**If your logo is not at the top of the report, please set in eAuto Tools \ Options \ Company Settings \ Edit Main Branch Settings \ Report Options. For Branches these logos can be found at Accounting \ Branches, double-click on the branch and go to Report Options)**
ID142 Billing Accuracy needs to be subscribed to and active to show (1 below)
ID789 Key Services needs to be subscribed to and active to show (2 below)
1. We show how profitable a contract by color coding Green/Orange/Red. Chose these thresholds in our alert no variables, just comment in notes to installer (1 below) or just filters if running the report manually.
2. ID315 Excessive Toner needs to be subscribed to and active to show (2 below)
We highlight meters that are captured by tools like FM Audit, meters that are automated and meters that have to be manually collected so your rep can have that conversation.
If your report has no detail like below then you have not set up variable Z and W.