
ID939 - Request for Contract Invoices via CRM Overview & Sample:

Automatically emails eAuto invoices from CRM

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Sales reps often want a copy of several months of contract invoices when they are working an upgrade. Instead of chasing your admin team this process allows them to request copies by clicking a button in supported CRMs. We currently support, SalesForce (Agent Dealer), SalesChain, and Compass Sherpa but can offer stored proc for your CRM to run to build their own integration.


Run Schedule:  Every 5-minutes

Type of Output: On Demand Report from supported CRM, once triggered emails the sales rep

*There is an optional (not required) feature, that if you add your email to the subscription you will be copied on ALL reports generated by the sales reps from your CRM. No email is required on the subscription*


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Sample Invoice Emailed:



Error message:



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Variable W: Enter Max Months of Invoices to be Emailed to Rep

Variable X: Enter Customer Types(s) associated with Leasing Companies (to be excluded from process as you may not want to send to your Sales Reps the pass through invoices you're customers do not see)

Customer Types found via Tools / Lists & Codes / Customer Types:


Variable 1: Enter Include or Exclude ZERO dollar invoices



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. The invoices will be sent to the email associated to the CRM user requesting the invoice(s). Anyone listed on the TO/CC/BCC of your ID939 subscription will be included on what the Sherpa user requests.

2.  Will NOT send voided Contract Invoices, the Credit Memos reversing the voided Contract Invoices, or Contract Debit Memos.  It will send negative-dollar or offsetting Contract Invoices.

3. The process looks for the Customer Number listed as the Main Customer on the Contract Record in eAuto (see highlighted field in screenshot below), regardless of any parent/location relationships in place.

**SO be sure your CRM has the same ERP/Customer Number listed as your eAuto Contract Record. CEO Juice assumes Best Practice of Parent Customer being listed as Main Customer of eAuto Contract Record aligned with your CRM Customer Number assignment.


4. File too large to send, this is because the file size exceeds 5000000 bytes, you will need to submit a new request fewer months of invoices. The max is 5 million bytes/10 megs max (all PDF's combined) which matches Office365 limit.


5. If no invoices attached to your email, then this process has found no qualifying invoices. 


Be sure to check your ID939 subscription for variable settings as the invoice(s) are likely excluded intentionally (i.e. outside max allowed months, leasing customer type or excluding $0.00 invoices), and (2) ensure the Main Customer Number (as seen in #3 above) matches the Customer Number referenced in your ERP.


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

Click here for how to set up the Compass interface and how the rep requests the report.

Click here for how to set up the Sales Chain interface and how the rep requests the report.

Click here for how to set up the Salesforce interface and how the rep requests the report.


Use ID577 to see who is requesting Invoices.


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID258 - Customer Quarterly Business Review

ID520 - Invoice To PDF Engine (enables us to pick up your Custom Invoice(s)

ID577 - External CRM/3rd Party Requests 


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