Use ID945 - Tracking ShipOut & ShipIn (ITT) Dealer relationships, to understand who you need to sync with.
If the dealer that is servicing your ship out equipment is also using CEO Juice, this process will keep your service calls and meter readings in sync. Your customer places a service call via eInfo or phone, we see that it's a ship out and can automatically create the service call in the Servicing Dealers database. Then when they close the call we can close the call in your database. Particularly useful for those locations where the timezone is 3 hours ahead and the eInfo call is already 3 hours old before your team would normally notify the servicing dealer. We have the potential to add options to chase if SLAs are not being met etc.
As this alert is syncing between dealers we need to turn this alert on for you and the dealer you wish to sync with. We suggest a meeting to start with both dealers to test some dummy calls.
Please use these directions, in order, for eAuto set up:
Step 1 Set up custom property etc. for dealer number, note types. Skip this step if you are part of the 85% of clients who have Juice do this.
Step 2 Set up each servicing dealer
Step 3 Identify equipment
VariableW: Please list (separated by comma) any/all CEO Juice Dealer Customer Numbers for the Dealers you want to sync with. You will need to get their Customer Number directly from them (they can ask us at if they don't know theirs).
VariableX: Activity Code used for all labor records when the Servicing Dealer completes the call, defaults to SL. (REQUIRED)
VariableY: Note Type to be used for all Notes FROM theDealer on the other end of the sync, defaults to ITTDealer. (REQUIRED) Since Note Types are custom for each Dealer, we cannot reconcile their Note Types against yours; we just have to use a single default value for all inbound Notes.
VariableZ: List of Notes Types that you want to sync out to the other dealer in the sync. (OPTIONAL) Leave blank to sync all Note Types. We always filter out System Event Note Type.
Variable1: Default Call Type used when inserting a new Service Call for Equipment you Sold (REQUIRED) - no default so you must set this variable on your subscription please.
Variable2: Default Call Priority - When creating Service Calls that originated at the Selling Dealer, we will use the Equipment's Priority, but for Equipment that does not have a default Priority assigned, we will use this value. (REQUIRED) - no default so you must set this variable on your subscription please.
We can not use the Selling Dealer's Priority because Call Priority is a custom list per-Dealer.
Variable3: Custom Property Attribute (Name) that stores ITT Dealer CEO Juice Customer Numbers, defaults to zcj_DealerNumber. (REQUIRED) This Attribute must be added to all Custom Properties that you use for Customers and Technicians. The value you assign is the corresponding Dealer's CEO Juice Number. Contact the Dealer to obtain this value.
Variable4: Equipment Record Custom Property Attribute (Name) that stores the ITT Dealer's Equipment Number, defaults to zcj_ITTEquipmentNumber. (REQUIRED) This Attribute must be added to all Custom Properties that will be used on Equipment. This Attribute only needs to be populated for cases where the Serial Number is not unique on the ITT Dealer's end of the sync. Contact the ITT Dealer to obtain this value.
Variable5: Meter Source for Meter Readings on ITT Equipment, defaults to ITT. (REQUIRED) Meter Readings sync from the Servicing Dealer to the Selling Dealer only. We highly recommend that you create a new Meter Source Specifically for the ITT Process.
Variable6: Sync Service Calls and Meter Readings? defaults to 0 (REQUIRED)
0 = Service Calls and Meter Readings
1 = Service Calls only
2 = Meter Readings only
Variable7: Default Call Type used when inserting a new Service Call for Equipment you Service (REQUIRED) - no default so you must set this variable on your subscription please.
Variable8: Inbound Exception Notification. List of email addresses to be notified when a Service Call cannot be created (missing serial, duplicate serial) or if the Service Call was created but the Contract could not be automatically assigned (No Contracts, multiple Contracts). (OPTIONAL)
Variable9: Outbound Exception Notification. List of email addresses to be notified when a Service Call cannot be created on the other end of the sync. (OPTIONAL)
There are a few scenarios we must allow for: Equipment sold by you but serviced by another dealer (Ship Out) and equipment serviced by you and sold by another dealer (Ship In). As well as customers who always contact the Selling dealer for service calls and customers who contact the Servicing dealer direct. We also allow for the possibility that serial #s may not be unique.
In addition to syncing Active Service Calls, we will sync Meter Readings for ITT Equipment, regardless of a Service Call or not. Meter Readings sync from the Servicing Dealer to the Selling Dealer only. It is a one-way sync. Like Service Calls, this only works if both Dealers have the Equipment set up for the ITT Process (Bill-To, Technician, Territory).
Meter Type is a user-defined list, as such, we can’t rely on one Dealer’s values matching the values on the other end of the sync. Each Meter Type corresponds to a Meter Type Category, which is a globally defined list. As long as an Equipment has only one Meter per Meter Type Category, we can sync them. For Equipment that has more than one Meter defined for a single Meter Type Category (Canon Equipment, Color Meters), we will just create a new Note for the Equipment with Meter Reading values.
Of Special Note:
How will the alert handle concurrency issues when syncing service calls?
The Selling Dealer's values for the initial outbound push are always right. After that, the Servicing Dealer always wins anytime there's a discrepancy between Seller and Servicing Dealer. We require the best practice of never reopen an ITT call, always create a callback call.
Once the call is invoiced on either side, then we will stop syncing any changes. Each dealer can void/edit their side as they see fit but it will not sync to matching dealer. The alert will sync the invoiced transaction, so ONLY invoice on one side, not both (typically servicing dealer will invoice).