This worksheet shows Accounts Receivable Statistics at the Bill To level within eAuto and Caller for Service Calls Detail.
Quick Link to Data Explanations:
BillTo AR Statistics | Detail Historical Invoices | Caller Details
BillTo AR Statistics: This will always be limited to last 3 months regardless of your filter entry for 'Months of History' to report on. This was done intentionally as only recent activity relevant. However the detail invoice listing (shown below) is based on your 'Months of History' filter setting.
Detail Historical Invoice Listing: Since this report is based on Parent BillTo, invoice history shown based on Invoice Record not BillTo on Contract Record (so any pass through contract invoice to leasing company will not show in this invoice listing).
Caller Details: shows you of the drill down detail of who placed which service calls (based on totals shown on worksheet1 total incidents). Intended to help you identify possible repeat caller who is calling too quickly or needs help troubleshooting/training.
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Use these links for detailed explanation and formulas used for each of the worksheets provided:
Customer Review (Worksheet1) | Equipment Excessive Calls (Worksheet2) | Current Equipment Details (Worksheet3)
Detail Stats Chart (Worksheet4) | Detail Stats (Worksheet5) | Equip Details (Worksheet6)
Lease Details (Worksheet7) | Service Details (Worksheet8) | Survey Responses (Worksheet9)