
ID162 - Two Layer Escalation Alert if Service Call Pending for > W Send to TO or Pending > X Send to CC Overview & Sample:

Alert for a service call in pending status for more than W hours, escalation if the call is still pending after X hours.

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This alert will trigger to technicians when a service call assigned to them is still pending Variable W hours after the call was created (to send to tech, please put the word TECHNICIAN in the ToAddress1 field). The alert has an escalation to send again when a call is Variable X hours from the create date. This set of alerts will only trigger ONCE for each it will NOT repeat the same call# over and over. It's meant to just alert the tech one time for each call and not spam them.

At Variable W hours past create date it sends to those listed in the TO Fields, then at Variable X hours past create date it goes only to everyone in the CC AddressFields.

Run Schedule: Every 15 minutes

Type of Output: Email


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Variable W: Hours from create DateTime to trigger: Number of hours from the create date and status pending for alert to send to all To Addresses listed on alert. The default value is 0.5

Variable X: Hours from create Date to send to CC: Number of hours from the create date and status still pending to send alert to all addresses in the CC field. The default value is 3.5



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

The alert will trigger for all service calls where the status is pending and the create time is greater than the number of hours set in Variable W. The first alert sends to only those recipients listed in the To address fields. The second alert will trigger if the service call is still pending after Variable X hours and will send to those recipients listed in the CC address fields.

The alert will trigger only once for each variable hours from the create date.


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

None at this time



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts


ID93 - Pending CM Calls that are within W minutes of due time


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