
ID511 Report of Tech Parts Usage by $ Amount for Day/Month to Tech/Manager Overview & Sample;

Daily report of technician parts usage in dollars (average cost). 

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This alert advises technicians (and a rollup report to their managers) of their total parts usage (by average cost) for the day, week, and month-to-date, by dollar amount. No detail is provided, literally just dollars broken down by contracted vs. billable. This is intended as a motivational and educational tool to help service departments understand the financial impact of their work. Uses the Call Completed Date (not invoice date) for the 'daily', and also pulls in Completed calls not yet invoiced. The dollar amounts are the average costs from the material entries on the call.


Run Schedule: Daily, End of Day

Type of Output: Email


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To Tech:


To Tech Manager:


Summary for To/CC/BCC:


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Variable W: Custom Property required on the e-automate Employee Record identifying who to include on alert emails

Variable X: Enter Branch numbers you want to include (list multiple branches separate by commas) OR leave blank for ALL branches

Variable Y: Select from dropdown Service Code Categories to include:

Parts Category Only


Supply Category Only


Both Parts and Supplies Categories


Variable Z: Include or Exclude items used on service calls that are not under contract (billable)?



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

(1) Based on Invoiced or Completed Service Calls for the day and the amounts are average cost.

(2) Must run at the end of the day as it reflects "today's parts" and will reflect daily usage as of the time it runs (it does not consider since last time it ran for today's parts).

(3) Sending To: 


Send To Technician - will send one email to the technician of just his/her parts usage.

Send To Technician's Manager - will send one email to tech managers for their assigned technicians (based on manager listed on the technician's e-automate Employee Record. Sorts by Contracted vs Billable, then by technician.

Send To/CC/BCC - will send one email to all those fixed emails for all technicians, sorted by manager, then by Contracted vs. Billable.


(4) If you do not have alert set to send to Technician's Manager OR if Tech Manager's eAuto Employee Record has not email address, then the first email listed in 'Send To' will receive tech specific email.

(5) Only see tech with Billable Parts, but not Contract Parts? At the start of a new month it's possible for a given tech to have ZERO calls with qualifying parts costs for a few days. In this case the process creates a single placeholder value for that tech, and that placeholder is on the billable side. As soon as the tech has qualifying parts consumption of either type you'll see the placeholder disappear and the actual monthly values show up.

Tech Missing

Tech Missing?

Verify the following:

(1) Custom Property ZCJFieldTech set to Yes on the technician's e-automate Employee Record

(2) Has valid email address on e-automate Employee Record

(3) Has manager listed on e-automate Employee Record

(4) A technician won't show up on the current month's output until they actually have parts consumption on a call for that month


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

(1) See this link on how to best set up your Field Techs in e-automate for CEO Juice alerts

(2) Use Service Call Materials e-view based on Close Date to review details. The e-view should also be filtered on technicians with the ZCJFieldTech Custom Property set to YES as well as Parts Only and parts pulled from the technician's warehouse (not main or other warehouses).



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID46 - Tech Warehouse Activity Report

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