
ID638 - Audit Report of Bill Code Records Overview & Sample:

This alert will advise you of any new Bill Codes created, as well as any changes to existing Bill Codes.

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This alert notifies you anytime a new Bill Code is created, or an existing Bill Code is edited. These Bill Codes are used on Equipment Records and Service Contracts to drive items such cost of travel and labor as well as what parts and supplies are considered covered under the Bill Code. 

It is important to know when a new Bill Code is created in your system to be aware of any potential code created as a duplicate of an existing code. Additionally, knowing when an existing code is updated can help you avoid errors with contracts or equipment being set up with wrong codes and existing contracts or equipment now having incorrect rates or coverages due to prior bill code selections. 


Run Schedule:  Daily

Type of Output: Emailed PDF


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This alert has no variables. 


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

This alert reviews Bill Codes in the system to that have experienced updates in the last 24 hours. These updates can be changes to any of the fields on the code or creation of a new code. 

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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

Locating Bill Codes in eAutomate:

In eAutomate, select Tools from the top toolbar and select List and Codes.

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From the dropdown for list or codes, select Bill Codes.

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The list of Bill Codes will appear, and changes found on this alert were made either by selecting New or Edit buttons. 

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Bill Codes in Equipment Records in eAutomate:

In eAutomate, select Equipment from the top of the screen.

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From the list of equipment that appears, double click on an equipment line item to open it.

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On the Equipment Record, go to the Billing/Contact tab and see Bill Code. Click the downward pointing arrow next to the Bill Code and select Edit to view the Bill Code details.

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Bill Codes in Service Contracts in eAutomate:

In eAutomate, select Contracts from the top of the screen.

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From the list of Contracts that appear, double click on a contract line item to open it.

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On the Contract Record, go to the header and see Contract Bill Code. Click the downward pointing arrow next to the Bill Code and select Edit to view the Bill Code details.

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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID641 - Billing Account Codes Change Audit Overview And Sample

ID547 - Call Has Been Created And/Or Dispatched With No Bill Code Assigned, Overview And Sample

ID128 - Closed Calls For Previous Week Of Bill Code Or Call Type Or Problem Code, Overview & Sample

ID656 - Call Opened Of Call Type Category OR Call Type OR Priority OR Bill Code OR SLA Code Overview & Sample

ID268 - New Sales Order Created With OEM And/Or OEM Compatible Item With Contract Types X Or Bill Codes X Associated to It, Overview And Sample

ID546 - Equipment Records With No BillCode Assigned, Overview And Sample


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