
ID332 - Setup Contract for Customer Review on Custom Property for Next Due Overview & Sample:

This alert will notify you at a specified number of days in advance of a scheduled review date that is listed on your contract in e-Automate.

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This alert will notify you at a specified number of days prior to either a review date you set in a custom property field on the contract or the expiration date on the contract. The intention of this alert is to help you manage your customer contract review schedule. You are notified of the upcoming review date, and once the review with the customer is complete, you will change the date on the contract to the next future review date to be notified on later on. 


Run Schedule:  Mondays at 4:30 P.M.

Type of Output: Email


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Coming soon


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Variable W: Enter the name of the custom property being used to hold this date which should be ZCJNextReviewDue. Or if you prefer to use the contract expiration date as the review date then enter EXPDATE. Variable is required. 

Variable X: Enter how many days prior to the review dates listed in the custom property on the contract you want to be notified. It will default to 15 days. Variable is required. 



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Alert reviews active contracts in your system to examine the expiration date or the date that is listed in your custom property (depending on your selection in alert Variable X.

custom property:

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expiration date:

2) Next, the alert will calculate the number of days between today and either the expiration date or the custom property date. If the days between is within or equal to the number of days specified in alert Variable X then it will include this contract in its report output. 


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

It is imperative that you put a process in place between the sales and admin departments that manages communications on when reviews are coming due, when a review is complete, and when the next review date is to be scheduled for. This ensures all parties are aware and the responsible parties can update the dates within the contract to ensure success of this alert. 

Custom Property Set Up

Custom Property Set Up

Follow the steps below to set up the custom property to be available on your contracts.

1) In e-Automate click tools from the top tool bar and then select list & codes

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2) from the list or code type dropdown options select attributes

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3) select the new button on the upper-right side

4) create the new attribute by completing the fields below and clicking OK

attribute name = ZCJNextReviewDue

description = CEO Juice Alert ID332

data type = date

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5) from the list or code type dropdown options select configurations (custom properties)

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6) from the configurations list double click on the contract configuration

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7) from the available attributes dropdown select the attribute you created, uncheck the default value box and click quickadd to add it to the selected attributes list. Then click OK to save the configuration. 

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8) you will now see this custom property in your contract custom properties and you can enter your review dates into this field

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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID258 - Account Review / Quarterly Business Review (QBR) Overview & Sample

ID774 - Customer Business Review (Power BI) Overview & Sample


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