Emails your customers shipment tracking details when order is drop shipped from your vendor.
Requirement: You must be using POP Direct/Gwentaa Integration
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Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts
This process will send an automated email when supplies are drop shipped with tracking details to the 'ordered by' contact on the sales order. This process requires that you are using the POP Direct/Gwentaa integration to push in tracking data onto a sales order note.
Contact info for Pop Direct/Gwentaa
If you are using vendor/s for drop shipments who are not pushing in tracking data AND you want to send out confirmation emails with tracking info to your customers, then you can use this process along with PopDirect/Gwentaa integration.
A similar process ID200 looks for tracking information in the shipment record. The key is to get the tracking information into eAutomate. If you are using PO Processor for drop shipment orders, some vendors automatically push in tracking information into the shipment record (check with ECI/PO Processor on the vendors that do) and therefore ID200 will work for you. If the vendors you use are not pushing the data into eAutomate, you can use Pop Direct/Gwentaa to get that data onto a note into eAutomate and then ID753 will send the information from that note.
This alert requires you link the sales order to the Purchase Order.
Run Schedule: Daily, afternoons
Type of Output: Email to customer
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Email is all customizable
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Variable W: Note Type of Note written to the Sales Order in e-automate by the PO Processor functionality
Variable X: Custom Property on Customer Record to disable shipment confirmation for all customer contacts
Variable Y: Opt Out Contact Category on Contact Record to not send the entry/shipment confirmation
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
Requirement you must have the POP Direct/Gwentaa integration setup that will push a note onto the Sales Order when a dropship is completed. CEO Juice does not handle this feature, you must be using Pop Direct/Gwentaa click link for contact and info
1. This process looks for a specific Note recorded in eAutomate on the Sales Order, this is the Note Type that you set in Variable W of the subscription.
Below is an example of the raw text that POP Direct/Gwentaa pushes into eAutomate
The Note is not designed to be human-readable, it's a mashup of data points that we parse out.
2. Email is sent to the Ordered by contact on Sales Order. The contact must have an email on their record
3. Once the note is added to the order, within a few minutes the email is sent to your customers notifying them that the order is on the way with shipping details.
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
1. Since this a customer-facing alert, we do recommend that the from email address for the alert comes from one of your department emails your customer can reply to (i.e. supplies@ OR customerservice@). We can make that change on your subscription, but please make sure CEO Juice has permission to send as that email address otherwise no emails will send out. Please see THIS POST on setting those permissions up.
2. How to Opt Out Customer or Contact from emails, see HERE.
Custom Property Set Up
See THIS LINK for Custom Property set up
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID165 - Order was created and no Contact and Email linked
ID200 - Send Supply Shipment Email with Tracking Details to Customers
ID216 - Send Order Confirmation for Sales Order Entry
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