
ID869 - Notify Sales Rep That Contract Has Billed Non-Metered Contracts Overview & Sample:

This alert notifies sales reps when their customer's non-metered contract generates an invoice. The alert includes basic information of the contract number and invoice number. 

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This alert notifies your sales reps whenever a contracted customer of theirs has billed a contract for a non-metered billing contract, in other words, doesn't bill overages. The alert reviews invoices billed on an hourly basis, so your sales reps are notified quickly. You can utilize Variable W to specify which contract type you want to be notified on. This alert can be helpful for reps who like to be in-the-know of when their customer's invoices generate.


Run Schedule:  Hourly

Type of Output: Email


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Variable W: Enter contract types you want to be notified on from this alert. If you want multiple, separate them by comma. 



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Alert reviews contract invoices billed in your system every hour that did not bill for metered equipment on meter groups. The examples below show that no Meter Groups tab will be present on these types of contracts.

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2. The alert looks to ID320 subscription/tables for rep assignment and if blank then looks to Customer Bill To on the contract in eAutomate.

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3. If you set up options in Variable W, the alert will look at the contract type section of the header to make sure it is one of the qualifying types listed in the variable. 

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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

None at this time. 


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID706 - Notify Sales Rep That Contract Has Billed Overview & Sample

ID589 -Advise Sales Rep Invoice Paid Or Credited Overview & Sample


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