
ID923 - Contract MIF Report Overview & Sample:

Do you need to understand if your printer clicks are growing or shrinking, or what % of black clicks are running on color boxes? This report provides a breakdown at the model level, detailing clicks billed and total machine count, includes drill-down capability to the equipment model level at the necessary areas.  

Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | OnDemand Report Filters | Best Practices & Tips |  Related Alerts

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This report was originally built to help dealers fill out their annual surveys for their dealer groups, to provide an easier way to calculate needed year over year numbers regarding the MIF count.  Reporting is your fiscal year (not calendar year), but we pull 25 months. The format of all the graphs and tables is the current fiscal year compared to the last fiscal year. (**Please note that there is not an option to choose the date range for the report**).

The equipment is broken out by Model Category so you must subscribe to and update your Model Categories via ID295 Model Mapping App (this post includes instructions on Model Category assignments and explanation on values entered for Average Price, Turn Rate and Retention Rate). 

This report is NOT limited to metered equipment only, it reflects all contracted equipment.

The results of the report are always after the last full month closed in eAutomate, you'll only need to refresh the report once after the month is closed. (If you are running the report in June, but the month of May has not been closed, the report will only show results through the month of April.)


See a 30 minute webinar below.



Run Schedule: None

Type of Output: On-demand report


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Page 1 - Click here for details about Page 1





Page 2 - Click here for details about Page 2



Page 3 - Click here for details about Page 3



Page 4 - Click here for details about Page 4


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Variable W: MPS contract codes. List the contract codes used for MPS contracts, separated by commas.

 Variable 1: Territories on equipment records. If you are using the territory on the equipment record to identify ITT machines, specify those territories here, separated by a comma. Leave blank if not using the territories on equipment records for this purpose.

Variable 2: Bill code on equipment records. If you are using the bill code on the equipment record to identify ITT machines, specify those bill codes here, separated by a comma. Leave blank if not using the bill codes on the equipment records for this purpose.

Variable 3Status on equipment records. If you are using the status on the equipment record to identify ITT machines, specify those bill codes here, separated by a comma. Leave blank if not using the status on the equipment record for this purpose.


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

Notes on the report:

  • Contract MIF - All equipment on contract.
  • Territory MIF - Equipment on contract serviced by your dealership. Use the filters for Equipment Territory, Equipment Status or Contract Type to exclude equipment that is serviced by a third part dealer.
  • YTD numbers are fiscal year to date.
  • Year-end numbers are number at the end of the year.
  • Percentages are calculated as year to date over year to date.
  • Clicks billed are ALL reported in the month billed, they are not spread out over the coverage period like eAuto analytics. If you have any large contracts that bill overages annually or quarterly, be sure to keep those timelines in mind when reviewing your YTD numbers.
  • The report only looks at when pages were billed and does not account for accrued contracts. If a contract was billed in January for the entire year, the report shows the revenue for January only.
  • Clicks, revenue and the average rate for each model group are all showing totals for the last fiscal year. Current year revenue is not included in the report.
  • The average rate is revenue divided by clicks.
  • Also because TotalBilled reflects ALL within the month actually billed, costs are also ALL allocated against the month the costs were incurred. For example, two toner bottles that may last your customer 3 months, will have full hit of cost in month those toners were shipped.

-there are quite a few eAuto activities that can effect the report's previous months causing a change in BW/CLR clicks billed:

a) a change to model mapping category

b) voids and rebilling of contract invoices with different meter readings between the void & rebilled invoice

c) dropped or added equipment

See these links for further details on each page of the report:

page one

page two

page three

page four


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OnDemand Report Filters

OnDemand Report Filters


1. Refresh Report Tables: This only needs to be refreshed 1x per month and is always through the end of the last completed month. You should only need to refresh more than 1x per month if you make changes to the ID295/Model Mapping App. 

2. Report for selected Makes: Leave <All> selected to run report for all makes or check the makes you want to include in the report.

3. Exclude Lease Revenue from Contract Revenue Total: this lease info used for this report is from the Lease Tab and Lease Payment info in Contract Record

4. 3rd Party Serviced Equipment:

Since this equipment isn't technically in your Service MIF, you can identify your 3rd Party Service Equipment separately. There are three different filter options for identifying your 3rd Party Serviced Equipment (use one). This report will identify those by either 1) Equipment Record Status 2) Equipment Record Territory or 3) Equipment Record Bill Code

You should only need ONE of these filters and you can leave the remaining two set at <None Apply>.

5. Select Branch(s) to include in report: Use the select all option to run the report for all branches, or select the specific branches to run the report for.

6. Show only for equipment under active contract thru today or show any equipment under contract thru the reporting period? In other words, only show the previous 24 months of clicks etc for machines that are still on an active contract allow your service manager to see growth/loss of volume etc based only on the current active equipment.

7. Report for machines only on selected Contract Types: Leave the filter set at <include all contract types> to run report for all contract types, or select the specific contracts types to include in the report.

****There is NOT a filter to run this report for a specific date range due to the amount of data contained within the report and the inherent limitations within SSRS reports****

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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. This report is accessed via the SSRS report console, see this post on how to access these reports and this post on needed security set up in eAutomate for each user.

2. The report tables only need to be refreshed once per month, after the month has been closed.

3. The results from this report will vary from our ID771 Profit Insights MIF as they are built from different architecture, so they will not match.



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID150 - Contract Profitability Report

ID295 - Model Category Mapping App

ID587 - Customers on Metered Contracts, Lost and Won report

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