
ID23 - Supplies Shipped (No Charge No Contract) Overview & Sample:

Ensuring supply items are correctly allocated against a contract is important for accurate contract profitability. This alert warns on any zero-dollar orders not associated with existing contract OR billable bill code assigned to equipment record. It is also needed if we are to track excessive toner usage correctly. 

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This alert triggers for zero-dollar sales orders that are not associated with an existing contract OR billable bill code on the equipment record. This alert is designed to send twice in some cases, once when the sales order is opened and then again if that sales order is not fixed at the time of invoicing.  

The initial alert notification will be sent to the Creator (if you choose to do so) and the second notification is sent after the sales order was invoiced.  Because the creator of the sales order does not necessarily have anything to do with the invoicing they are not included on that second email notification, this alert would only send to the fixed recipients on the To/CC/BCC on the alert.

To avoid having set up supplies show on this alert either enter the supplies on the equipment order or create a new order type called “Setup”. 

Some clients use sales orders to record setup supplies against a machine and need to exclude those orders.  That can be accomplished by using a different Order Type code for those setup orders and putting that code (and any others you don't want to be alerted on for $0) in VariableW.

Run Schedule: Hourly

Type of Output: Email / Task App


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Variable W: Order Types to EXCLUDE from alert (default is blank to include ALL Order Types, separate entries with a comma.)

Variable X: Sales Codes to EXCLUDE from alert (default is blank to include ALL Sales Codes, separate entries with a comma.)

Variable Y: Order Types to INCLUDE on the alert (default is Supply, separate entries with a comma.)


Variable Z: Equipment Bill Codes to EXCLUDE (default is blank for ALL, separate entries with a comma.)

Variable 1: Customer Numbers to EXCLUDE from this alert (default is blank for ALL, separate entries with a comma.)

Variable 2Branch numbers to INCLUDE on the alert (default is blank for ALL, separate entries with a comma.)


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. This alert will notify when someone has manually overridden the price on a line item in Sales Order. Best Practice is to rely on eAuto to auto bill/not bill based on Contract or Equipment Bill Code. Please use THIS LINK for step-by-step instructions on how to enter a supply order, link to contract, ship and fulfill, so eAuto automatically determines if billable or not for you.

2. The Sales Order Type (not description) the alert is looking for is found here on the sales order:


3. The default setup for the alert is to look for orders with the type "Supply", with variable W left blank and variable Y set to Supply. If you want to add order types for the alert to trigger on besides Supply, add them to variable Y. You could also leave variable Y blank, which would have the alert trigger for all order types and then enter any order types to exclude in variable W. 

4. You can exclude orders from the alert based on the sales code of the item, found here in eAutomate:


5. You can also exclude orders from the alert by using the equipment bill code, found here in eAutomate (on the equipment record):


5. There is also an option to exclude orders from the alert based on the customer number, found here in eAutomate:



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. How to exclude "Set Up" Supplies from triggering on ID23? We recommend creating a specific 'order type' to be used just on setup supply orders, then add that order type to VariableW of the ID23 subscription, which will exclude those orders from being included on ID23. Using this process with a specific order type, also allows you to easily search and find setup supply orders over a period of time, if needed.

2. Best practices on linking equipment to supply orders and how to correct them, please click here



To correct a Sales Order NOT linked to Contract Record, you must VOID the invoice, edit the Sales Order and then re-invoice in order for the costs to actually impact the contract. If you only edit an already fulfilled Sales Order (and don't void, re-invoice), then the costs will NOT appropriately reflect as cost of contract.

Find the Sales Order and right click, selecting Fulfillments: Order number to Order number - Primary:


This takes you to the Fulfillment record specific to the Sales Order. Use VOID option. This will void the fulfillment and set Sales Order back as Shipped (and unfulfilled). Then you can go back to the Sales Order and link Equipment/Contract to each Item (see #2 in instructions below)



There are two ways you can associate equipment and contracts to Sales Orders and Sales Invoices.

(1) The first way is to check the box that says (1) Add Equipment and Contract below the Items field. Then (2) select the equipment and contract from the drop down lists before you add the items to the Sales Order/Invoice. The (3) Item field can be used to filter by related items to ensure order taker only sees items that can go in this machine 




(2) The second way is to add the line items to the Sales Order/Invoice, then double click on each line item and select the Equipment from the Equipment drop down list and the Contract from the Contract drop down list.





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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID66 - Free or Discounted Service Call

ID215 - Possible Duplicate Toner Order

ID315 - Excessive Toner Orders

ID693 - Sales Order Created with Quantity/Price greater than Variables

ID35/ID47 - Ensure New Customer is not billed for Supplies/Service


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