
ID674 - Customer Service History Overview & Sample:

Detailed On Demand Report proving Service History

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This report at the Equipment Level shows Service History for a given customer or contract across a given time frame. For each equipment there is a roll-up of service details (including total calls, volume, average response time and up/down hours) and some detail on each call within the period. With this tool you can show you customer exactly what they're getting in the way of service, and the roll-up numbers will show them exactly how good you are at it.

Run Schedule: None

Type of Output: On Demand SSRS Report


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No Variables as only an On Demand SSRS Report


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Equipment record does NOT need to be active for report to produce results

Column Explanations

Column Explanations 

Average Monthly Volume: this average is specific to the AMV from eAuto. This is NOT specific to you report date filters.

Report will show the 3-month AMV, if nothing present, then 6-month AMV, if nothing present then 12-month AMV, if nothing present then Install AMV from Equipment Record:


Service Calls Lifetime: Quantity of Service Calls over lifetime of device (ALL customers) and will exclude/include CM service calls based on CM Calls Only filter setting

Service Calls From/To: Quantity of Service Calls specific to your From / To Period filters on report and will exclude/include CM service calls based on CM Calls Only filter setting 

Service Calls This Year / Last Year: Quantity of service calls this / last calendar year and will exclude/include CM service calls based on CM Calls Only filter setting 

Last Default Meter Read: Is last default meter per on eAuto Equipment Record



Avg Response Time: Average response time specific to your From / To Period filters on report and will exclude/include CM service calls based on CM Calls Only filter setting

Up Time Hours / Percentage: The number of business hours the machine was not down for (please see this link for discussions on use of uptime: EUG).  

'Down' is the total time from call open date/time to call close date/time and is only Corrective Maintenance calls are considered. 

Up Time is the working hours available less any holiday hours per year entered in eAuto (you must have service hours, holiday’s, etc. listed in Tools/List and Codes/Service Hours/Daily Hours Tab and Holiday Tab)

Please see THIS LINK for how to set correctly in eAuto.


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OnDemand Report Filters

OnDemand Report Filters

**Any filters described below as "Contains Filter" is a filter where you can enter partial information and filter will return results on any text or numbers containing your entry. Multiple entries can be entered, just separate by comma required.


Parent Customer Name or Number (Contains Filter): Enter Parent Name or Number designated on Customer Name of Equipment Record


Customer Name or Number (Contains Filter): Enter Customer Name or Number from Equipment Record

Location Name or Number (Contains Filter): Enter Location Remark Name or Number from Equipment Record

Untitled picture.png

Equipment Number (Contains Filter): can list more than Equipment ID (separated by comma). If you only enter an ID# and no other Parent/Customer/Location filters, then you will receive history from current contract device is actively listed on.

Equipment Make (Contains Filter): enter Make to filter by specific eAuto Make (i.e. Konica, Lanier)


Display All Equipment: If running for specific Equip ID, then be sure to set as Yes. When not specifying Equipment, then select from No Options to limit:


Group By: Equipment Location, Bill To Customer Location, Contract Number, OR Contract Type


Contract Number (Contains Filter): can list more than Contract Number (separated by comma). **Contract MUST be Active in order to pull information to report.**

Show Call Details: Yes/No show all service call details

CM Calls Only: CM Type Calls set to YES will only show CM Types Call in Service Details, to see ALL service call details, set to NO.

Hide Up Time: Yes/No to show on report. Up time is for all calls unless filtering to only include CM calls for date period filter requested

Hide Response/Open Time: Yes/No to show on report. Response time is for all calls unless filtering to only include CM calls for date period filter requested (does NOT exclude reschedule calls - please use ID258 SSRS Customer Business Review Service Details Sheet for Response Times excluding rescheduled calls).

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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

-If you use the date filters in any combination, please note the report produced will only reflect the service history for that time period within the filters you have assigned.


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID258 - Customer Business Review

ID873 - Call Summary to Help Desk


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