Email Invoices from your Document Queue with ability to customize email content to your customers, including providing custom invoices.
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Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts
This process emails invoices from the document queue to customers, including custom invoices while providing you ability to customize the email content, verbiage, branding (unlike standard eAgent task). It is an eAgent replacement for emailing invoices. Unlike e-agent that sends the invoice attachment out with a document name of "tmp########", our process sends the attachment out as the invoice number. This is helpful to avoid your customers thinking the file is spam. It will include the link to the payment portal if you are using our payment process (ID669).
It will be installed in test mode so you can review before sending to customers. Once you're ready to go live you'll need to disable you're current eAgent task that emails invoices from the document queue.
Run Schedule: Hourly for summary, Nightly for emails sent to customer
Type of Output: Data Push and Email
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1. Email to Customer with ID669 Payment Link (can be customized with your logo and whatever verbiage you like):
2. Email to Customer (can be customized with your logo and whatever verbiage you like):
3. Email to Customer for Invoice PAID (can be customized with your logo and whatever verbiage you like):
4. Daily Summary (shows what did not send along with a count of the invoices that successfully sent):
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Variable W: Enter Invoice Type(s) to include., Options: Sales, Contract, Proposal, Service, Misc (this process does not send credit memos or debit memos)
Variable X: Enter Branch Number(s) alert fires on (list multiple branches separate by commas) OR leave blank for ALL branches.
Variable Y: Enter Customer Type(s) to exclude, leave blank to not exclude any
Variable Y: Only send Approved Invoices or All Invoices
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. Emails the invoices from your document queue that are set with a send method as email to your customers. Once the invoice is successfully sent to your customers, the task will remove those invoices from the document queue and note they have been sent in the document queue history.
2. Use VariableZ to tell us whether to include ALL or Approved Only invoices from the Document Queue:
3. It can be customized with your logo and whatever verbiage you like in the body of the email. See this link on how we can match your company branding.
4. We will install in Test Mode first, so you can review results and function first. We will only take out of Test Mode once you've given us your permission to go live.
5. The invoice it sends will use whatever report definition that you used at the time of invoicing. So if you have a customized invoice for certain customers it will send the custom invoice.
6. Sends one email per invoice, just like eAgent task does.
7. Will send to the email address(es) listed in the customer document queue which generate from two areas:
a. valid emails listed in Primary Email field and Other emails from Contact Record:
b. Or, if the invoice is a Contract Invoice and the contract has a different contact listed than the AR contact from customer record then it will populate contract contact.
8. Will send $0.00 invoices IF you have this set in Tools \ Options \ Company Settings \ Edit Main Branch Settings \ Reports:
9. Will include the link to the payments site, if it's an invoice that went through the payment sync (our ID669 process).
10. Sends Daily Summary of any invoices it wasn't able to send due to invalid or missing email along with a count of the invoices that successfully sent. See below for what each message means.
Not Sent Due to Invalid Email = this means that the email address that is listed in the customer document queue for the invoice to go to is either invalid or empty and needs to be corrected. Correct the email in the customer document queue in order for ID437 to pick it up and send out next day. Also be sure to update in the AR contact of the customer record OR contact on the contract depending on where it should be sent to.
Invoice Not Generated = this means that the ID437 process did not properly attach the PDF invoice so it could not be sent. You can either send this one out manually and delete from the queue or allow for ID437 to pick it up and send it out the next day. If it doesn't send out next day reach out to
11. Once you're ready to go live, you need to disable your current eAgent task that emails invoices from the document queue.
12. The sort order is ToAddress, Reason it was not sent (NotSentFlag), Customer BillTo, then InvoiceID
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
1. See this link on how we can match your company branding.
2. Emails listed in TO receive emails sent to customers, Emails listed on CC receive Daily Summary ONLY, Emails listed in BCC receive both actual emails and daily summary.
3. Invoices in Document Queue are auto approved or not auto approved based on this checkbox in Tools\Options\Company\Edit Main Branch settings\Report Options:
4. Once you're ready to go live, you need to disable you're current eAgent task that emails invoices from the document queue.
5. The daily summary you'll receive will show details of invoices that did not send but will not give details on what was sent out other than how many invoices went out. You can view which invoices were sent in the Sent tab of the Customer Document Queue when needed.
6. There is no way to automatically delete invoices from the customer document queue that billed to your leasing company customer records. There are some options on how to manage that.
Option 1) After ID437 sends out invoices for the day, go into the customer document queue and manually highlight and click to remove the leasing company invoices
Option 2) Create a contact with an internal email address and add that as the AR contact to the leasing company customer records. Then, allow ID437 to send leasing company invoices out via Variable Y. This way when the invoices are emailed out they don't actually go anywhere.
Option 3) When billing contract invoices, bring contracts that bill to leasing companies into the Ready To Invoice tab only, leaving any contracts that don't bill to leasing company behind. When you click to generate the invoices, uncheck the "Print Invoices" box to not send those invoices to the customer document queue. (Note that sales invoices that bill to a lender will still go to the queue and need to be manually removed).
7. Note on Credit Memos and Debit Memos - that ID437 will not send credit memos or debit memos out of the customer document queue. If you queue those document types, then you will want to have an e-agent task in place for those only so that they send outside of the ID437 process.
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID669 - On Line Payments
ID800 - Email Past Due Invoices
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