
ID237 - Payment Received for customer on Designated On Hold Code Overview & Sample:

This alert was designed to watch for a payment received on any account that has a specific On Hold code. Example If you send a customer account to a collection agency and create an OnHold code of Example CT = Collection Terminate. Your customer then sends the payment directly to you rather than the agency. This alert then notifies so you can forward the amount due for collection and/or notify the agency that the account has been paid and pay their fee. This alert will notify when a payment is received against a customer account that has been placed on (VarW) specific On Hold code(s). Separate codes by a comma. If left blank On Hold code will default to CH (system default).




Variables Include:

VariableW: OnHold code(s) to watch for payments made, (separate with comma), if left blank then defaults to 'CH' 

VariableX:  List branch numbers you want the alert to fire on, separated by comma, or leave blank for ALL

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