
ID800 - Email Past Due Invoice Overview & Sample:

Automatically emails past due invoice(s) to your customer

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This alert emails a copy of any past-due invoice(s) (Sales, Contract, Proposal, Service. Misc.) to the AR Contact on the "Bill To" customer record. You can select if this alert only sends to specified customers OR to all customers (via Variable Z). Invoices are emailed when the days past due equal your Variable W setting and again when the days past due match your Variable 2 setting with the option to send a third notice when the days past due match your Variable 6 setting. Ensure the email address you are sending from is an address your customers can reply to. We will send you a daily report of emails sent/not sent. 

Emails listed in TO receive emails sent to customers. Emails listed in CC receive the daily summary ONLY. Emails listed in BCC receive both.

Also consider ID213, a past due mini statement with no invoice attached. ID387 will ensure you are getting email contacts for your customer's AR Contact.

See clones ID853, ID367, ID27 and ID979 for branching options

Run Schedule: Weekday Evenings

Type of Output: Email

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Default verbiage for first reminder email (VariableW #days past due)

ID800 Esc 1 No Payment Link.jpg

Default verbiage for second/escalation reminder email (Variable2 # days past due)

ID800 Esc 2 No Payment Link.jpg

Default verbiage for third/escalation reminder email (Variable6 # days past due)

ID800 Esc 3 No Payment Link.jpg


Available as of Version 20241018 - If you opt to activate the CEOJuice Online Payment Portal ID669, we can add the payment link to the ID800 email, allowing your customer to pay the invoice(s) online.  Payment link auto checks the past due invoices that were sent in the ID800 email and also shows all other open invoices to allow customer to check those invoices for payment as well.

Default verbiage for first reminder email (VariableW #days past due) including ID669 Payment Link
ID800 Esc 1 Payment Link.jpg

Default verbiage for second/escalation reminder email (Variable2 # days past due) including ID669 Payment Link

ID800 Esc 2 Payment Link.jpg

Default verbiage for third/escalation reminder email (Variable6 # days past due) including ID669 Payment Link

ID800 Esc 3 Payment Link.jpg

Daily Summary:

ID800 Summary.jpg

Sample Task Entry in AR Console:



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*Variables listed in RED are required; otherwise alert will not work**

ID800 Variables1.jpgID800 Variables2.jpg

Variable W: Number of DAYS PAST THE DUE DATE on the invoice to the reminder.

Variable 2: Number of days AFTER Variable W to send the escalation email. For example, when Variable W = 45 and Variable 2 = 30, then the escalation will be sent 75 days past the due date. This escalated email can have alternate (possibly firmer) verbiage. Just let us know at exactly what that verbiage should be. If this variable is left blank, then only one reminder will be sent per Variable W.  

Variable 6 (Only available on version 20241018 or later): Number of days AFTER Variable 2 to send the escalation email. For example, when Variable W = 45, Variable 2 = 30 and Variable 6 = 30, then the escalation will be sent 105 days past the due date. This escalated email can have alternate (possibly firmer) verbiage than the previous escalation. Just let us know at exactly what that verbiage should be. If this variable is set to 0, then only two reminders will be sent per Variable W and Variable 2.  Please note, if this variable is left blank it is the same as setting to 0.

Variable Z: Enter 'ALL' to send invoices to all Bill To Customers OR enter 'SELECTED' to send only to customers included via a custom property. 'ALL' mode will send to ALL customers with qualifying past due invoices. You can set exceptions via a custom property. 'SELECTED' mode requires you to set a custom property on the customer record for those customers to receive qualifying past due invoices. 

Variable X: Custom property on the 'Bill To' customer record to include or exclude customers and override Variable W setting (first escalation).

Variable Y: Type of invoices to send - options Sales, Contract, Proposal, Service, Misc.

Variable 1: Customer type(s), if any, to exclude from this process (i.e. lease companies).


Variable 3: Minimum amount due on invoices (whole numbers only, no decimals) to send. If this variable is left blank, the alert defaults to 10.

Variable 4: Contact task type used to write to AR Console indicating emails have been sent. Leave blank for NO task type to be created. This is only available with version 2020625 - email to update your version. 

Variable 5 (Only available on version 20241018 or later): Branch Number(s) to trigger on, separated by comma or leave blank for ALL. 


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. The alert will send any past due invoices if your customer has any unapplied payment or credit on their account. But if you would like us to set the process so it will exclude any customers with unapplied payment or credit on their account, please reach out to us at

2. Any partial payments applied to an invoice should reflect on total amount due left on outstanding invoice sent.

3. As of Version 20241018 alert will send a single email including all invoice types. However prior versions send one email per invoice type.

4. As of version 20241018, this alert process can send your customized invoices.  Please note, if you are on a version prior to 20241018, then this alert process will NOT be able to pull in your customized invoice format. Rather it will default to eAutomate's standard invoice format. 

5. As of version 20200625, we can now write an Completed/Solved Task to your AR Console showing email sent. The user will always show as CJID800 and the task will always be marked completed:


6. Changes to Variable W, Variable 2 or Variable 6 will not effect any past due invoices already sent. Once a given escalation has been sent (first, second, third,etc. per Variable W, Variable 2, Variable 6), the alert will not send again for that escalation. 

7. Alert Variable W, Variable 2 and Variable 6 consider days past due from the invoice due date (not days since invoice issued):


8. If invoices are still open 90 days after the second (or third if applicable) escalation has been sent, this process will send another notification to the customer for those invoices using the language from the final configured escalation letter.  The logic assumes that any invoices which go 90 days past that final escalation are either written off or need to be chased again for payment.  This process will continue to send every 90 days after the final configured escalation until the invoice is either written off or paid.

9. Alert considers ALL customers with past due balances and will send for both active and inactive customers.

10. Must have an A/R contact setup and that contact listed must have a valid email address.  See screenshot below for where to set the A/R contact.  This is from within the customer's profile and you select the contact from the drop down list.

Use ID767 to remind you to add an AR contact if one is missing


**As of version 20241018 alert logic will consider the Contract Report AR contact if present, if nothing found will then send to the AR Contact on the Customer Record.

Contract Report AR Contact found here on contract record:

ID800 Contract Contact.jpg

11. Alert does not consider the 'Invoice Method.' If it finds an email address to send to from the AR contact record, it will email. Alert will forward invoice for printing only when the contact is marked -decl-.


Multiple Contacts:

Multiple Contacts:

As of version 20200625: If you need this alert to go to more than one fixed email address, you can add additional emails in the Other emails section of the Contact Record set as the AR Contact to receive the alert. If you have multiple emails listed in the Other emails field, please separate them with a semi-colon. **You MUST be on the current version of the alert to have this functionality work. See below on how to check your version and email us at to get updated.


Check your Revision Log by clicking on tab in your ID800 subscription:


12. If the alert tries to send a notification to a contact who does NOT have an email, it will be listed on the daily summary as Not Sent / No AR Contact.  As of version 20241018, if the contact has an email but the alert found it to be invalid, it will be noted on the daily summary.

13. For versions prior to 20241018, if an email address on the AR contact record is invalid, any emails past that failure will not send. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND using ID305 to ensure Contact Records are set correctly. 

14. If you have a customer you would rather have the invoice printed and not emailed, then list -decl- or -3rd- in Contact Number field for that contact record. Alert will forward an email to the email listed as the 'FROM' on your alert subscription so that it can be sent by another method.


15. As of version 20241018 can now be set to CC Sales Rep/Sales Manager on Invoices sent to customers. Please note, alert will not send to Sales Rep/Sales Rep's Manager while in test mode. Alert sends to the Sales Rep assigned to the Bill To Customer on the Invoice.
ID800 Sales Rep.jpg


Selected vs. All Mode

Selected vs. All Mode

SELECTED mode means you set which Customer will receive emails from this alert.

ALL mode means you set exceptions for those NOT to receive while the rest of your customers will receive emails from the alert. **Remember you can also set exclusions by Customer Type listed in Variable1.

**If you wish to change your mode AND you are no longer in Test Mode (emails actually now sending to your customers), please reach out to before changing as this will GREATLY effect what your customers receive.**


Selected Mode:


If VariableZ is set with SELECTED Mode, you set a given BILL TO Customer Record to receive FIRST email by setting the Custom Property ZCJPastDueInvoiceDays to a number other than zero or blank. Alert will only send for those customers you've set Custom Property for. **See below for details on Custom Property functions.**


ALL Mode:


If VariableZ is set with ALL mode, then customers will be emailed invoice(s) based on Days Past Due set in Variables W and 2. VariableW determines when first email is sent and Variable2 determines when second email is sent. Use the Custom Property ZCJPastDueInvoiceDays set to 9,999 to exclude a customer from the alert emails.

**See below for details on Custom Property functions.**



ZCJPastDueInvoiceDays - Function of Custom Property

This Custom Property is intended to either (1) to set a customized days past due at customer level rather than using your standard days past due settings set in VariableW and Variable2 OR (2) prevent customer from receiving any/all emails from the alert.

(1) Using Custom Property to set different days past due level for individual customer:

**PLEASE NOTE, how this Custom Property depends on which version of the alert you are running (ask us at if you're not sure).**

Version 20200625 or later:

Custom Property replaces value set in VariableW. 1st letter/email is sent when value in Custom Property is met, regardless of VariableW. 2nd escalation letter/email is sent when days past due = Custom Property Value + Variable2. 

For example IF:

VariableW = 10

Variable2 = 15

Custom Property = 30

THEN, first letter/email is sent at 30 days past due. Second letter/email is sent at 45 days past due (Variable2 + Custom Property).


**If you set the Custom Property to 0, our logic essentially ignores the Custom Property and will look to VariableW to send first notice at VariableW past due days.

Version 20160203 or earlier:

Alert will trigger when the Days Past Due is that listed on Custom Property. However, how that number of days past due relates to the total of VariableW and Variable2, determines which letter/email (first or second) is sent. 

VariableW is completely ignored and sends 2nd escalation letter at days past due per Custom Property value. 

For example IF:

VariableW = 10

Variable2 = 15

Custom Property = 30

THEN, first letter/email is NOT sent. Second letter/email is sent at 30 days (VariableW and Variable 2 are ignored). Second letter/email is NOT sent because Custom Property value (30) is larger than total of VariableW and Variable2 (25).


For example IF:

VariableW = 10

Variable2 = 15

Custom Property = 20

THEN, first letter/email is sent, second letter email sent at 25 days. Custom Property value (20) is lower than total of VariableW and Variable2 (25).

(2) To prevent a Customer from receiving any / all emails from ID800, set Custom Property ZCJPastDueInvoiceDays to 9,999 on BILL TO Customer Record: 




Daily Summary

Daily Summary

Daily summary is first sorted by Not Sent/Sent and then sorted by Customer Name

Includes subscription values for Variable Y (Invoice Types), Variable 1 (Customer Types excluded) and Variable 3 (Minimum Amount Due to Send) above report table

Customer Name and Customer No. - Bill To Customer

Escalation Level  - 1, 2 , 3 notice, # times email sent

Invoice Sent? - Indicates if invoice sent or not sent

Details of Results - Indictates why email not sent and/or if customer has Unapplied Payments or Credits

Unapplied Credits - Unapplied credits on account

Unapplied Payments - Open amount on receipt that can be applied to the open invoices 

ID800 Summary.jpg

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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. If you need to exclude a customer temporarily from receiving these emails, then set Custom Property ZCJPastDueInvoiceDays to 9999. Be sure to make a note for yourself to switch it back as we do not monitor those for you.

2. We will set this alert up in test mode first as it is a customer facing alert for you. While in test mode, alert will only send to any email(s) listed on the to/cc/bcc of your alert subscription the Top 8 for each invoice type. While in test mode, if running alert in SELECT mode, you MUST still set Customer Record up with Custom Property. 

Once you've reviewed sample emails and feel comfortable with the alert's functionality, then you can let us know at you're ready to go live. At that time, we suggest removing emails from to/cc as their email will show on emails sent to your customers and those emails will likely be bombarded with emails.

*Please note: If first email (VariableW #past due days) triggered while in TEST MODE and then the alert is turned to LIVE mode, that invoice will only qualify for second escalation (Var 2 #past due days) and any additional escalations that may have been built. You have the option when turned LIVE, for CEOJuice to wipe the alert logic so all output that qualifies as past due will be sent again. Be aware that an invoice could trigger for first escalation today and second escalation tomorrow, depending on how many days past due. If you would like this option activated on go live day, email to make this live, add in the following verbiage as part of your request "you are approved to wipe the alert logic restrictions so all output that qualifies will be sent again on going live". 

3. List yourself in the CC to receive the daily summary only, if you want to also be on copy for the output invoices being sent add yourself to the BCC. Any email listed in TO will receive emails sent to customer, but not the daily summary.


4. Consider the FROM email on your alert subscription since this will be sending to your Customers. We suggest using an email like accountsreceivable@, so should your customer reply to the email, your staff will receive. You can change on subscription, BUT FIRST check with your IT Department to ensure ceojuice user has permissions to "send as" (not on behalf of) the email address listed here on your subscription (otherwise emails won't actually get to your customers and we have no way of knowing that is happening). Then let us know so we can test to make sure.

CLICK HERE for instructions on needed permissions for ceojuice user.



5. Our variable settings allow for a first and second notice; however, if you'd like, we can add up to a 3rd escalation. We don't do more than three escalations as at that point other collection efforts would be needed since emails don't seem to be doing the trick! Please email with exact verbiage and days past VariableW for each subsequent escalation letter/email to be sent. As of version 20241018 third escalation can be set via Variable 6 of alert subscription.

6. If you need different text in the signature line for different branches, please email us at and we can program the alert accordingly. We are not able to accommodate different graphics though. Please provide us details by branch number.

7. We are unable to add invoice numbers in the subject line due to limitations. The subject does contain the customer number to help you identify which customer is responding to you though. 

Creating Custom Property

Creating Custom Property

To create needed Custom Property please see these steps:

Step 1:

Create Attribute via Tools / Lists & Codes / Attributes

Attribute Name: ZCJPastDueInvoiceDays

Description: # of days at which to start sending past due invoices ID800

Data Type: Numeric


Step 2:

Add Attribute to Customer Record Configuration via Tools / Lists & Codes / Configuration (Custom Properties).

Select Customer Record Configuration type, use Quick Add to add ZCJPastDueInvoiceDays and be sure to leave default value blank



Creating Task Type

Creating Task Type

If you wish for alert to create task in AR Console (version 20200625+ only), then create Contact Task Type to be used only for this alert process via Tools / Lists & Codes/ Contact Task Types:

**this Task Type must be populated in Variable4**



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID213 - AR Collection letter with past due bucket Amounts (First & Second Notice)

ID305 - Validate Email Address Field on all Contact Records

ID437 - Email Invoices from Document Queue

ID461 - To Notify if Invoiced Customer Has Unapplied Credit

ID387 - Ensure you have a Contact with email

ID669 - Online Payments

ID767 - Sends a list of all customers with no AR contact/email

ID717 - CEO Juice Custom Report Unapplied AR Payment Review


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