
ID774 - Quarterly Business Review (Power BI) Overview & Sample:

Customer Business Review

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Overview | Samples | Alert Functionality | Power BI Reporting | Non-Managed Devices | KPIs Glossary | RLS Template | Related Alerts | Webinar

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Our Customer Business Review is one of our most popular reports and is currently available as a Power BI Report requested by the sales rep from their CRM. In today's post-Covid world, with many of these reviews taking place online, we are now offering a Power BI version. Provides ability to export to Power Point for customization and branding as well as ability to choose which pages of information provided to your customer for live review.


Template download here:

Type of Output: On Demand Power BI Report


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Service Metrics:



Landing Page:







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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

-See here for getting Power BI in place. 

-Template download here:

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Power BI Reporting

Power BI Reporting

1. Three main sections:

(1) for internal use - not intended for your customer. use this to drill into details as you prep for your review


(2) To create a Custom Review - you decide which pages to push to Power Point


(3) Guided Review - select which pages you want to review and use this link to review each page live with your customer (via your laptop)



2. Can select multiple customers if needed. For example, if the Parent/Location relationship doesn't exist in e-Auto, but you still need one review for an account. Use the CTRL key to select multiple Parent Accounts at one. You can even do this for locations, if for example, you don't want to include all locations.



3. If you wish to run a review for specific contract(s), nearly every page in the QBR has a Contract Filter Option at the top (see screenshot below). Any page without this option (i.e. Customer Review) that does not have the filter is because the data on the page contains elements not specific to Contracts (i.e. Key Services, Billing Accuracy, Aging Summary).



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Non-Managed Devices

Non-Managed Devices

ID147 is our dashboard that shows non-managed devices across all of your customers, however our QBR shows that data for for the specific customer so sales can have that conversation. Note, you need to give Juice API access to the DCAs you want to see, most of the major DCAs are supported. See  ID968 for the DCAs you need to connect.




1. Enabling Maps:

From within Power BI environment, follow the four screenshots below:





2. Changing Country

Our template defaults to using USA map, so those of you outside USA will need to change the country associated with your map in the template via Power BI Desktop (not your CEO Juice workspace).  Start by downloading our latest ID774 template which will automatically open in Power BI Desktop. You can cancel the auto refresh and facilitate the refresh in the workspace (its much faster this way).

Watch Video Instructions Here:

Each page containing a map will need setting changed:

(1) Click once on map

(2) Click on "Format your visual'

(3) Click on 'Map settings'

(4) Select your country


You will need to do this to a total of 6-pages (use arrows to move through pages, just like an excel workbook):




CR - Managed Devices

CR - Managed Devices (Models)







Then be sure to click on (1) ID774 tab (if you are not on this page when you save, then the report will have the wrong landing page for end users), (2) Save As (overwrite your existing), and (3) publish to CEO Juice workspace and update the CEO Juice App:




KPIs Glossary

All reference to clicks or copies are based on meter readings used on Contract Invoices. We DO NOT use the average monthly volumes from e-Auto.

Actual Age - The earliest of Install Date, FirstService Call, or First Supply Order

Allocated ... Clicks - e-Auto distributes each meter group's copy allowance amongst all devices in the meter group to provide a usage amount relative to total clicks produced by ALL devices in the meter group. This is essentially each device's proportionate use of the copy allowance (both overages and underages).

For example, a contract with 1,000 copy allowance and 10 metered devices:

e-Auto doesn't allocate 100 clicks for each device in the allowance, but rather e-Auto looks at the actual clicks billed and determines that device's allocated % use of that 1,000 copy allowance each time the contract bills. We use the same formula for presenting allocated amounts.

Billing Accuracy - Total Invoices divided by Voided Invoices 

Call Type Category - each Call Type in e-Auto is assigned a category code. They are:'


Clicks BW / Clicks Color - we use the Category set on the Meter Type from e-Auto:



Equipment Actual Age - is calculated by taking the earliest of first install, first service call, or first sales order


First Call Effectiveness - % of calls completed/fixed without a rescheduled call (i.e. parts needed or more time needed)

Gross FCFR = ( Total Calls - ( Incompletes + Callbacks ) ) / Total Calls

% FCFR Calls ( Calls Fixed on 1st visit ) = FCFR Calls / Total Calls

*** where FCFR Calls are calls that are not marked as Callback / Incomplete / Reschedule



Response Time - Time from when call opened until tech arrived on call (corrective maintenance calls only). we don't do any calculations for this, it comes straight from e-Auto as seen in eView Service Calls (Invoiced). 

Resolution Time - Time from when call opened until call closed (based on working hours in e-Auto)

SLA - this is the Service Level Agreement set in e-Auto and is based on expected response time. See more HERE on how e-Auto settings effect the SLA.

Total Copies in Period - based on actual meters used on Contract Invoices

Virtual Age (BW / Color) - each Model Record in e-Auto has ability to set 'Target' clicks for each Meter Type. We use this 'Target' in our Virtual Age Formula of: Total Clicks divided by Model 'Target'. IF you do not have 'Target' values set then it is the average-across-fleet for that model-on-contract. 



IF you do not have 'Target' values, then in we use the averages calculated by way of our ID593/Service Call Might be a Sales Lead's 'Average Monthly Volume for that Model'. More on ID593 HERE.


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RLS Template

Step 1: Reach out to for the RLS (Row Level Security) template for ID774. This gives you a template to ensure reps can only run a QBR for the accounts they are listed as Rep for on the eAuto Customer Record.


Step 2: Download the ID774 RLS template and name differently from your standard ID774 template. For example, you may want to name it ID774 QBR (RLS) as you likely want the standard version for your executive team allowing them to run a QBR for any customer. Then publish to your CEO Juice workspace:


Step 3: Once successfully pushed to the workspace and connected to gateway for refreshes, set refresh schedule. Then add each Sales Reps O365 user to the semantic model / security. If you have a lot of Sales Reps (50+), then consider creating an O365 group they all belong to and just add the group (rather than each user one-by-one).

Access by hovering over semantic model row for ID774 QBR (RLS), select the ellipse (3-dots) ), then click on security:


You will need to add each Sales Rep's O365 user (or group), be sure to select save:


Step 4:  Each Sales Rep's O365 account will need a Power BI Pro license and to be added to your Sales audience for access to the Power BI App (or add by entering the O365 group you created for all your reps so you don't need to enter one-by-one):


**Please note: the rep will still need to use the filters in the Power BI Report to select needed customer(s) and date filter. It is just a link to the app you have given the rep access to.

RLS version is available via app:



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID147 - Non Managed Devices Power BI

ID281 - Customer Retention Rate Power BI

ID568 - eAuto Activity Trends Power BI

ID704 - The Financial "Model" Power BI

ID770 - Financial Dashboard Power BI

ID771 - Service MIF & Profitability Power BI


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Version 2024.02.15:



Sharing With Your Customer:



(for version prior to 2024.02.15)



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