
ID17 - Technician On-Site Too Long Overview & Sample:

Notifies when tech has been on site longer than normal.

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Alerts when a tech has been on-site between W and X number of hours. The tech is either having problems, missing in action, or forgot to close the call.

We suggest sending to your techs and subscribing to a clone (additional subscription) with higher variable hours set to send to Tech Mgr as escalation.ID17Clone.PNG


Run Schedule: Every 15-Minutes

Type of Output: Email

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Single Tech:


Multiple Techs:



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Variable W: Onsite > = than hour (decimals OK for versions from 2021 or higher)

Variable X: Onsite < = than hour (decimals OK for versions from 2021 or higher)

Variable Y: Custom Property assigned on employee record identifying who is Field Tech, if left blank will report on ALL eAuto Employ Records set as Tech

Variable Z: Call Types to exclude from triggering (separate by comma or left blank to trigger on ALL)


Variable 1: Branch numbers alert fires on (list multiple branches separate by commas). Leave blank for ALL branches.



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Only considers calls tech is dispatched to. Looks for arrival time stamp and reports on any time elapsed matching your VariableW and VariableY hours.

2. Does NOT consider your set Service Hours

3. You can use any Custom Property for VariableY. For example, you may want to set this alert with certain variable settings for one type of tech group, subscribe to a clone with different variables for a group of techs with yet a different custom property.

4. Tech MUST be marked as 'Arrived' in order for alert to see tech is no longer dispatched:


These statuses can be found via Service Calls / Notes:


5. If you have your subscription set to send to Tech, then every recipient (Tech Mgr and/or emails listed in To/CC/BCC) will receive one email per tech.

6. If you have do not have to Tech selected, then if multiple qualifying techs on site too long when alert fires, alert will include all those techs on one email to the Tech Mgr and/or emails listed in To/CC/BCC. If techs have different managers, then one email per manager.




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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. See THIS LINK on how Tech Employee Record needs to be set.

2. We suggest sending to your techs and subscribing to a clone (additional subscription) with higher variable hours set to send to Tech Mgr as escalation.




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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID2 - Dispatched/OnSite After Hours

ID219 - Closed Call Data Entry Issues



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