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Alert Functionality

The alert is listing contracts terminated within the time frame specified in variable W, for the contracts with the termination codes specified in variable X. The termination date on the contract (1) and termination code on the contract (2) are shown below:


To create new contract termination codes, go to Lists and Codes, and then choose contract termination codes from the drop-down:



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Best Practices & Tips

See this link for best practices on terminating contracts.



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Related Alerts

ID113 - List of Contract Equipment Terminated Today: This alert is a simple daily alert of all contracted equipment terminated that day. More detail here.
ID587 - Contracts Added/Lost: This SSRS report will give you graphs and trending information on termination codes on your contracts. More detail here.
ID617 - Contracts Terminated Today: This is a daily alert showing all contracts marked as terminated today. More detail here


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