This worksheet shows graphs of pertinent Service Call stats, clicks produced per Contract Invoices and Meter Reading source information.
Quick Link to Data Explanations:
First Call Effectiveness | Machine Availability | Net Promoter Score | Average On Site Response Time | First Call Avg Resolution Time | Rescheduled Calls Average TTR Time | Clicks [by invoice date] | Clicks | Billed Meter Sources | Call Priority
Service Graphs:
Of all machines meeting your filter requirements, here is explanation of the above graphs:
First Call Effectiveness:
Shows % fixed on first call and % NOT fixed on first call (Corrective Maintenance Category Code Call Types ONLY)
Machine Availability:
Includes ALL Call Types and Rescheduled Calls as is just a value based on ResolutionHours
Shows % of time machines were not awaiting service. This is the total number of service hours in period multiplied by the number of machines reporting (based on equip install date and/or contract start date). For example, if running the report for 3 months equates to 480 hours (40 hours per week, no holidays) and there are 5 machines reporting, then total service hours is 2,400 hours (480*5).
The sample above shows "call received until call completed was 308.2" which indicates of the total 162131.00 hours available, 308.2 hours equipment was awaiting service completion.
Net Promoter Score:
This is the average NPS score this customer has given you. Results are from submitted surveys for period matching filter settings.
Average On Site Response Time:
Average time tech on site for Corrective Maintenance (only) service calls and does not include rescheduled calls.
CM Calls determined by Call Type Code assigned in eAuto:
First Call Avg Resolution Time:
Average time from open to close time for all first call fixes and only considers Corrective Maintenance service calls and excludes rescheduled calls. (This may be different from first page Average Resolution Time as that could include other service call types category codes.)
Rescheduled Calls Average TTR Time (Total Time to Repair):
Of all qualifying reschedule calls, this shows the average time to repair. (Includes response time and the time call put on hold, i.e. for parts, time, etc. as this is effective time to repair. Business hours metric used by considering your service hours set in eAuto). **Graph only presents CM calls.
Clicks, Bill Meter Sources & Call Priority:
Clicks [by invoice date]: shows clicks produced based on contract invoice date
Clicks [allocated in arrears to coverage period(s): shows clicks produced based on actual time clicks were produced (i.e. invoice issued on 15th of month, clicks always in arrears, so actual clicks produced may be 5th - 5th of each month)
**Please note: Click values taken from the Contract Invoices. They reflect the larger of actual clicks run or clicks covered for the period. So if a given machine is billed for overage (run more clicks than covered) the actual clicks-billed value is used, but if a machine failed to meet it's covered clicks the total covered (paid for) clicks is used instead. It's essentially 'clicks sold.' Then all this is summed up per contract invoice and then for the reporting period.
Meters used in billing must be set as B\W or CLR Category Type in order to reflect as BW and/or Color clicks:
Billed Meter Sources: Shows you what percentage of meters were automatically collected vs. another source (i.e. phone, fax, email). Use VariableW and VariableZ to indicate these. Sales may want to have a conversation about areas where collecting meters is an issue.
Call Priority: This is based on Call Priority set via Call Type (High/Medium/Low) on service call
Yellow/Orange bar shows qty of calls for that call priority type
Gray bar is the average response time for that call priority type
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Use these links for detailed explanation and formulas used for each of the worksheets provided:
Customer Review (Worksheet1) | Equipment Excessive Calls (Worksheet2) | Current Equipment Details (Worksheet3)
Detail Stats Chart (Worksheet4) | Detail Stats (Worksheet5) | Equip Details (Worksheet6)
Lease Details (Worksheet7) | Service Details (Worksheet8) | Survey Responses (Worksheet9)