This task process will mark your e-automate Equipment Records inactive based on activity recorded against each record. Note: This alert is NOT for anyone who has been on e-automate less than 18 months.
Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts
Reviews transaction history recorded against Equipment Records to determine if device should be considered inactive according to the thresholds you set on your subscription variables.
We install first in test mode so you can review before any changes are made to e-automate. You decide when you're ready to switch it to run live.
Run Schedule: Monthly on the 1st
Type of Output: Email with Excel spreadsheet attached
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Attached excel document:
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Variable W: Enter number of Years since Install / Create Date
Variable X: Enter number of Months since services (considers only CM and PM call activity)
Variable Y: Enter number of Months since Supplies shipped
Variable Z: Enter number of Months since last meter reading
Variable 1: Enter Branch Numbers to report on (separated by comma) or leave blank for ALL
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. Alert will consider accessories for marking inactive. Alert output shows ID number of Equipment Record if accessory linked. Otherwise, no ID number referenced.
Sample below shows Model/Accessory CB4520U is linked to Host Equipment Number 12345; whereas, Model ADF-102 is not linked to any equipment. Neither have transaction activity recorded against them, so both accessories (linked and not linked) would be marked inactve.
2. If accessories are not linked to an equipment record and meet ALL criteria for inactivation, they will be marked inactive. Accessories linked to an active Host equipment record will not be inactived, however, if Host equipment record is marked inactive on a previous run, the next time the process runs it will mark all linked accessories to that Host equipment record inactive as well.
3. This task process uses the following criteria to determine if an Equipment Record can be marked inactive. Qualifying Equipment Records are those that meet ALL of the following criteria:
1) Either Install Date on Equipment Record OR Create Date of Equipment Record is more than Variable W years ago. IF there is no Install Date, then alert will look to the Create Date of the Equipment Record (you can use the Service Equipments eView to see Create/Entered Date. See Best Practices link below on creating this eView).
Please note this is by calendar year, NOT not since X months. For example, if your Variable W is set to 2 years, then the alert excludes any equipment with date of this or last calendar year. But if 2 or more calendar years ago, then the equipment is considered eligible for deactivation,
2) Equipment not on an active contract (Contract must be in "active" status AND the expiration date must be today or in the future for it to be considered active.),
3) Equipment not on an active lease,
4) No Service in last Variable X months (only considers CM and PM Category Call Types),
5) No Supplies shipped in last Variable Y months,
6) No Meter Readings received in last Variable Z months,
7) Equipment Not In-Stock/Inventory
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
1. Our Install Team will run this in test mode first. Once you are comfortable with the results, just email us at to switch the alert to run live and mark records as inactive in e-automate.
2. Use the e-view Service Equipments to see Create/Entered Date of Equipment Record. You will need to add the column named Entered Date to e-view:
1. Open the e-view Service Equipments
2. Select New once e-view is open
3. Click on Entered Date in Unselected Columns and use arrow to move to Selected Columns (be sure to name your e-view and select OK):
4. Then your custom e-view will open and once you use Quick Search, you can see the Entered date - this is the date the Equipment Record was created.
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID156 - Mark Customer Records Inactive
ID178 - Mark Model Records Inactive
ID337 - Mark Item Records Inactive
ID479 - Mark Contact Records Inactive
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Versions 20190201 required Model Record of Equipment Record to be set as Host to be considered for de-activation:
NOTE: The alert logic only considers equipment where the associated Model Equipment Record indicates the Model is a HOST and is not an ACCESSORY.