This page goes over frequently asked questions regarding the ConnectWise integration. If you do not see the answer to your question here, please email for help.
Jump to: Integration Set Up | API Keys | Customer Sync | Agreement Sync | Service Sync | Moving Tickets | Project Tickets | Sales Orders | General CW Questions
Integration Set Up
Integration Set Up
1. Is there any extra cost to using this integration?
No, the ConnectWise integration is included in the all-inclusive CEO Juice program. There is an option to only use the ConnectWise integration and no other processes in the CEO Juice library, see details on that program option here.
2. Does it matter if my ConnectWise or e-automate is hosted or on-premise?
No, the sync works with the on-premise and hosted versions of ConnectWise and e-automate.
3. Where should I start with the integration?
The customer sync should always be the first alert that you set up, the customer mapping that is done with this alert is used in all other alerts and is required. From there, subscribe and test the alerts that relate to the processes that you are using in ConnectWise. The usual order is to move to agreements after customers are set up, then to service calls or sales orders, depending on usage in ConnectWise. There is some overlap between the syncs, though none are required beyond the customer sync.
The service sync utilizes the agreement-to-contract mapping from the agreement sync, finding the correct contract to attach to service calls created by the service sync is made easier when the agreement sync is running. The same is true for the project invoice sync. If you are going to sync tickets covered by an agreement, it's best to have ID964 up and running before starting with ID965.
When using the ID912 sync to create calls in ConnectWise, you will need to be running ID965 if you want the completed ticket information from ConnectWise to sync back to e-automate.
API Keys
API Keys
1. Why do I need to create API keys?
The sync works based on API calls to pull information from ConnectWise and push updates to ConnectWise, the API keys give us access to make these calls.
2. Will the API user use one of my ConnectWise user licenses?
No, the API user that you set up does not use a ConnectWise license.
3. How do I send in the API keys?
You can email us the API key information or add it to our website yourself. To add the information to the website, you'll need to have an admin login to the site. Details on how to add the keys to the website are here.
4. I don't have the private key from ConnectWise, how do I retrieve that?
After the keys are created, you can't view the private key again. If you didn't write the key down at the time it was created, you'll need to create new keys for the API user.
5. What security rights does the API user have to have?
Normally, our API user has admin access, but you can lock down the security access for the API user. See the graphic here that details the minimum rights the API user has to have.
Customer Sync
Customer Sync
1. I have the e-automate customer number stored in ConnectWise, do I still need to update the custom property in e-automate?
If you have the e-automate customer number stored in either the Company ID field or the Account ID field, the sync will match the e-automate customer to the ConnectWise company and automatically update the custom property in e-automate with the Company RecID from ConnectWise. You do need to make sure that the customer record in e-automate has the proper custom property configuration assigned so that the custom property is available for the sync to update.
2. I only want the sync to update certain companies in ConnectWise, how do I do that?
You can filter the customer records that the sync will process using a customer type, contract type, or branch number. These filters are all variable settings that can be updated on the ID747 subscription. Additionally, there is a custom property called ZCJ_SyncToCW that can be used to stop a customer from syncing to ConnectWise. When this property is set to No, the sync will not update ConnectWise for this customer.
3. I don't want the sync to update certain fields in ConnectWise, is that possible?
We can turn off updates to specific fields in ConnectWise if needed, you'll just need to send an email to with the specific fields that shouldn't be updated.
4. Is there a way to tell if the sync has updated or created a company in ConnectWise?
You can use the Audit Trail tab of the company record to determine if the record was created or updated by the CEOJuice API user:
5. How do I tell which companies are mapped to customers in e-automate?
You'll have two e-views located in the Admin section of e-automate that show all the linked Companies (parent customers in e-automate) and the linked sites (location customers in e-automate.) Details on those e-views are here.
6. The sync linked a customer in e-automate to the wrong company in ConnectWise.
Check the company in ConnectWise and see if the e-automate customer number is listed in either the Company ID or Account ID field. The sync uses these two fields to match customer records from e-automate to ConnectWise and if there is data in either field that matches an e-automate customer number the sync will link the two records. Correct the information in ConnectWise to be the correct e-automate customer number, and then send an email to with the customer number so that we can check to see if the background linking needs to be updated.
7. I have a customer record in e-automate that didn't sync to ConnectWise, how do I fix that?
Beginning with the 20240822 version of ID747, you'll receive an email listing the details of any company or site that was updated or inserted in ConnectWise. This email will also detail any errors that the sync encountered when attempting to make the update. Common reasons that the company or site wasn't inserted or updated:
- The revenue year on the company record in ConnectWise shows as zero.
- The state listed on the customer record in e-automate is not in the proper format of either the two letter abbreviation or the full state name. Leading or trailing spaces in this field can also cause an error.
- The customer record in e-automate is excluded from the sync by one of the variable options or the custom property ZCJ_SyncToCW is set to no.
8. The sync created a duplicate company or site in ConnectWise, why did that happen?
A duplicate company can be created when a new customer record is added to e-automate and the sync doesn't find a match to an existing company in ConnectWise. For example, if a company is created in ConnectWise first, and then is created in e-automate, if the customer in e-automate can't be matched to the company in ConnectWise the sync will create a new company in ConnectWise. Similarly, if a duplicate customer record is created in e-automate, the sync will create a matching duplicate record in ConnectWise.
Duplicate sites can be created if the location customer in e-automate is not linked using the ZCJ_CW_SiteAddressRecID custom property to the site in ConnectWise. Unlinked sites will create duplicates in ConnectWise.
Agreement Sync
Agreement Sync
1. The ConnectWise invoice didn't update the contract in e-automate.
If an agreement invoice was generated in ConnectWise and didn't create or update a contract in e-automate, check these things:
- Is variable 10 on ID964 set to only sync invoices in a specific status? If yes, is the invoice in ConnectWise in that status?
- Is variable 2 on ID964 set to only include certain agreement types? If yes, is the agreement in ConnectWise one of the listed types?
- Verify that both the customer and bill-to-customer are mapped between ConnectWise and e-automate. Details on customer mapping are here.
- Check the ID954 report to see if there's an error showing for the invoice.
- Search the contract list in e-automate for the ConnectWise invoice number in either the PO field or the Remarks field, depending on where the invoice is set to be added. Sometimes the contract is in e-automate, but with a status of inactive so it doesn't show in the contract billing queue.
- Try updating the invoice in ConnectWise to get the sync to "see" the invoice again and reprocess it.
If none of the above works, please email the ConnectWise invoice number to so that we can troubleshoot the issue.
2. I billed a contract in e-automate before the sync updated it, how do I correct that?
If you have billed the contract in e-automate prior to the sync updating it for the billing period, you'll need to Void and Reset the contract invoice and then rebill the contract in e-automate. The current version of the sync will uncheck the Bill contract box on the contract in order to prevent this from happening. The Bill contract box is checked on the contract the next time the sync updates the contract with a new invoice from ConnectWise.
3. I have a contract invoice in e-automate that didn't renumber.
The number one reason that an invoice won't renumber in e-automate is due to billing the contract before the sync has updated the contract. Open the invoice that hasn't renumbered and check the data in the PO field, if the PO field has the previous month's invoice number, the contract was billed prior to the sync updating it and won't renumber. You'll need to Void and Reset the contract invoice and rebill with the current invoice number in the PO field.
Additionally, if the contract is set to use Group billing in e-automate, the invoices generated from that contract will no renumber. The process can't account for multiple invoices from ConnectWise generating one invoice in e-automate.
The invoice renumber process can take up to 15 minutes after the invoice has been generated in e-automate to renumber.
4. I terminated a contract in e-automate that was linked to an agreement in ConnectWise, how do I get the sync to create a new contract in e-automate for this agreement?
You'll need to email and give us the contract information so that we can break the link in our background tables.
5. The sync used the default template when it created the contract.
Verify that the contract template in e-automate exactly matches the agreement type in ConnectWise. The template contract number must match exactly the agreement name or the sync will not be able to find the template and the sync will use the default template to create the contract.
6. I have multiples of that same item on the agreement in ConnectWise and these items roll up into one item on the contract in e-automate, why is that?
This is done due to a limitation in e-automate, you are only allowed to add an item to a contract one time, unless the items are set to different location customers. The workaround for this is to roll up the items into one item, with the quantity set to one and the unit base rate set to the sum of the amount billed for the items on the ConnectWise invoice. We do offer a contract invoice format that shows all items on separate lines, this would be the report group called 'CW Full Details'. If you do not have this report group, please send an email to to get it added.
7. I need to bill multiple months of an agreement, how do I do that with the sync?
If you need to bill multiple months of the same agreement, you'll need to follow these steps:
- Create the first month's invoice in ConnectWise.
- Wait for the contract to be updated in e-automate and then bill the contract in e-automate.
- Create the next invoice in ConnectWise and then repeat step two to bill the contract in e-automate.
- You'll need to repeat these steps for each month that needs to be billed.
Additionally, you'll need to make sure that each invoice in ConnectWise has a distinct date as the sync will skip over invoices for one agreement that have the same invoice date.
8. I have a contract in the billing queue that is billing for zero dollars, how do I fix that?
Often when there is a zero dollar invoice created in e-automate, it means that the billing period has already billed in e-automate. For example, the contract is billed for the month of December, and then a new invoice is generated in ConnectWise for that month. The sync will update the contract and reset the billing period to match the new invoice from ConnectWise. When the contract is billed in e-automate, it will bill for zero dollars as the December period has already been billed. You can verify this by looking at the billing dates on the contract:
If you are not billing in advance or arrears, the billed through date should be one day prior to the billing on date.
To reset the billing period, click on the pencil edit button next to the billing period, then click on the green arrow to reset the period:
Click on the OK button to close the pop up, you'll need to make one other minor change on the contract to get the OK button on the contract to not be greyed out. (For example, you can add a space in the remarks field).
Service Sync
Service Sync
1. I don't understand the error stopping a ticket from getting created in e-automate.
All errors you'll see on the two error emails are detailed here. Usually, the error stopping the call from importing is either the customer is not mapped, or the technician on the time entry is not mapped. Both of these errors can be corrected in e-automate and then the call will sync. Remember that NO updates that you make in ConnectWise will update the ticket information once you see it on an error email.
2. I need to change the company on a ticket that has already synced, how do I do that?
Once the ticket has synced, you are not able to change the company that the sync is using to try and create the call. If you have to chang the company on the ticket, you'll need to send an email to with the ticket number and correct Company ID and we'll correct the issue in the background tables to get the call to insert.
3. I have a ticket that didn't sync and it's not on the error email.
If you're not seeing the ticket on an error email, first verify that the call isn't in e-automate by searching all service calls for the ticket number in the description. Also, check that the status of the ticket or invoice matches the status ID965 is using to sync tickets. Finally, try updating the ticket in ConnectWise to get the sync to "see" the ticket (or invoice) again and reprocess it.
If none of the above works, please send the ticket number/invoice number to and we'll do further troubleshooting.
4. A ticket was set to sync by accident, how can I remove it from the sync?
Once a ticket has synced to our background tables, the only way to stop the ticket from trying to import is to remove it from the tables. On the new version of the sync, error calls only report 2-3 times and then fall off of the report, so you don't need to ask us to remove the call from the background tables.
5. Can I sync products added to the service ticket in ConnectWise to the service call in e-automate?
Starting with the 20231106 version of the sync, products added to the service ticket in ConnectWise will sync to the service call in e-automate. There are several conditions that must be met in order to sync products:
- There must be at least one time entry on the ticket that has a matching agreement to the agreement used on the product. If the product does not have an agreement set, then at least one time entry must be done with no agreement applied. If the product has an agreement set, then at least one time entry must be done with that same agreement applied.
- Tickets created by the ID912 sync will allow for products to be added.
- The service sync does not create items, so the product added in ConnectWise has to have a matching item in e-automate. If there's no matching item, the sync will add the item template that matches the product type to the call as a placeholder and put the call in e-automate on hold.
Moving Tickets
Moving Tickets
1. The call in e-automate is on hold, but the ticket was not created in ConnectWise.
Every time the sync attempts to insert a ticket into ConnectWise, you'll receive an email. Verify that the ticket was actually created by checking that the first column on the email doesn't say FAIL. When a ticket fails to be created in ConnectWise, the call will still get flipped to on hold. Determine why the call didn't sync and then take the call off of hold in e-automate and the sync will try to create the ticket on the next pass.
2. The ticket in ConnectWise is closed, but the call in e-automate did not update.
Verify that the ticket in ConnectWise is in a status that ID965 is set to pick up. Also, check that there are time entries on the ticket in ConnectWise, if there are no time entries for the ticket, the call will not get picked up by ID965.
Project Tickets
Project Tickets
1. Are fixed fee projects supported?
Yes, fixed fee projects are supported by the project sync. The fixed fee amount can either be added as an item to the service call, or you can manually add the fixed fee amount as a miscellaneous charge. All fixed fee calls are placed on hold in e-automate upon creation and will need to be reviewed and released from hold prior to invoicing in e-automate.
2. If I have a down payment invoice applied to a project, how does that sync to e-automate?
Down payment invoices do not sync. We'd recommend creating an unapplied payment to match the amount of the down payment and then once the project has billed, apply the payment to the service invoice created by the sync.
3. Does it matter if I bill by phase or when the project is complete?
No, both billing by phase or when the project is complete are supported by the sync.
Sale Order Sync
Sales Order Sync
1. The order wasn't created in e-automate, what should I check for a problem?
Check the custom e-view for the sales order sync and see if the order is listed here. If it is, that means the order made it to the background tables, but there is an issue inserting the order into e-automate. Check that the customer is mapped from ConnectWise to e-automate, that all templates have both an inventory or expense code and a sales code, that the error item exists and has either an inventory or expense code and a sales code, and that the on-hold codes specified in ID634 all exist in e-automate.
If you don't see the order in the e-view, check that the order is in the proper status in ConnectWise to sync and has at least one product added.
2. The error item was added to the order instead of the correct item.
Check the template that would have been used to create the item (matching product type) and verify that it has either an inventory or expense code and a sales code. If the template doesn't exist or doesn't have the proper coding, the sync won't be able to create the item.
General CW Questions
General ConnectWise Questions
**Any detailed questions on best practices or setup in ConnectWise should be directed to ConnectWise support or documentation.**
1. We are moving from hosting our ConnectWise instance internally to ConnectWise hosting our instance, how will that affect the sync?
Moving from on-premise to hosted ConnectWise won't have any effect on the sync, you will need to update the Company setting in the API keys once your database has been moved.
2. I want to set up workflow rules in ConnectWise to change the status of companies based on if they are on hold in e-automate, how do I do that?
We have some documentation here on how to create the workflow to update the status of a company in ConnectWise. In order to update the status of the company once they are no longer on hold, you'll need to email and ask to have the custom field in ConnectWise updated to a specific value to show that the customer in e-automate is no longer on hold.
3. We use the Intermedia integration to update agreements in ConnectWise, can you help us get that set up?
We have some brief notes here on how the Intermedia sync works, these are based on how one client has the integration set up. If you have further questions you'll need to reach out to Intermedia support.
4. We are invoicing service tickets in ConnectWise and none of our tickets that are covered by an agreement show in the invoicing queue, how do I fix that?
Each agreement in ConnectWise has an option to show covered time on invoices, this option needs to be selected on the agreement the service ticket is applied against in order to create an invoice for the time. This option can be set on each agreement here:
Or you can update this setting on the agreement type so that all agreements created with that time have the option checked automatically: