
ID715 - Parts Received for Service Call not Worked/Completed in Y Days Overview & Sample:

Helps you make certain when techs request expedited (more costly) shipping for parts, they are actually closing those calls quickly once they have the parts-in-hand.  

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Ever had a tech ask for a part to be shipped overnight and then not pick it up or install it for a week? You want to make certain that if your techs are ordering parts for a call, that they are getting those parts installed quickly, especially if they have ordered parts using overnight shipping methods.

This alert is a review of parts received that had designated ship methods within the PO (specified in Variable W, you must specify the shipping methods that you want to monitor; trying to monitor all shipments would flood you with data.)


Run Schedule: Hourly

Type of Output: Email


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Variable W: Ship Method(s) from PO to track, separated by commas. (Required for alert to trigger)

Ship Method(s) found in Tools / Lists & Codes / Ship Methods:


Variable Y:  Number of Work Days (Monday - Friday) Service Call hasn't been Worked/Completed (Required for alert to trigger)

**Please note, as of Revision 20200218, this is ONLY considering Monday - Friday, NOT Saturday & Sunday nor Holidays set in eAuto.*** 

Variable Z: Branch Numbers to trigger on, separated by comma, or leave blank for ALL



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Requires PO is linked to Service Call


2. ONLY considering Monday - Friday, NOT Saturday & Sunday nor Holidays in eAuto, for counting days (VariableY) since item(s) received via PO. 

3. Will continue to notify until service call is invoiced.

4. Shows the detail of parts received that are linked to a service call which has not been worked/completed within a set number of days of receipt of the part. The logic of the alert assumes that each tech is linked to his/her own warehouse, or not at all, and that you have no more than one tech linked to each warehouse. The alert will not "ding" the tech for not acting if someone hasn't transferred the part to his/her warehouse yet.

5. Reports when all parts associated with service call are received, but by design, does not wait for all items on PO to be received as there may be items on PO not associated with same service call.
6. Considers Ship Method on PO:
7. Can be cloned by selecting + under your existing subscription. Just make sure there are differences in your variable settings. More on cloning HERE:


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. Ship Method(s) found in Tools / Lists & Codes / Ship Methods:


2. eAuto Best Practice is for each tech to have their own Warehouse assigned in eAuto, not set to MAIN or Shared with any other techs:




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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID57 - PO's Received Today for Returnable Item and/or Linked Service Call or Inventory Request: Use this alert to see all incoming parts linked to a PO
ID303 - Shipping Efficiency by Tech (In Development): This would be a SSRS report that tracks shipping charges per tech
ID755 - Parts linked from call to PO to order but not used when call closed


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