
ID18 - Guaranteed Response Time Could be Missed Overview & Sample:

This alert is to let the technician and/or tech manager know about calls that are going to miss any guaranteed response times. We base the time off the Due time in eAuto as different customers may have different guaranteed response times. Call(s) that have been status = Pending and have not been dispatched for more than W hours AND have less than X hours until due.

**alert will only send once per qualifying service call**

(If Tech or Tech Mgr missing email address, alert will still send to anyone listed in to: or cc: if listed)

**Please see HERE for variations and set up of due time in eAuto

Primary differences between this alert and ID93:

ID93 will only fire on Corrective Maintenance Category Call Types (ID18 can fire on all category call types), can set minutes until due (vs. hours on ID18), has an escalation email and can exclude specified BillTo's (VarZ).


VariableW: Hours Pending (amount of hours call has been logged and no one dispatched to or not on hold), decimals OK (please note it won't be perfect to the decimal as the alert relies on ID141 background table updating service call times which only fires every 15 minutes)

VariableX: Hours Until Due (per 'Due by' on service call), decimals OK (please note it won't be perfect to the decimal as the alert relies on ID141 background table updating service call times which only fires every 15 minutes) - (can set to 0 if just wanted to be notified at due time)


VariableZ: Call Types to exclude (separate multiple with comma)

Variable1: BranchNumbers you want this alert to trigger for (separate by commas or leave blank for ALL)

Variable2: Call Type Category Code(s) to Include (separate with commas or leave blank for ALL)

If you want to know all calls status pending for more than 4 (W) hours, but don't want to know about those pending calls until they get to less than 3 (X) hours until due, then enter 4 in VariableW and 3 in VariableX.

If VariableW or VariableX are left blank they default to 4 hours and 2 hours respectively.



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