
ID815 Automated Equipment Order Workflow Process "If This Then That (IFTTT)" Overview & Sample:

ID815 is a process to automatically push an equipment order through the different stages in eAutomate and auto create service calls for setup, delivery and install. 

Pre-recorded webinar on this process click here to watch


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Typically, when an equipment order is generated it goes through the different stages from being entered in the system, equipment ordered, being on backorder, to received into inventory, shipped and invoiced. To get the equipment delivered, there is a service call set up, another call to deliver, perhaps a third for the install, sometimes a site survey needed, or trade-in equipment to be collected. Our process ID815 "IFTTT" will automate all these steps via the sales order status, and the service call dispatch console. You may be familiar with our ID348 series of alerts that keep the sales rep updated on their orders, but requires the above steps to be manually updated. ID815 will automate the steps and the creation of service calls. We can create all calls, leave the setup calls open and put the rest on hold until setup is completed, giving your team visibility into what's coming. 

We recommend one sales order per host equipment, but retain one sales order # for the entire deal. This allows you to identify the staging for each host equipment, one on back order, one delivered, on ready for setup etc... For example, a sales rep submits a deal for four Kyocera Taskalfa 7002i with finishers, order SO12345-A has a 7002i with a finisher, SO12345-B has a 7002i with finisher, SO12345-C has a 7002i with finisher, SO12345-D has a 7002i with finisher, each order will have its own status.

There is a spreadsheet below you can use where we include the standard steps we think most dealers will need. Update the spreadsheet and get it back to us and we will create a Visio flowchart like this for you.

Spreadsheet setup click here to download the template


Note, there is a waitlist to get this process implemented.

You will need to subscribe to ID815 in order to be added to the list.

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(right click to zoom in on image)


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Variable 1: IF NOT using a billcode that was defined in the workflow for service calls, set the default billcode to use on calls in this field.

Variable 2: IF NOT using the due date on the sales order, use this custom property due date on calls

Variable 3: When a sales order with serial #s assigned is canceled, if another order for same serial # has not been created, the process can flip the equipment customer back to a default customer number you identify here. Typically your main branch customer number

Variable X: Notetype to use when ID815 adds a transaction note. If left blank, then the process will use the EA default "System Event" note type

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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

Alert functionality will be discussed during the onboard meetings you will have with the ID815 setup team

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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID517 - Sales Order Power BI dashboard

ID348 - keep sales reps updated on the status of their equipment orders

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