
ID348 - Sales Order Status Alerts Overview & Sample:

Provide status of Sales Order to Sales and Internal Staff

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Tired of Sales Reps chasing you for the status of their pending orders? This alert is designed to advise the sales rep when a Sales Order moves to a new Status. You can subscribe to multiple alerts via our cloning function so you can, for example, advise the Sales Rep when a lease is approved, when equipment is ordered, when it is received, when it is scheduled for delivery, etc. 

The alert output will provide Sales Order detail, including the most recent note (yellow ‘sticky’ note) attached to it and also provides the option to show two Custom Properties as per VariableY and VariableZ.

Check off Sales Rep and Sales Rep Manager in alert subscription to have alert send accordingly. Alert will look at sales rep assigned to SalesOrder and use that rep's eAuto employee record to find email address and to find Sales Rep Manager assignment for emailing. 


Run Schedule: Every 15-Minutes

Type of Output: Email


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Variable 3: Sales Order Type(s) to trigger on (separate by comma or blank for ALL) - will NOT work for Order Type with "SUP" even if you list in variable.

Variable W: Sales Order Main Status to notify of (separate multiple with comma)

Suggested Possible Order Status(es) to notify of:

Equip In Stock, Equip Not in Stock, Equipment Ordered, Equipment Received, Approved Staged, Equipment Ready to be Delivered, Equipment Delivered, Equipment Funded, Training Complete




Variable 6: Sales Order Detail Status: If you wish to also apply the eAuto system sales order status details to the filter for the orders to trigger on, please select from the list below any/all that apply.  If you leave this blank, we will assume to only filter on the SalesOrder Status(s) you identified in VariableW above.


Variable Y: (Optional) First Custom Property Attribute Name on Sales Order to include

Variable Z: (Optional) Second Custom Property Attribute Name on Sales Order to include

See here for some examples of custom properties you can setup within sales orders.

Variable 5: Specify the branchNumber(s) (separate list with commas) you want this version to trigger on.  Leave it blank if you want all branches.

Variable 1: (Optional) Custom Property on Job Contacts (enter 'JobContacts' to include contacts associated to linked Job in email. 

Variable 2: (Optional) Jobs(enter 'Jobs' to have the alert fire only on sales orders linked to jobs



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Requires the Sales Order be populated with Sales Rep and that Sales Rep Employee Record contains an email address

2. Alert considers Sales Order Types per Variable3 and corresponding Status per VariableW as well as detailed status if provided per Variable6.

3. Will NOT work for Order Type with "SUP" even if you list in Variable3, let us know at if you need this process to report on Order Types with "SUP" in them.

4. Will not email on a given Main Status more than once, but will email again after 45 days for the same order if it remains on the same "order status" during the 45 days.  Alert will continue to notify every 45 days as long as there is no change to the order status.

5. Will trigger a new email if Detailed Status changes, even if Main Status does not.

6. This alert will not recognize certain characters in statuses. For example, if a status includes '/' it will not trigger.**

7. Sales Order Type:


8. Sales Order Status (triggers on first status shown below):


9. Sales Order Detail Status


10. Alert email will show notes as provided in this section of Sales Order (not primary note section):


11.  SO Invoiced column on report equates to Sales Order Shipped, as it assumes practice of order being shipped, fulfilled and invoiced at the same or nearly the same time. 
ID348 SO Invoiced.jpg

12. Alert can be cloned by select + sign, so you can set multiple subscriptions with different variables (i.e. Order Types and/or Order Statuses) and/or different recipients. Cloning just requires there is at least one variable set differently from the other clones (ID348, ID348A, ID348B, etc.)



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. Build your Sales Order Statuses in Tool / Lists & Codes / Sales/RMA Order Statuses:


Creating Custom Property

Creating Custom Property

Since alert subscription offers ability for Custom Property and it's contents to show on alert email, you can create your own as needed to populate in VariablesY and Z.

Step 1:

Create Name of Custom Property via Tools / Lists & Codes / Attributes:




Step 2: 

Add this attribute name to Configurations (Custom properties) / Sales Orders:


Add via Quick Add after searching in drop down:



Now Custom Property available on Sales Order:


2. A note on Custom Properties: If you set them to be a type of lookup (i.e. to Contact Record), our alert likely will not be able to report back on that Custom Property. 

3. Ricoh likes to be notified on the status of equipment sales orders for their national accounts. Like your sales team, Ricoh will continue to chase you with phone calls & emails for updates. This process will keep Ricoh updated. It's different from notifying reps in that we exclude the Sales Order Remarks and SO Messages and notify Ricoh rather than the rep. Let us know at you'd like set up for Ricoh and what email address(es) at Ricoh need to be listed.


Status Examples

Status Examples

Here is an example of how one of our clients has decided to setup this series of alerts.  They have a lot of statuses they report on and sends to varying personnel.  Your organization may have fewer or you may want more, these are just some examples of statuses you may find useful.

Sales Order Status Series of Alerts, to Whom and Why:

Status 1 (ID348):

Open (Main Status)

This status is automatically assigned by eAuto when the order is created from DQM. The Ordering Department will attach the check list, the lease, the lease approval, the service agreement, the network survey, the commission slip and all other paperwork related to the sales order at this time.

CEO Juice alert sends to:

1. Inventory Person #1 – So they will check to see what items are in stock or what items need to be ordered at which time they will change the status to : “Equip in stock” or “Equip not in Sk”.

2 Inventory Person #2 - So if #1 is not available then #2 will see what items are in stock or what items need to be ordered at which time hey will change the status to: “Equip in stock” or “Equip not in Sk”.

3. Sales Rep – Information.

4. IT - Information

5. Sales Manager - Information

6. President - Information

7. CEO – Information

8. VP of Service - Information

9. Contracts Department – So they can create the contract.

10. Supply Manager – So they can make sure that we have the supplies necessary to set up the equipment.


Status 2 (ID348A):

Equip In Stock (Main Status) – If all equipment and accessories are in stock, inventory person will change the items on the sales order to in stock and assign to the sales order if serialized.

CEO Juice alert sends to: 

1. Inventory person #1 – So that #1 will know that #2 handled it or arranged to, or pull the equipment and stage it for set up.

2. Inventory person #2 – So that #2 will know that #1 handled it or arrange to, or pull the equipment and stage it for set up.

3. Sales Rep – To let them know the status of the order so they can let the customer know.

4. Sales Manager - Information

5. President - Information

6. CEO – Information

7. VP Service – Information


Status 3 (ID348B):

Equip Not in Stock (Main Status). Inventory person #1 or #2 will change the item to back ordered on the Sales Order if we don't have items in stock.  

CEO Juice alert sends to: 

1. Ordering Person – So that they can order the equipment and will then change the date to the date that she thinks the equipment will arrive in the custom property

2. Inventory person #1 – So that they will know that #2 handled it.

3. Inventory person #2 – So that they will know that #1 handled it.

4. Sales Rep – To let them know the status of the order so they can let the customer know.

5. Sales Manager - Information

6. President - Information

7. CEO – Information

8. VP of Service - Information


Status 4 (ID348C):

Equipment Ordered (Main Status)

CEO Juice alert sends to: 

1. Inventory person #1 – Information

2. Inventory person #2 – Information

3. Sales Rep – Information

3. Sales Manager - Information

4. President - Information

5. CEO – Information

6. VP of Service – Information


Status 5 (ID348D):

Equipment Received (Main Status) – One of the inventory people, depending on who received the order, will change the status to equipment received. They will also make sure that the items received along with the serial numbers are assigned to the Sales Order. 

CEO Juice alert sends to: 

1. Sales Rep – To let them know the status of the order so they can let the customer know.

2. Sales Manager - Information

3. President - Information

4. CEO – Information

5. VP of Service – Information


Status 6 (ID348E):

Approved Staged (Main Status) – Once all equipment and accessories are in stock or received to stock and are staged, one of the inventory people will change the status of the sales order to “Approved Staged” and will enter the service call for set up. 

CEO Juice alert sends to: 

1. Inventory Person #1 – So that they will enter the service call if #2 has not.

2. Inventory Person #2 – So that they will enter the service call for set up if #1 has not.

3. Dispatch – Information

4. VP of Service – Information

5. Training (Sales Support) – to coordinate training


Status 7 (ID348F):

Equipment Ready to be Delivered (Main Status) - Dispatch will change the status to this as soon as they get the completed ticket from the set up tech. 


CEO Juice alert sends to: 

1. Dispatch – So dispatch can schedule the delivery with the customer and update the delivery calendar

2. IT - So they can coordinate connectivity needs with Dispatch

3. Training Dept – So that they can confirm training

4. Ordering Person – So that they can fulfill and invoice the order.

5. Sales Rep – Information.

6. Sales Manager - Information

7. President - Information

8. CEO – Information

9. VP of Service - Information

10. Contracts Person – So they can begin the contract billing

**Use alert ID425 to print your D&A Form**


Status 8 (ID348G):

Equipment Delivered (Main Status) – Dispatch will change the status to “Equipment Delivered” as soon as they get the scan from the delivery truck. 


CEO Juice alert sends to: 

1. Trainer – So that they can confirm training

2. Ordering Dept – So that they can fulfill and invoice the order.

3. Sales Rep – Information

4. Sales Manager - Information

5. President - Information

6. CEO – Information

7. VP of Service - Information

8. Contracts Person – So they begin the contract billing


Status 9 (ID348H):

Equipment Funded (Main Status) – Accounts Receivable will change the status to “Equipment Funded” with a date as soon as they get notification of the funding. 


CEO Juice alert sends to: 

1. Sales Rep – To let them know the funding date.

2. Sales Manager - Information

3. President - Information

4. CEO – Information

5. VP of Service – Information


Status 10 (ID348I):

Training Complete (Main Status) – Trainer will change the status to “Training Complete” as soon as she completes the training.


CEO Juice alert sends to: 

1. Sales Rep – To let them know the training date

2. Sales Manager - Information

3. President - Information

4. CEO – Information

5. VP of Service - Information


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID163 - Sales Order Status Report

ID245 - Sales Rep Email and/or Manager Assignment Missing

ID343 - Backordered item received on open sales order

ID425 - Delivery & Acceptance Form for Deliveries through Dispatching

ID566 - Alerts on equipment still on given statuses (ex: Demo) for longer than X days

ID696 - Notify Sales Rep of Service Call Installation Details

ID815 - If This Then That (IFTTT) to automate call creation

ID959 - Setup/Delivery Service Call(s) Generated from Sales Order Status




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