
ID640 - Pros Elite Call Back Criteria Overview & Sample:

Update eAuto with Pros Elite Call Back Criteria

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Clients who are members of PE100 or run Pros Elite reports will know that a key metric they focus on is callbacks. Their reports hardcode the model callback parameters in to the report so their reports may not match eAutomate or CEO Juice reports which looks at the callback data in the Model Category setup in eAutomate. This process will fix this by pushing the Pros Elite callback data into eAuto's model categories. This alert process maps Pros Elite callback parameters by the model category, so as long as your Model Category descriptions contain the standard ProsElite category codes ( {PE1}, {PE2}, etc etc etc), then our new process will update all the matching models associated with those categories to the ProsElite callback parameters.  This does not go back historically and update eAutomate service call data, it will only effect new calls going forward..


Run Schedule: Daily

Type of Output: Email


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

-Alert will automatically flip Model Records to use Model Settings. When we first install, it will be in Test Mode so you can review before any changes made to eAuto. So be sure you are ready for these to be changed as it will reflect stats and reporting once running live.

-You must use Pros Elite {Braces} format for this alert to work. {Braces} must exist in Model Category Description as shown here:


So your Model Record will look like this:


- Our tables are currently based on this information from Pros Elite:

CEO Juice are fans of the Pros Elite Group and have processes specific for them, visit for more. 


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

-If alert is running live and you need the settings to revert back to previous day, just email us at to set it back - must email us same day please.

-You can use eAuto Bulk Update Tool to update Model Category:


-While the ID640 process will automatically flip Model Records to use Model Settings, be sure the Use System Call back and call alert parametrs box does not get checked off on the model again, otherwise any call back alerts you use will look to System Settings (located in Tool/Options/Service Calls/Dispatch Console) for call back criteria:


-It is important that you have your Call back and Call Alert settings correct in eAutomate. Our alerts for excessive calls, call backs, call alerts (ID101, ID206, ID572, ID651), as well as eAutomates reports, are based on those settings.

For a call to be flagged as a call back, it must have been:

*less than the number of days in the call back criteria AND

*under the set number of clicks

To be a CallBack the Call MUST BE under the number of days. However, a call under the number of days may be DISQUALIFIED based on having met the click target. No such thing as a CallBack based only on clicks.

When the call is entered in eAuto, the call back flag is based solely on the number of days since the last call. When the service tech enters the meter reading on the call, if the number of clicks exceeds the call back threshold, the call back flag will be removed. So only calls meeting both criteria will be flagged as call backs.




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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID101 - Excessive Service Calls or CallBacks

ID167 - Set Callback on CBC/DBC for calltype category(s) other than CM

ID206 - Call Back Details SSRS Report


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