Integration to sync sales orders from Autotask to e-automate.
Jump to: Overview | Samples | Setup | Variables | Testing | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts
This integration will sync sales orders from Autotask into e-automate. This integration is a two-step process, ID915 pulls the sales order information from Autotask and then ID634 creates the sales order in e-automate. The trigger to sync orders to e-automate will be setting a user-defined field in Autotask to Yes to sync the order. The sync will push the order into e-automate for ordering and then you can use ID348 to keep everyone notified on the status of the order. Another user-defined field can be used to hold status updates from the order once it is in e-automate.
Once the order has synced to e-automate, no updates made to the order in Autotask will sync to e-automate. All procurement and invoicing of the order take place in e-automate.
Run Schedule: Every 15 minutes
Type of Output: Data push
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Jump to: Sales Order Header | Items | Billing/Shipping Tab | Messages Tab
Sales Order Header
Sales Order Header
1. Order Number: The order number will be AT + the ID number for the order in Autotask
2. Customer: The customer on the order will match the account used on the sales order in Autotask. More details on the customer mapping are here.
3. Description: The description will show as the Sales Order Name + AutoTask Order Subtotal: $XX.XX
4. Order Type: The default order type is set on the ID634 clone used to create Autotask orders.
5. Sales rep: The sales rep will pull from the customer record. You can set a default sales rep to use on all orders in variable 3.
6. PO number: This field is not mapped to a field in Autotask.
7. Ordered by: This field is not mapped to a field in Autotask.
8. Branch: If a branch is specified in variable 6, that branch will be used on the order. If no branch is set, the branch will be populated based on variable Z on ID634.
9. Warehouse: If a warehouse is specified in variable 4, that warehouse will be used on all orders. If no warehouse is set, the warehouse will be set per the hierarchy from ID634. Details on that are here.
10. Department: If a department is specified on variable 2 of ID634, that is the department that will be used. If no department is specified on ID634, the department field will be blank.
11. Status: The sales order status will be set per variable 4 on ID634.
1. Item: The items on the Autotask order will match the items added to the order in e-automate. If the item on the Autotask order does not exist in e-automate, the sync will create the item based on the item templates. The item number that will used in e-automate will be determined by variable 5 on the alert.
2. Description: The description will match the item from Autotask
3. Quantity: Quantities will match between the two systems.
4. Price: The prices will match between the two systems.
5. Amount: The amounts billed for each item will match between the two systems.
Billing/Shipping Tab
Billing/Shipping Tab
1. Ship to: The ship-to-customer will default to the main customer on the order.
2. Ship method: The ship method will match the defaults set in ID634.
3. Freight: The total amount of any shipping items on the Aututask sales order will post in the freight amount.
Messages Tab
Messages Tab
The messages tab will show the description of the sales order.
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Jump to: EA Settings | AT Settings | Subscribe to Alerts
EA Settings
EA Settings
1. Order Status - Determine the order status the orders from Autotask should use, this is set on variable 4 of ID634.
2. Order Type - Determine the order type the orders from Autotask should use, this is set on variable 1 of ID634.
AT Settings
AT Settings
1. User-Defined Fields - There are three user-defined fields for the sales order in Autotask that will need to be created:
ZCJ_SyncToEA: This field should have two options, Yes and No, with No being the default option. Updating this field to Yes will be the trigger for the order to move to e-automate. Details on how to create this field are here.
ZCJ_EAStatus: This field is optional, it will hold updates from e-automate as the status of the order changes. Details on how to create this field are here.
ZCJ_EASynced: This field should have two options, Yes and No, with No being the default option. The sync will update this field to Yes once the order has synced to e-automate. This field should not be manually edited. Details on how to create this field are here.
2. Item number - Set the proper field in variable 5 that will correspond to the field in Autotask that will hold the e-automate item number.
Subscribe to Alerts
Subscribe to Alerts
1. Once you have the settings in ConnectWise and e-automate determined, subscribe to ID915 and ID634, being sure to update the variables as needed. See this link for details on the variables for ID634.
If you don't have a login to our subscription site, you can email to have us set you up with a login.
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Variable 5: EA Item Number Identifier - The field on the product in Autotask that holds the e-automate item number. More details on these fields here.
Variable 3: Default Sales Rep - Always default imported orders to have this sales rep. If blank, the sales rep for the customer in e-automate will be used.
Variable 4: Default Warehouse - Warehouse to use for all imported sales orders. If blank, the Sales Orders Customer branch default warehouse will be used.
Variable 6: Default Branch - If you would like all imported sales orders to use the same branch at the item level, specify the branch number here.
Variable 1: Exclude Material Codes - If you would like to exclude any items from syncing to e-automate, list the material codes to exclude. No items of these material codes will sync to the e-automate sales order.
Variable 2: Exclude Service Codes - If you would like to exclude any items from syncing to e-automate, list the service codes to exclude. No items of these service codes will sync to the e-automate sales order.
Variable 11: Autotask Credentials - If you have multiple Autotask API credentials added to the CEOJuice website, select the set to use with this integration. (Most likely, you only have one set of credentials and would not need to update this variable.)
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There are two parts to testing the sales order sync, setting up the testing environment and updating the item templates, and then pushing orders to the test database to check the import process.
Jump to: Testing Setup | Item Templates | Testing Checklist
Testing Setup
Testing Setup
1. API Keys in Autotask – These may already be in place if you are using other portions of the Autotask sync. New keys do not need to be created if they already exist for other Autotask integrations. Details on creating API keys here.
2. Autotask test Database – If using a test Autotask database, you’ll need to create a set of API keys for that database. Details on creating API keys here.
3. e-automate test Database – A test database is required to sync calls initially for review. See this link for notes on creating a test e-automate database.
4. CEOJuice test database – If you have previously tested other parts of the Autotask integration, you may already have this in place. If not, see this link for notes on creating a test CEOJuice database.
Item Templates
Item Templates
Items created by the sales order sync will be based on the same item templates used by the contract sync. The item number will match the item from Autotask and the Description will match the description from Autotask. If you have the contract sync running (ID913), these templates will already exist in e-automate, if not, we will create them for you. You'll need to update the following codes on the templates for the sales order sync:
1. Category - required field for item records in e-automate.
2. Unit of Measure - required field for item records in e-automate.
3. Serialized - If the item created by the sync should be serialized, check the Serialized box. ALL ITEMS CREATED FROM THE TEMPLATE WILL BE CREATED AS SERIALIZED IF THIS BOX IS CHECKED.
4. Item type - either Inventory or Expense. This is a required field for items to be added to a sales order and must be filled out on all item templates that will be used for the sales order sync.
5. Inventory or Expense Code - This is a required field for items to be added to a sales order and must be filled out on all item templates that will be used for the sales order sync.
6. Sales code - This is a required field for items to be added to a sales order and must be filled out on all item templates that will be used for the sales order sync.
7. Tax as - This field is greyed out until either a sales code or service code is added to the item record. Once one of those fields has been filled in you can change the tax as from None to a different tax flag.
Testing Checklist
Testing Checklist
You will then review the orders created to check that everything has been imported correctly. A few things to review:
- The description line of the order will show the total amount, does this match the total on the order?
Do all of the items on the order in Autotask show on the order in e-automate?
- Are there items added with the error item instead of the proper item?
- After fulfilling the order, are the proper revenue accounts being used?
After confirming that everything is syncing properly, we will move the templates to your production e-automate and repoint the sync to production to push in the sales orders.
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
When the sales order user-defined field ZCJ_SyncToEA is set to yes, the order will push to our background tables. Once the complete order is in the background tables, ID634 will create the sales order in e-automate. After the order has pushed to e-automate no changes made in Autotask will update the order in e-automate.
Jump to: Customer Mapping | Order Type | Sales Rep | Branch | Warehouse | Labor Items | Product Items | Service Items | Charge Items | Shipping Items
Customer Mapping
Customer Mapping
The e-automate customer number must be set in the Account number field in Autotask:
Order Type
Order Type
The default order type is set on the ID634 clone that will create the orders from Autotask. See details on setting the order type in ID634 here.
Sales Rep
Sales Rep
You can use variable 3 to specify a default sales rep that will be used on each order. If no default is set in the variable, the sales rep from the customer record in e-automate will be used.
The branch on the header of the order will be set per the ID634 settings, either pulling from the branch assigned to the sales rep, or the branch assigned to the customer. (Variable Z on ID634).
You can specify a default branch to be used on all line items on the order using variable 6.
The warehouse used on the order and the line items will default to the warehouse that you set in variable 4 on the alert.
If there is no default warehouse set, the warehouse will be set per the hierarchy in ID634, details on that are here.
Labor Items
Labor Items
Labor items that are added to the order in Autotask will be created in e-automate based on the template **AT Labor. We will create this template as part of the preflight process and you will need to update the template based on how you want ALL labor items created by the sync to be coded in e-automate.
Labor item on Autotask quote/order:
The item template in e-automate will need to have an expense code and a sales code added:
Product Items
Product Items
Product items added to the quote in Autotask will be created based on the material code assigned to the product.
There will be an item template for each material code, the sync will find the material code assigned to the product and then use that template to create the item in e-automate. If the product already exists (product = Item number) the sync will use that item instead of creating a new one. Be sure that any existing items in e-automate that match the product in Autotask have either an inventory or expense code and a sales code assigned. If an existing item is missing one of these fields the sync will add the error item instead of the matching item.
The item number used when creating the product in e-automate will depend on the option set in Variable 5:
1. Product Name - This is the default option to be used.
2. Manufacturer Product Number
3. Product SKU
4. Internal Product ID
5. External Product ID
Service Items
Service Items
Service items added to quotes in Autotask will be created in e-automate based on the service code assigned to the service.
There will be an item template for each service code, the sync will find the service code assigned to the product and then use that template to create the item in e-automate. If the product already exists (item = Item number) the sync will use that item instead of creating a new one. Be sure that any existing items in e-automate that match the item in Autotask have either an inventory or expense code and a sales code assigned. If an existing item is missing one of these fields the sync will add the error item instead of the matching item.
Charge Items
Charge Items
Charge items added to the sales quote in Autotask will be created in e-automate based on the material code chosen.
There will be an item template for each material code, the sync will find the material code assigned to the product and then use that template to create the item in e-automate. If the product already exists (product = Item number) the sync will use that item instead of creating a new one. Be sure that any existing items in e-automate that match the product in Autotask have either an inventory or expense code and a sales code assigned. If an existing item is missing one of these fields the sync will add the error item instead of the matching item.
Shipping Items
Shipping Items
Shipping items added to the quote in Autotask will be summed and added to the Freight field on the sales order in e-automate:
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
Jump to: User-Defined Fields
User Defined Fields
User-Defined Fields
There are two user-defined fields used with ID915:
ZCJ_SyncToEA: This field is required and should have two options, Yes and No, with No being the default option. Updating this field to Yes will be the trigger for the order to move to e-automate.
ZCJ_EAStatus: This field is optional, it will hold updates from e-automate as the status of the order changes.
ZCJ_EASynced: This field is required and should have two options, Yes and No, with No being the default option. The sync will update this field once the order has synced and will change the value to Yes. This field should not be manually edited in Autotask.
User-defined fields are created in the Admin section in Autotask, under the Application-Wide (Shared) Features:
All fields for the sales order sync will be created in the Sales Order section:
The ZCJ_SyncToEA field will be used to trigger the order to sync to e-automate. This field is required to be created in Autotask and the name must exactly match ZCJ_SyncToEA.
This field should be created with the Field Type of List, with the list options set to No and Yes. The default value should be No.
The ZCJ_EAStatus field is optional and will hold updates for the order as the status changes in e-automate. This field is optional.
The field should be created with the Field Type of Text:
This field is required and should have two options, Yes and No, with No being the default option. The sync will update this field once the order has synced and will change the value to Yes. This field should not be manually edited in Autotask.
This field should be created with the Field Type of List, with the list options set to No and Yes. The default value should be No.
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID962 - Autotask Customer Sync
ID913 - Autotask Contract Sync
ID914 - Autotask Service Call Sync
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