Identifies potential duplicate Contact Records
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Overview | Samples | Alert Functionality | Variables | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts
This alert is used to check your existing contact records for duplicates. This way you can minimize the confusion when a contact record is created twice. It will trigger on same last name, email address, etc., or 'nearly the same,' for instance 'Sean' vs. 'Shawn,' or near-duplicate phone numbers. It is designed to strictly report duplicates within your contact database.
The first run we provide a list; after that we will notify the creator if that box is checked.
Be sure to consider ID479/Mark Old Contact Records Inactive.
Also see ID444 which is designed to review the list of contacts created that day. It sends a list of contacts created in e-automate today to a specified user who is in charge of reviewing those and merging any duplicate contacts that might have been created. This also helps with training on best practices for creating contacts and will help identify the user who needs more training.
Run Schedule: Weekday Evenings (8:20PM MST) - no changes allowed due to performance requirements
Type of Output: Email
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. No changes to default schedule run time allowed (due to run time and drain on your server)
2. Alert considers ACTIVE Contact Records only AND whether they are assigned to a Customer Record or not.
3. The first time the alert fires, we provide a list of ALL qualifying potential duplicate Contact Records. After that we will notify each day of newly created potential duplicates.
4. We highly recommend using our ID433/Duplicate Contacts App to clean up your contacts in eAuto
5. We've created extensive SQL logic to determine potential duplicates based on a point system. Any Contact Record "awarded" 5 or more points (7 points max) will be considered a potential duplicate by this alert.
Every new Contact Record created is considered against existing Contact Records for the following:
- Phone Number - for each Contact Record with the same phone number (18551234567 same as 8551234567) = 1 Point
- Email Address - for each Contact Record with same email address or email address only different by one character = 1 Point
- Zip Code (first five digits only) OR City/State - for each Contact Record with same City/State combo = 1 Point
- First Name - if first or last name is exact match (or phonetic) = 2 points Logic considers phonetic matches (for example: Shawn=Sean OR Todd=Tod OR John=Jon)
- Last Name - if first or last name is exact match (or phonetic) = 2 points
6. Logic considers phonetic matches. For example: Shawn=Sean OR Todd=Tod OR John=Jon
7. If no match on either First or Last Name, then the Contact Record is NOT considered duplicate (even if any other qualifiers exist)
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This alert has no variables
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
1. Please see THIS LINK on Best Practices for setting up Contact Records. Tips like this available:
***It's very important that you are associating the contact with the parent customer on this tab!! Based on how the various filters work in the areas of e-automate that you can add contacts in, if you have the contact record associated to a child location, the contact may not be visible in the drop-down list. This can lead to duplicate contacts being created.***
2. Set alert to send to Creator:
Creator is the person who updated the Contact Record (if not newly created Contact Record).
This can help users see when they may have created a duplicate and address any needed corrections.
3. As of eAuto version 17.1+
Shows users potential duplicate records in the Contact Record screen.
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID433 - App Utility to Merge Duplicate Contact Records
ID444 - New Contact(s) created today. We suggest sending this to a specified user who is in charge of reviewing those and merging any duplicate contacts that might have been created. This also helps with training on best practices for creating contacts and will help identify the user who needs more training.
ID479 - Deactivate Contact Records
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