Process to monitor the base and overages/underages charges, and alert on changes
Jump to: Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts
Knowing if your customer's contract is too high or too low can help you maintain happy customers. This alert will monitor base and/or overages/underages so you can get ahead of any contract adjustments to consider. It can serve as quick heads-up to reps or management about individual invoices that might produce a shock when the customer opens them.
Run Schedule: Weekly on Monday mornings
Type of Output: Email
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Variable W: Minimum base rate charge, default set to $10
Variable X: % of Overage to flag, default set to 30%
Variable Y: Minimum number of covered copies, default set to 1
Variable Z: % of Underage to flag, default set to 20%
Variable 1: Branch #s to trigger on, leave blank to run for ALL branches
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
This alert looks at individual contract billings on an invoice, not the overall contract performance. It considers dollars-billed in addition to clicks-billed, which allows it to consider contracts with BaseRate but zero covered clicks.
This alert cannot trigger when the BaseRate is $0 and the CoveredClicks is 0 since it has no number to compare actual-billed values to; although, as long as it has either a BaseRate or CoveredClicks it can be monitored for that one dimension.
The Dollar Imbalance and Click Imbalance columns of the alert are there to give you two ways to view the overage/underage of the invoice. Since this process only looks at the invoice itself and not the overall contract, if a base amount did not bill on the invoice with the overage then it will show $0.00 in the base charge column, causing an N/A in the dollar imbalance column. However, the overage invoice will have covered copies on it so the Click Imbalance column shows its % in that case.
The Dollar Imbalance column of the alert does have an extra percentage in the value. This is because in order for the math to calculate for instances where the overage charge was zero but was base was above $0.00, we had to give it a value of 1%. So, all rows have that extra 1% on them unless the overage charge was above $0.00 and the base was $0.00, then those are N/A.
The alert looks at all meter group contract invoices and brings that data in. Therefore, base invoices will show up as 0 billed copies. You can choose to copy the report results and paste them into excel and filter out these line items.
Variables W and Y enable you to dial in the 'minimum contracts' to consider (for instance, you might not care that you billed a customer 200% over Base when the Base is $20).
The alert looks back 14-days for invoice created dates (not date on invoice).
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID321 - Alert on last Contract invoice if Overage > W% of Base or Underage <X% of Base (requires ECi Digital Analytics)
ID330 - Customer not hitting minimum volumes
ID256 - Invoices billing Overage or Underage