
ID840 - Service Call Assigned to Unavailable Technician Overview & Sample:


Notifies of Service calls where tech assigned is marked as unavailable between when call is opened and its due time.

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Notifies of Service Calls where tech assigned is marked as unavailable between when call is opened and its due time. Intention is to notify you the Due Time of the Service Call that will not be achieve by this technician.

Run Schedule:  Every 30-minutes

Type of Output: Email


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Variable XEnter Call Type Category(s) to consider, separate multiple entries with comma (i.e. CM, PM, IR)


Variable 1: Enter "Exclude" to exclude Service Calls On Hold (any and all On Hold Codes) from triggering

Variable 3: Enter eAuto Employee Record Number (not UserID) of any Technician(s) you wish to exclude from reporting, separate multiple entries with comma


Variable 2: Enter Branch Number(s) to trigger on, or leave blank for ALL


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Reports on service calls where the tech assigned is unavailable between when call is opened and the Due Time on the Service Call. 


2. Alert will continue to email you every 30-minutes until:

  1. An available technician is assigned to the Service Call
  2. Call is put on hold IF you have Exclude listed in Variable1

3. We look at Unavailable Entries listed on tech's eAuto Employee Record


4. Since we look at Unavailable Entries, please note we consider the exact time the tech is unavailable. So for example, if tech is marked unavailable from 12-5PM today (is working from 8AM-12PM) and service call due time is 2PM, we will notify you starting at 12PM that the tech is unavailable.

5. ID840 will also notify if the employee record of the technician assigned to the call has been marked inactive.


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. See THIS LINK on entering Unavailable Entries in e-Auto

2. See THIS LINK on how SLA Codes are set in e-Auto.



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID205 - Technician Productivity Time Sheets


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