Please use this link to go to the main overview of the ID923 report.
Page 1 of Report:
1. Current Month total equipment numbers, for the previous fiscal year and current fiscal year.
2. Year to Date equipment numbers, for the previous fiscal year and current fiscal year.
Contract MIF is a count of ALL equipment on contract.
Territory MIF is the count of all equipment minus any 3rd party serviced equipment. You can reduce the equipment counted in the territory MIF by utilizing the filters for contract type, equipment bill code or equipment status.
Blue shaded box includes all equipment types, the yellow shaded header is total for MFP/Printer/Production/WF class equipment. Model mapping app determines what segment for each model.
1. Black and White clicks billed for MFP, Printer and Production machines, current month and year to date for the previous fiscal year and current fiscal year.
2. Color clicks billed, current month and year to date for the previous fiscal year and current fiscal year.
3. Percentage increase/decrease year over year.
Graphs show last rolling 12 months of billed clicks and clicks billed versus actual clicks. (Billed clicks include overages, actual clicks are actual volume ran)
Billed clicks for the last rolling 13 months, split out between black and white and color and then broken down between base billed, overages and actual clicks.
*If you see that the total clicks billed are greater than the actual clicks, that would indicate that customers are not using all of the base clicks billed.
1. Contract/Territory MIF numbers are broken out by model class and show the current fiscal year and previous fiscal year and between BW machines and Color machines. Totals are shown for the current month (Feb on example), Year to Date (YTD) and Fiscal Year End (FYEnd).
2. Clicks billed, broken out by model class and between BW and Color. Total clicks billed are shows for current fiscal year and previous fiscal year. Avg Rate is based on last fiscal year revenue divided by clicks. Current year revenue is not included in this report, all revenue numbers are based on last fiscal year. Percentage numbers indicate growth year to date over year to date.
Please see these links for details on the subsequent pages of this report: page two, page three, page four.