Thorough Technician Car Stock Report showing usage, quantities on hand and shows items considered stale.
Jump to Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | OnDemand Report Filters | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts
Most dealers let their techs determine what should be in their car stock, the challenge is taking back the stock they do not need. Alert provides management a summary report of each car stock value along with the stale inventory value and a separate detailed report going direct to the technician. The detailed report shows tech days since used, min/max, MIF (to help identify if future use likely), either retail or cost value, and stale value.
Once you are comfortable with this report move on to ID694 which automates the process of having the techs return that stale inventory.
We also suggest running our OnDemand SSRS Report ID204 Technician Productivity Report to see what the reschedules are for each tech, then take back parts they are not using and get them some they need. .
Run Schedule: Weekly Saturday AM
Type of Output: Email and On Demand SSRS Report
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Email Samples:
Email shows Total Inventory Value and Stale Inventory Value (Cost or Retail depending on your Variable2 setting):
Details Section by Tech Warehouse:
Section in Yellow Box shows PartNumber, PartDescription and highlights in yellow if inventory is considered “stale”.
Section in Red Box shows Min/Max Levels (if set for tech), quantity allocated (not yet billed/removed from inventory), MIF (machines in field) for tech and retail price (per your Variable2 setting).
End of report will show summary for tech (Values shown will be either Retail or Cost based on your Variable2 setting):
Summary Format:
**Groups by Technician Manager**
Dollars in red are stale based on your variable settings. We show the % of a tech's stock that is stale also in red.
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**ALL variables are required, please do not leave any blank otherwise alert emails will not send.**
Variable W: Enter # of days going back from today to see if item was not used on sales order/service call or purchased to flag as stale
Variable X: Flag items as stale when average cost > XXX (no decimals please)
Variable Y: Days of Usage History History Usage Days to show (0 shows no history), max is 30. This is just for showing on report, does not effect actual usage consideration. If tech used item out of another warehouse, then that usage will NOT appear in the history. VariableY should be the # of days between the schedule of this report (every 30 days or every 7 days) depending on whatever the schedule you prefer for us to run the report.
Variable Z: Custom Property indicating Field Tech (this Custom Property must be set to YES to include tech on report)
Variable 1: Days since item transferred into warehouse to not count as stale even when no usage
Variable 2: Valuation to Use (enter Cost or Retail)
Cost = Average Cost
Retail = Default Price as the alert logic assumes you are using the eAuto Default Price field for that purpose
Variable 3: Include only contracted equipment (Yes) or all active equipment assigned (No) for MIF calculation, enter Yes or No
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. All figures shown on report are at tech warehouse level (i.e. Days Since Used, Min/Max, Usage), only exception is Company MIF.
2. Transfers includes PO Receipts and Transfers
3. Tech MIF is the number of equipment records on contract right now assigned to the tech that are a model that has historically used the item in that row before. Company MIF is the number of equipment records on contract right now that have ever used the item as well but are not necessarily assigned to this technician.
4. When selecting COST for price to show on report, items display average cost EXCEPT serialized items - serialized items show actual cost
5. On Demand SSRS Report will also show items that should possibly be stocked for tech. Items listed here have no min/max for technician warehouse, but there has been usage:
**This will ONLY show for Tech Warehouse Types**
Column Defintions
Column Definitions:
Days last used: days since used via service call activity
Days last txfr: Days since item transferred to tech's warehouse
Max is 30 regardless if value you enter is greater than 30 (otherwise there is just way too much data to pull)
Min/Max: Min/Max setting on tech warehouse for this item
Allocated: quantity of item already allocated (i.e. pending service call)
MIF Tech / Company: Tech MIF is active contract Equipment assigned to Tech. Company MIF is active contract Equipment across entire company for any/all equipment that has ever had the item 'used' on a service call or sales order.
Best practice is to have stale inventory at 0%, item should return to main warehouse for use and/or wholesaled.
Retail / Cost: Will show retail or Cost value based on your select for Variable2 setting
Stale: indicates in red if item considered stale based on your variable settings
QOH: Quantity on Hand in Tech's Warehouse
Required settings in eAuto:
Required setting in eAuto:
1. Alert emails will only consider techs set with ZCJFieldTech (or whatever you have listed in VariableZ) Custom Property set to Yes:
2. Tech eAuto Employee Record MUST have manager assignment:
3. Tech's Warehouse MUST have tech listed on Details Tab / Technician:
Summary vs. Detail Format
Summary vs. Detail Format:
-Emails listed in To/CC/BCC of your ID72 subscription will only receive Summary Format. The Summary Format does NOT show parts details, only To Tech and/or To Tech Manager receive detail item level format.
-Select To Tech and/or To Tech Manager for email to send to Technician (uses email on Tech's eAuto Employee Record) and for Manager to receive detailed item level format. Manager will receive separate email for each technician (not a roll-up summary format).
-Items with two ** indicates non-standard stock item. This refers to either (1) when the item has a minimum stocking level of ‘0’ or (2) a stock code that is not ‘stock’
-Days Last Used is only considering Service Call Activity
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OnDemand Report Filters
OnDemand Report Filters
Technicians: Select Techs to report on
Can select ZCJ_ALL_TECHS and report will automatically include all Active/Inactive techs with ZCJFieldTech on Employee Record set to Yes. **Be careful as this could overload your server processing so much data**
Non Tech Whse: Select Non Tech / Customer Warehouses to report on
Days since activity (excludes transfers): enter days since service call activity to consider
Max is 30 regardless if value you enter is greater than 30 (otherwise there is just way too much data to pull)
Days since last transfer or receipt: Enter number of days going back from today to see if item was not used on sales order/service call or purchased to flag as stale
Days of detailed activity to show: Enter number of days of usage activity to show
Stale avg cost > than ($): Flag items as stale when average cost > XXX
Only include contracted equipment: Yes/No
Yes=would exclude non-contracted equipment from Tech and Company MIF calculations
No=would include non-contracted equipment from Tech and Company MIF calculations
Valuation: enter either Cost or Retail
Cost = Average Cost
Retail = Default Price as the alert logic assumes you are using the eAuto Default Price field for that purpose
Show items w/Zero Min & Usage: Yes/No - yes to show items with zero minimum and zero usage (at tech warehouse level)
Summary: Yes/No - indicate if you'd like if in summary format, if no, then shows details
Stale Items Only: indicate if you want to ONLY see stale items, or entire Tech Car Stock and Stale Items
Mode: no control of this filter - shows 694 if only showing stale items or shows 72 if showing entire Tech Car Stock and Stale Items
Branches Included: filter for selected branch or leave set with default for ALL branches
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
1. We recommend using the eAuto Inventory Logistics Console to help manage min/max. More details at ILC Best Practice HERE.
2. Best practice is to have dead inventory at 0%, item should return to main warehouse for use and/or wholesaled.
3. Technicians should ALWAYS have their own assigned Warehouse for Car Stock, seen here on eAuto Employee Record.
We recommend the description of the techs warehouse match their name or be something more defining than something generic like "Car Stock". The summary report groups by warehouse description, so if all your techs warehouse descriptions are Car Stock, the alert is unable to differentiate (it looks like none of them are reporting).
4. Main Warehouse showing on report?
If you have the Main Warehouse showing on any of your reports, please be sure to check that your Technician eAuto Employee Records are assigned to their own specific warehouse, not the MAIN WAREHOUSE.
You can identify which techs are causing this problem by going to eViews. Under System / Shared open the Employees / Contractors eView and filter it by Technician = Yes and Warehouse contains Main. (You'll need to customize and import columns, so let us know if you need help with this.) This will show you the technicians that have the Main warehouse assigned to their employee record. You will need to create a technician warehouse for each of the techs in the list and assign it to their employee records under the Positions tab.
5. Use our Tech Productivity SSRS report (ID204) for six months and see what the reschedules are for each tech, then take back parts they are not using and get them some they need.
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID75 - Suggested use for doing a detailed inventory analysis
ID204 - Technician Productivity Report
ID694 - Automates the process of having the techs return their stale inventory