
ID409 - Report of Contract Invoice Meter Billings Instances of Multiple Consecutive Estimated Meters Used for Billing Overview & Sample:

This alert will show you equipment that has billed on estimated meters in the past specified number of days and the same equipment has consecutively billed on estimated meters for the last specified number of billing cycles.

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This alert will notify you whenever equipment has billed on estimated meters consecutively. The report considers a specified number of consecutive estimated meters to consider as well as how many days to look back for this most recent estimated billing. For example, if a device bills on estimated meters on current billing cycle, and also billed on estimated meters on the last overage billing cycle then it is considered in this report. If there had been a non-estimated meter billed in between the two estimated cycles, it would not be considered in this alert. This report can be sent to you via email attachment and/or pulled by you on demand. For the emailed alert, this will notify you once and not notify you again until the next time it's estimated if still consecutive. 


Run Schedule:  Daily or Weekly for Emailed Report and On Demand

Type of Output: Emailed PDF Attachment and Custom Report


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Variable W: Enter the quantity of consecutive billed estimates that you want this alert to consider. Variable is required. 

Variable X: Enter the number of days you want the report to look back for most recently billed estimates. Enter 1 for daily and 7 for weekly. Variable is required. 



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Alert reviews meter readings billed in the system in the last X number of days with a Yes in the Estimate column. Example below shows an estimated meter reading billed on X date and Yes in the both the estimated and billed columns.

2. Next, alert reviews the last specified number of billed meter readings on same equipment to determine if this equipment fits the variables set for the alert to notify on. Example below shows the last 3 billed meters were estimated and the alert would include this equipment if variable was set to alert on last 3 consecutively billed estimates. 




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OnDemand Report Filters

OnDemand Report Filters

Enter numbers of days into the past to have the report look for estimated meters. It is not recommended to include all.

Enter number of consecutive estimated billed meters must be present on the equipment for the report to include it.

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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

We recommend that you review this report often as it keeps you in-the-know of equipment that you are consistently not billing true meters on. Billing on estimated consecutively can results in inaccurate billing which could lead to a refund to your customer or loss in revenue later on if discovered too late. 


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID469 - Stop Estimated Meter on Specific Equipment

ID153 - Meter Readings for Equipment Used for Last Week's Billing Where the Source Contains PHONE or the Meter Was Flagged as Estimated

ID369 - A Meter Reading with Source as Variable W Was Just Created

ID556 - Reports of Same Meter Reading Billed W # of Times

ID404 - Alert Customer on New Meters from Specified Source



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