
ID747 - CW Manage PSA Sync with e-Automate (Customers) Overview & Sample:

This sync between e-automate and ConnectWise updates customer information. The sync will update companies in ConnectWise from the information in e-automate. You have the option to also insert companies from e-automate into ConnectWise.

Jump to: Overview | Samples | Setup | Variables | Testing |  Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips |  Related Alerts


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We believe that e-automate should be the master for customer information; the sync will push updates from e-automate customer records to the company records in ConnectWise. No changes to the company record in ConnectWise will push back to e-automate. Parent customers in e-automate (not a location of another customer record) will sync to companies in ConnectWise. Location customers in e-automate (set as a location of another customer record) will sync to sites in ConnectWise.

The information that is updated is the customer name, address, city, state, zip, phone, website, and fax number. You have the option to add the territory on inserts and you can add custom fields in ConnectWise to sync the sales rep and on-hold code from e-automate to ConnectWise. If there are any of these fields that you do not want to be updated, we can modify the update process to not make updates on any of these fields, please just let us know. No contacts are synced between the two systems.

Especially for clients new to ConnectWise Manage, the insert option is a good way to push your existing IT customers into ConnectWise. There are several filter options to refine the customers to push over or you can insert all active customers. If pushing all active e-automate customers we suggest you first turn on process ID156 to make e-automate customers inactive so only active ones are left to insert and ID926 to check for duplicate customers so that you can merge those prior to syncing to ConnectWise.

To run any of the sync pieces, you must be subscribed to ID747 and have the customer mapping in place. You do not need to have ID747 updating the company records in ConnectWise. 


Run Schedule: Every 15 minutes

Type of Output: Data Push/Email


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Jump to: Customer Info Updates | CW Territory | EA Sales Rep and On Hold Code | Team Tab | Email Output

Customer Updates

Customer Info Updates




1. Customer Name from e-automate updates Company name in ConnectWise.

2. Address from e-automate updates address field in ConnectWise.

3. City from e-automate updates the city in ConnectWise.

4. State from e-automate updates the state in ConnectWise. **The state field in ConnectWise is a drop-down field and therefore the formatting of the state name in e-automate must match the value in ConnectWise. If the format doesn't match, the sync will be unable to update the company record in ConnectWise.**

5. Zip Code from e-automate will update the zip code field in ConnectWise.

6. Phone 1 from e-automate will update the phone field in ConnectWise. 

7. Fax from e-automate will update the fax field in ConnectWise.

8. Website from e-automate will update the website field in ConnectWise.

**We can turn off any of these fields from updating in ConnectWise if needed**

CW Territory

CW Territory

If you would like to set the territory on companies created by the sync, you can set the name of the territory in Variable 3. These must be valid values from ConnectWise, see more details on territory here.

updated territory sample.jpg

The territory field will be set on the creation of a company in ConnectWise, by default this field is not touched on updates.


EA sales rep and hold code

EA Sales Rep and On Hold Code

The sales rep and on-hold code from e-automate can update custom fields in ConnectWise. The custom field names need to be: ZCJ_OnHoldCode, ZCJ_SalesRepName and ZCJ_SalesRepEmail. See here for details on how to create custom fields in ConnectWise. 

On Hold Code

The on-hold code is here in e-automate:

updated on hold in EA.png

The custom field will be populated in ConnectWise:

Updated on hold in CW.png

**Only Companies in ConnectWise are able to have custom fields, when location customers are put on hold in e-automate there will be no update to the site in ConnectWise.**

Beginning in the 20241022 version of ID747, there is an option to populate the ZCJ_OnHoldCode field with a value to indicate that the customer is not on hold in e-automate. This is helpful if you are using a workflow in ConnectWise to place companies on and off hold depending on the value in this field. 

Sales Rep

The sales rep is here in e-automate:


Beginning with the 2024.08.22 version of the sync, there is an option to populate the custom fields in ConnectWise from a custom property on the customer record in e-automate instead of the sales rep assigned to the customer record or to not populate the sales rep custom fields, details on these options are here.  If you want to use this option, you must send an email to

The information will populate in the custom fields in ConnectWise:


Team Tab

Team Tab

Beginning with the 2024.08.22 version of ID747 you have the option to add the sales rep assigned to the customer in e-automate to the team tab of the company record in ConnectWise. You will need to send an email to to ask to have the feature turned on.

Team tab.jpg

The Role is a required field when adding a member to the Team tab, you will need to specify the role to be used when the sales rep is added to this tab. For more details on the Team tab, see this link. Each time that the sync touches a company record, it will check to see if the sales rep assigned to the customer record in e-automate exists on the Team tab, if it does not, the sync will add it. Sales reps from e-automate will need to be mapped to ConnectWise using the ZCJ_CW_EmpRecordID custom property, details on that are here.


Email Sample

Email Sample

Starting with the 2024.08.22 version of the sync, the email output from ID747 will show the fields that were updated by the sync and notes on customers that failed to sync:

20240822 email sample.jpg

Beginning with the 2024.12.02 version, the email from ID747 will report on customers in e-automate that have duplicate values in the ZCJ_CW_CompanyID field. These customers in e-automate WILL NOT be updated in ConnectWise until the duplicates are removed. The duplicate customers will report on the email once per day until corrected in e-automate.

Updated email sample 20241202.png

The first column of the email will give details on what action was taken by the sync, the possible actions are:

CW Company Added - A new company was created in ConnectWise. 

CW Site Added - A new site was created in ConnectWise.

CW Company Updated - The sync updated information on an existing company in ConnectWise. The second column will show the field updated, the current value, and the previous value.

CW Site Updated - The sync updated information on an existing site in ConnectWise. The second column will show the field updated, the current value, and the previous value.

CW Company Deleted - If the sync matches a customer from e-automate to a company in ConnectWise that is marked as deleted (Company still exists in the Company Recycle bin), the sync will not link the customer record and will report an error.

CW Company Failed to Update - If there was an issue updating an existing company in ConnectWise, the email will provide details on the failure. See more details here on possible reasons the sync would fail to update a company.

CW Site Failed to Update - If there was an issue updating an existing site in ConnectWise, the email will provide details on the failure.

The email will also give the customer number and name from e-automate along with the record type from ConnectWise and the ConnectWise Company RecID (Company) or Site Address RecID (site).

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The first question for the setup of ID747 is to determine what mode you want the sync to run in, to do updates only, create companies in ConnectWise, or not make any updates in ConnectWise at all. Once you've decided the behavior for the sync, you can move on to the needed set up in e-automate and ConnectWise and then subscribe to the alert.

Jump to: EA Settings | CW Settings | Subscribe to Alerts 

EA Settings

EA Settings

1. Determine if you want all customers from e-automate to sync to ConnectWise or if you want to filter the set of customers for the sync. You can filter the customers by customer type, contract type, or branch. 

2. Sites in Connectwise link to locations in eAutomate, if you wish to use the sync to create or update sites, existing sites will need to be manually linked together between the two systems. This is done via a custom property on the location company in e-automate. See more on sites here. If the sync is set to insert locations, and existing sites are not linked to the location in e-automate, the sync will create duplicate sites in ConnectWise.

CW Settings

CW Settings

1. If you have existing companies set up in ConnectWise, do they have the e-automate customer number in either the account ID field or the company ID field? Existing customers need to be linked between the two systems prior to testing to ensure no duplicate companies are created in ConnectWise. See more details on the customer mapping here.

2. Create the custom field ZCJ_OnHoldCode in ConnectWise to store the on-hold code from e-automate. Details on how to create that field are here.

3. Create the custom fields in ConnectWise to store the sales rep's name and email address. Details on how to create those are here.

Subscribe to Alerts

Subscribe to Alerts

1. Once you have the settings in ConnectWise and e-automate determined, subscribe to ID747 on our website.  If you don't have a login to our subscription site, you can email to have us set you up with a login. 

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Var 8 updated.jpg

Variable 8: Customer Sync Type - Choose from the drop-down the type of sync you want to have in place:

Update Customers only - Only push customer updates from e-automate to ConnectWise.

Update Customers and Locations - Push updates for both customers (Parent in e-automate) and locations (Child in e-automate, site in ConnectWise). 

Insert/Update Customers only - Customers from e-automate will be inserted into ConnectWise as companies. Only parent accounts will be inserted and updated.

Insert/Update Customers and ALL Locations - Both Parent and Child customers from e-automate will be inserted/updated to ConnectWise. Locations will be inserted/updated regardless of whether they meet any filtered criteria for customer type or contract type. 

Insert/Update Customers and filtered Locations - Both Parent and Child customers from e-automate will be inserted/updated to ConnectWise. Only locations that meet any filtered criteria will be inserted/updated in ConnectWise. 

No updates - The sync will attempt to match customers from e-automate to companies in ConnectWise, where a match is found, the custom property in e-automate will be updated with the Company RecID from ConnectWise. No changes will be made to the information in ConnectWise.


Variable 9: Customer Type - Filter the customers updated/inserted into ConnectWise to those that match a customer type, enter the customer types from e-automate to sync over. Separate multiple values with commas. Details on customer type are here.

Variable 10: Contract Type - Filter the customers updated/inserted into ConnectWise to those that match a contract type. Only customers that have an active contract of the type(s) specified will sync. Separate multiple values with commas. Details on contract types are here.

Variable 11: Branch Filter - Filter the customers updated/inserted into ConnectWise to those that match a branch. Only customers with the specified branch will sync. Separate multiple values with commas. Details on branch are here.


Variable W: Territory Filter - Enter a territory name if you would like to filter to only those companies assigned to that territory.**This variable affects all ConnectWise to e-automate sync pieces (ID964, ID965, ID966). If you set a territory filter here, ONLY that territory will be used for all aspects of the ConnectWise sync. See more details on territory in ConnectWise here.

Variable 1: Company Type - If inserting companies into ConnectWise, enter the company type to be used. Must be a valid company type from ConnectWise. See more details on the ConnectWise company type here.

Variable 4: Company Status - If inserting companies into ConnectWise, optional to specify the status of those companies. See more details on the ConnectWise company status here.


Variable 3: Company Territory - If inserting companies into ConnectWise, it's optional to specify the territory to be assigned to the company. Can only specify one territory to be used for all inserts. More details on territory are here.

Variable 6: On Hold Code Field - Enter the field in ConnectWise where you want to store the on-hold code from e-automate. 


Variable 12: CW Credentials - If you have multiple sets of ConnectWise API credentials entered on the CEO Juice website, enter the set to be used with ID747.


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There are a few steps to testing the customer sync: getting the testing databases set up, mapping the customers, and testing the functionality of the sync.

Jump to: Testing Options | Customer Mapping | Testing Checklist

Testing Options

Testing Options

Option 1: Update/Insert customers from a test e-automate database to a test ConnectWise database.

   Having a test ConnectWise database is not always an option, but going from a test e-automate to a test ConnectWise is the cleanest test of the sync that won't affect your production data. With this testing setup, you can run the customer sync to update and insert companies and sites and view the results without worrying about creating duplicates in your production ConnectWise.

Option 2: Update/Insert customers from a test e-automate database to the production ConnectWise database.

   When using a test e-automate database to update or insert customers into the production ConnectWise database, you can use one or more of the filter options to limit the customers from e-automate that will update or insert into ConnectWise. When using this option we recommend updating your test e-automate database with a recent backup from production.

Option 3: Update/Insert customers from the production e-automate database to the production ConnectWise database.

   If you are new to ConnectWise and don't have many existing companies set up in ConnectWise, this option is the best way to populate ConnectWise with all of your customers from e-automate. There's little fear of creating duplicate customers or sites in ConnectWise, so running the sync directly from production to production is a good option. If you do have existing companies in ConnectWise, but the companies have the e-automate customer number populated on them, you can also go directly from production e-automate to production ConnectWise. 

Depending on the testing option chosen, you’ll need to set up one or more of the following:

1. API Keys in ConnectWise – API keys are required for all testing options. Details on creating API keys here.

2. CEOJuice test database – Required for options one and two. See this link for notes on creating a test CEOJuice database.

3. e-automate test Database – Required for options one and two. The test database used should be one that will not be refreshed over the course of the testing. See this link for notes on creating a test e-automate database.

4. ConnectWise test Database – Required for option one. If using a test ConnectWise database, you’ll need to create a set of API keys for that database.

Customer Mapping

Customer Mapping:

1. Existing companies in ConnectWise will need to be mapped to the customers in e-automate:

   - Is the e-automate customer number in the Company ID field in ConnectWise? If yes, the sync will automatically link the customer from e-automate to the company in ConnectWise. 

   - Is the e-automate customer number in the Account ID field in ConnectWise? If yes, the sync will automatically link the customer from e-automate to the company in ConnectWise. 

**If there are companies in ConnectWise that match customers in e-automate and the e-automate customer number is not in either the Company or Account ID fields, those customers will need to be manually linked using the custom property in e-automate.

2. If you are going to be updating/inserting locations from e-automate to sites in ConnectWise, those will need to be manually linked via the custom property. If you are inserting sites and do not map the existing sites to locations in e-automate, duplicate sites will be created.

If you are unsure if there is any existing mapping, we can run the sync in "No Update" mode and provide you a list of all companies and sites from ConnectWise and show which would be linked and which would be created.

Testing Checklist

Testing Checklist

To test the functionality of ID747, follow these steps:

1. Update the customer information in e-automate and verify that the matching changes are made in ConnectWise.

2. If using the insert functionality, create a new customer in e-automate and verify that the company is created in ConnectWise.

3. Check that all custom fields are populating: on-hold code, sales rep name, and sales rep email. 

Once the testing steps have been completed, please let us know and we will move the sync fully to production.


Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

The sync runs every 15 minutes and checks for records in e-automate that have been updated since the last run of the sync. You can see the last updated time on the customer record in e-views, in the Updated date column:

updated date on customer record.jpg

If there is a record that hasn't been updated in ConnectWise, open the customer record in e-automate and click on the OK button. This will update the last updated date and the sync will "see" the record to process it.

**For the sync to work properly, the customer custom property configuration must be assigned to all customer records!! See details here on how to assign this configuration in bulk.**

Customer information only flows from e-automate to ConnectWise; no updates or changes that you make to a company record in ConnectWise will push back to e-automate. If you do change any of the information that is updated by the sync, that change will stay in ConnectWise until the customer record is updated in e-automate. At that point, the sync will "see" the customer record and update ConnectWise to match back to e-automate.

You can check for the last user to update the company record in ConnectWise by checking the Audit Trail tab:



Jump to: Sync Mode | Customer Mapping | Customer Linking | CW Main Site | Initial Sync | CW Company ID | CW Account ID | CW Company Status | CW Company Type | CW Sites | Territory | On Hold Code | Sales Reps | Team Tab | EA Customer Type | EA Contract Type | EA Branch

Sync Mode

Sync Mode

There are several different modes that the sync can run in:

Update Customers only - Only push customer updates from e-automate to ConnectWise. This option will only update Companies in ConnectWise when the sync logic can make a match between a customer record in e-automate and a company in ConnectWise. Details on how the sync links customers here. Any customer records in e-automate that are location (child) customers will NOT be processed.

Update Customers and Locations - Push updates for both customers (Parent in e-automate) and locations (Child in e-automate, site in ConnectWise). The sync will only update Companies and Sites in ConnectWise that are matched between the two systems. Customer records from e-automate that are not matched will not update in ConnectWise. 

Insert/Update Customers only - Customers from e-automate will be updated and inserted into ConnectWise as companies. Only parent accounts will be inserted and updated. No child locations from e-automate will be considered. The sync will first attempt to match the e-automate customer to a company in ConnectWise using these steps, if no match is found, the sync will create a new company in ConnectWise. 

Insert/Update Customers and ALL Locations - Both Parent and Child customers from e-automate will be inserted/updated to ConnectWise. Locations will be considered regardless of whether they meet any filtered criteria based on variables 9, 10, and 11. The sync must be able to determine the company to insert/update the site for, otherwise it will not insert or update the location record from e-automate.

Insert/Update Customers and filtered Locations - Both Parent and Child customers from e-automate will be inserted/updated to ConnectWise. Only locations that meet any filtered criteria from variables 9, 10, and 11 will be inserted/updated in ConnectWise. The sync must be able to determine the company to insert/update the site for, otherwise it will not insert or update the location record from e-automate.

No updates - The sync will attempt to match customers from e-automate to companies in ConnectWise, where a match is found, the custom property in e-automate will be updated with the Company RecID from ConnectWise. No changes will be made to the information in ConnectWise. This option allows for the needed custom properties and background tables to be populated, and can be used when it is not desired to have the ConnectWise company records match e-automate. 

 Customer Mapping

Customer Mapping

Companies from ConnectWise are linked to parent customer records in e-automate via a custom property. (See instructions on the custom properties here.) Companies in ConnectWise can not be mapped to location customers in e-automate. For the sync, a parent customer is defined as one that is NOT set as a location to another customer record. See this link for more details on best practices for parent/child customer setup in e-automate.

To map the companies in ConnectWise to the customers in e-automate, follow these steps:

1. Find the ConnectWise Company RecID for the company, this column is shown in the Company listview in ConnectWise.


**If you do not see the Company_RecID column in your company list view in ConnectWise, you can add this field by clicking on the gear icon to customize the list view, then find Company_RecID in the hidden columns section and use the arrows in the middle to move the column over to the visible columns list.

2. Add the Company RecID to the custom property ZCJ_CW_CompanyID in e-automate:


Customer Linking

Customer Linking

The sync follows this logic to link customers between the two systems:

1. Is the Company RecID from ConnectWise entered into the custom property ZCJ_CW_CompanyID?


If a match is found, these customers are linked, and this linking is added to the CEO Juice background tables. If no match is found, the sync moves to the next step.


2. Does the e-automate customer number have a match in the Company ID field in ConnectWise?


If a match is found, these customers are linked and the sync will add the Company RecID from ConnectWise to the custom property in e-automate and add the linking to the CEO Juice background tables. If no match is found, the sync moves to the next step.


3. Does the e-automate customer number have a match in the Account Number field in ConnectWise?


If a match is found then these customers are linked and the sync will update the custom property in e-automate with the Company RecID from ConnectWise and add this linking to the CEO Juice background tables.

If the sync is set to insert customers and there is no match found at these three levels, then the sync will insert the customer into ConnectWise. The sync will then write back the new Company RecID to the custom property in e-automate for the customer and add this linking to the CEO Juice background tables.

If the sync is set to only update, and no match is found, then the customer from e-automate will not be linked to a company in ConnectWise. No information from e-automate will be pushed to ConnectWise for this customer. You can determine if the customer in e-automate is linked to a company in ConnectWise by checking to see if the custom property value is populated on the customer record in e-automate.

**The sync links these customers in our background tables at the initial sync, subsequent syncs will first look for a customer match in these background tables. Should you need to remap a customer, you will need to ask us to correct the background tables. Changes made to the custom property in e-automate or the Company ID/AccountID in ConnectWise will not have any effect on the customer mapping.

CW Main Site

CW Main Site

Every company in ConnectWise has a site record designated as the primary address record for the company. Even companies that have no locations will have one site record, as that is where ConnectWise stores the address of the company.

The primary address site IS NOT MAPPED TO A LOCATION IN E-AUTOMATE, as the address for this site is updated when the company record is updated.

When looking at the list of sites for a company, there will be one that is marked as the Primary site:

main site updated.png

This site is usually named "Main" as that is the default name used when a new company is created in ConnectWise. In the above example, the sites named Studio 2, Studio 3, Studio 4, and Studio at The Falls will all be mapped to location customers in e-automate. The site marked as the primary site will not be mapped.

site list ea.png

The main (parent) customer in e-automate is mapped to the matching company in ConnectWise using the company RecID. The location (child) customers are all mapped using the site address RecID. The primary billing site in ConnectWise is not mapped to either a main customer or a location customer.

Initial Sync

Initial Sync of Customers to ConnectWise

At the initial run of the sync, customer records updated in the last 10 years will be "seen" by the sync and updated/inserted in ConnectWise. After the first run, only records updated since the last sync will be updated/inserted (approximately every 15 minutes). Opening the customer record and then clicking on the OK button will cause the last update date to be updated in e-automate, even if you did not make any changes to the record.

You can see the last updated date in e-views:


If you need to have the sync go back farther than 10 years on the initial run, please let us know so that we can manually set the date to what is needed to capture all records in your e-automate.


Company ID in ConnectWise

The Company ID field in the Company Details pod is the first field that the sync will check for a match to the e-automate customer number.

If you have the sync set to insert companies into ConnectWise, those companies will be created with a Company ID that follows this format: EA EACustomerID. In the below example, the e-automate customer ID is 33095.


The Company ID field in ConnectWise only allows alphanumeric characters. If you have customer numbers in e-automate that utilize characters such as & or -, you will not be able to have the e-automate customer number in the Company ID field.

The Company ID field is only touched upon the insert of new companies into ConnectWise. It is possible to change the company ID after the company has been created, doing so may affect the linking of newly created customers in e-automate if the Company ID is changed to a value that matches an existing e-automate customer number.

Account ID in ConnectWise

Account ID in ConnectWise

The Account ID field in the Finance Details pod in ConnectWise is the second field that the sync will check for a match to the customer number in e-automate.

When the sync creates companies in ConnectWise it populates the Account ID on the finance section with the e-automate customer number:


This field is touched on updates, so if the customer number changes in e-automate, this field will be updated. 

CW Company Status

CW Company Status

By default, the sync will create companies in ConnectWise with the status of Active. If you want the sync to use a different status, you can specify one in variable 4. The company status is only used when ID747 creates the company in ConnectWise; the sync does not touch this field on updates.

The status must be a valid company status from ConnectWise:


CW Company Type

CW Company Type

The options for company type can be found in the set up tables in ConnectWise:

cw company type.jpg

The option set in variable 1 must be a valid type from ConnectWise. If you are using the sync in one of the Insert modes, and the company type is not an exact match to the variable, the sync will fail to create the company record in ConnectWise.

The sync can only set one company type on the created company in ConnectWise. Once the company record is created in ConnectWise, you can add as many company types as needed. The sync does not touch this field on updates.

CW Sites

ConnectWise Sites

Sites in ConnectWise map to location (child) customers in e-automate. You can not map sites in ConnectWise to parent customers in e-automate, they must map to location customers. Parent customers are those that are NOT a location of another customer record, and child locations are those that ARE set as a location of another customer record.

In order for the sync to update existing sites in ConnectWise, those sites will need to be manually linked to the locations in e-automate prior to the first sync in production. This is done via the custom property ZCJ_CW_SiteAddressRecID; you'll need to enter the Address RecID for each site into the custom property of the matching location in e-automate.

For the sync to create sites in ConnectWise, the customer record in e-automate must be set as a location and the custom prop ZCJ_CW_SiteAddressRecID must be available. If the custom property is missing the sync will not create a site. 

The site address RecID is found in ConnectWise here:


The Site Address RecID goes in the ZCJ_CW_SiteAddressRecID custom property on the location record in e-automate:

site custom prop.jpg

The site name in ConnectWise is limited to 50 characters, if the customer name in e-automate is longer than this, the sync will truncate the site name.  When the sync truncates the site name it will add the e-automate customer number at the beginning of the name to help distinguish the site from others that may have the same name due to the truncation.

If you have the sync set to insert sites and do not have existing sites mapped to the matching location in e-automate the sync will create duplicate sites. 

We are able to do a bulk update of the custom property values in e-automate for the sites if you have more than 250 records to update. You'll need to send us a spreadsheet with the Address RecID from ConnectWise and the e-automate customer number.



The territory assigned to each company in ConnectWise can be used to filter what companies are synced between e-automate and ConnectWise. The territory is shown on the company record here:


**Agreements and sales orders have a location field option, this is NOT where the sync is looking for the territory. It is ALWAYS looking at the Territory name on the Company record.

Territory names are found in ConnectWise in My Company, on the structure tab:


If you enter a territory name in variable W, only companies assigned to that territory will be synced. The territory name in ConnectWise must match exactly to the variable, including capitalization and spacing. If there is a territory entered and that name doesn't match exactly to the company territory, that company will be skipped and will not sync. Please keep in mind that this territory variable applies to ALL ConnectWise syncs: ID964 Agreements, ID965 Service Tickets, and ID966 Sales Orders. Each of these syncs will check to ensure that the company assigned to the agreement, service ticket, or sales order has the correct territory to match Variable W. If the territory does not match, the sync will skip entering the information.

If you are inserting companies from e-automate to ConnectWise and need to assign a territory to these companies, you can do so by entering the territory name in Variable 3. The territory field is added on insert, but is not touched on updates.

On Hold Code

On Hold Code

When a customer is placed on hold in e-automate the sync will pass the name of that on-hold code to the custom field defined in variable 6 of the alert.

**Only Companies in ConnectWise are able to have custom fields, when location customers are put on hold in e-automate there will be no update to the site in ConnectWise.**

The sync will only update the custom field with the name of the on-hold code, it will not place the company in ConnectWise on hold. 

When a customer record has an on-hold code applied in e-automate:

updated on hold in EA.png

The name of the on-hold code will populate in the custom field in ConnectWise:

Updated on hold in CW.png

See details here on how to create the custom field in ConnectWise.

Beginning with the 20241022 version of the sync, there is an option to update the ZCJ_OnHoldCode field to indicate that the company is not on hold. For example, when the company is placed on hold, the ZCJ_OnHoldCode field will show 'CH - Credit Hold', when the hold is removed in e-automate, the ZCJ_OnHoldCode field in ConnectWise will update to show 'No Hold'.

Id747 no hold.png

This is helpful if you would like to create a workflow in ConnectWise to update the company status based on this custom field. See more details on creating a workflow in ConnectWise here. If you would like to utilize this option, you'll need to send an email to and request that it be turned on.

Sales Reps

Sales Reps

If you would like to sync the sales rep from the e-automate customer record to the company in ConnectWise, you can do that by creating a custom field for the sales rep information in ConnectWise. The custom fields that you will need to create are:



See here for further details on how to create these custom fields in ConnectWise.

These custom fields will be added to the Company Overview section in ConnectWise:


The information updated to these fields is pulled from the sales rep assigned to the customer record in e-automate:


Sales Rep Options

Beginning with the 2024.08.22 version of the sync there is an option to sync the sales rep name from a custom property on the customer record in e-automate to the custom fields in ConnectWise. To use this option, you'll need to email to ask to have the option turned on. You will need to create a custom property in e-automate per these instructions. 

Additionally, starting with the 2024.08.22 version of the sync there is an option to completely turn off the updating of the sales rep custom fields in ConnectWise. To use this option, you'll need to email to ask to have the option turned on.

Team Tab

Team Tab

Beginning with the 2024.08.22 version of ID747 you have the option to add the sales rep assigned to the customer in e-automate to the team tab of the company record in ConnectWise. By default this tab of the company record will not update, you will need to send an email to to ask to have the feature turned on.

The team tab of the ConnectWise company record is here:

Team tab.jpg

The sales rep record in e-automate will need to have the custom property ZCJ_CW_EmpRecordID populated with the member RecID from ConnectWise. If the sales rep assigned in e-automate is not mapped to a member, the sync will be unable to add the member to the Team tab. More details on mapping the sales reps are here

To add a member to the team tab of the company record, you need to specify a Role to be used. When you ask to have this option turned on, you will need to specify the role to be used. You can review the roles in the Setup tables in ConnectWise:

team role list.jpg

**If you are syncing the sales rep from the custom property on the customer record in e-automate, that is the sales rep that will be added to the team tab of the company.

EA Customer Type

EA Customer Type

If you would like to filter the customers from e-automate that insert or update to ConnectWise, you can do so by using the customer type in e-automate. Enter the Customer Type(s) into the variable, the value highlighted in yellow in the screenshot below.

Only customers matching the customer types set in variable 9 will be processed by the sync. Customer types are set in e-automate in Tools - Lists and Codes - Customer Types:

ea customer type.jpg

The customer type can be seen on the customer record in e-automate here:

ea customer type example.jpg

EA Contract Type

EA Contract Type

If you would like to filter the customers from e-automate that insert or update to ConnectWise, you can do so by using the contract types in e-automate. Enter the value from the contract type column into the variable, highlighted in yellow below.

Only customers with an active contract of one of the types set in Variable 10 will be processed by the sync. Contract types are set in e-automate in Tools - Lists and Codes - Contract Type:

ea contract type.jpg

The contract type is seen on the contract here:

ea contract type example.jpg

EA Branch

EA Branch

If you would like to filter the customers from e-automate that insert or update to ConnectWise, you can do so by using the branch in e-automate. Enter the branch number into the variable, the value highlighted in yellow below.

Only customers that have the branch set in variable 11 will be processed by the sync. The list of branches in use can be found in Accounting - Branches:

ea branches.jpg

The branch is on the customer record here:

ea branch example.jpg

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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

Jump to: Customer not inserted | Sites not Insertede-views | Deleted Companies | Prospects | CW Workflow | Custom Properties | Custom Fields

Customers not inserted

Customers Not Inserted/Updated

If you have a customer that hasn't inserted or updated in ConnectWise, the first thing to verify is that the customer record in e-automate is a parent customer. ID747 will not create a company in ConnectWise from a child/location customer record. 

Once you've verified that the record is a parent customer, open the customer record in e-automate and then click on the OK button. This will update the "last update" time on the record and the sync will process the customer record again. Beginning with the 2024.08.22 version of ID747, errors to create or update companies will be reported on the email that the sync sends.

If the customer has not updated or been created after 15 minutes, check the following things:

  • Are variables 9, 10, or 11 in use on the subscription to limit the customers that sync to ConnectWise?
    • If yes, does the customer you are trying to update/insert match that criteria?
  • Does the customer record in e-automate have an address and state listed? If it does not, add that information, and the customer should insert or update.
  • Check the state listed for the customer, the state name should either be the full name or the two-letter abbreviation. Additional spaces or characters in this field will cause the sync to not insert or update the customer.
  • Are there special characters in either the customer's name or address? Having characters such as a semi-colon, single, or double quotes in the name or address will cause the sync to fail to insert.
  • Try reformatting the information on the record in e-automate. The API can be picky about the information it inserts into ConnectWise and sometimes will not insert a customer due to formatting issues.
  • In ConnectWise, check that the Revenue Year field is not populated with a zero on companies that should be updating, as this will cause the ConnectWise API to reject the update the sync is trying to make. This field is on the Profile tab of the company record. Changing this value to one between 1900 and 9999 will allow the sync to update the company record.



If the customer still has not been inserted, send the customer information to and we can review the sync for errors. 

Sites not Inserted/Updated

Sites not Inserted/Updated

If you have sites that have not been created in ConnectWise, the first troubleshooting step is to open the customer record in e-automate and verify that the customer custom property configuration has been applied to the record and that the customer record is a location customer.operty tab. If the custom property ZCJ_CW_SiteAddressRecID is not available or the record is not a location of another record in e-automate, the sync will not process the record.

If needed, add the custom property configuration and then click OK on the customer record. Wait 15 minutes for the sync to pick up the record, then check ConnectWise for the site. If the site is still not created or updated, check the following things:

  • Is the parent customer mapped in ConnectWise? If the parent company is not mapped, the sync will not be able to create a site record.
  • Check the variables on ID747 to determine if there are any filters applied to the sites that will be updated and inserted.

If the site is still not updated or created, send us an email at with the customer number and we will review for issues.



There are two custom e-views for ID747 that show the mapped companies and mapped sites from ConnectWise to e-automate. These views are found in the System section in e-views:


CEO Juice ID747 Mapped ConnectWise Companies List shows the list of mapped parent customers to companies in ConnectWise. For the customer record to show in the eview, the customer record in e-automate must have the ZCJ_CW_CompanyID custom property populated, and the company from ConnectWise must be listed in our background tables.

Columns that begin with CW are pulled from ConnectWise.

company eview.jpg

CEO Juice ID747 Mapped ConnectWise Sites List shows the list of mapped location customers to sites in ConnectWise. In order for a location to show in this e-view, the location in e-automate must have the custom property ZCJ_CW_SiteAddressRecID populated and the site must be listed in our background table.

Columns that begin with CW are pulled from ConnectWise.

site eview.jpg


Deleted Companies

Deleted Companies

Any deleted companies go to the recycle bin inside the Mass Maintenance in case it was deleted by accident. To see these companies, go to System and then Mass Maintenance:


Open the Company Recycle bin to see the list of companies that have been deleted.


At the top of the screen listing the companies that have been deleted is an option to permanently delete the company (1) or restore the company to the companies list (2).


The sync will not be able to create new companies for any companies that are showing in the Company Recycle bin. You'll need to permanently delete the company before the sync can create a new one. Beginning in the 2024.08.22 version of ID747, companies that are linked to deleted companies will be flagged on the email sent by ID747.


Prospect Companies

Often companies are created in ConnectWise as propects and are not ready to be immediately created in e-automate. This flow can be accommodated by the customer sync in this manner:

1. Once the prospect has a transaction that will be synced to e-automate (agreement, sales order, service ticket) the customer record should be created in e-automate.

2. When the customer record is created in e-automate, the Company RecID from the ConnectWise company should be added in the ZCJ_CW_CompanyID custom property.

On the next run of ID747, the newly created customer in e-automate will be linked to the company in ConnectWise and the company in ConnectWise will be updated to match the data from e-automate.

CW Workflows

CW Workflows

The ID747 customer sync will not change the status of the company record in ConnectWise, but you can use the data in the ZCJ_OnHoldCode field to create a workflow rule to update the status of the company. Two workflows would need to be created in ConnectWise, one to update the company status when ZCJ_OnHoldCode contains CW - Credit Hold and another to indicate that the on-hold has been released. If you would like the sync to populate the ZCJ_OnHoldCode field with a value indicating that the company is not on hold, that is available starting with version 20241018. To turn on that option, please send an email to

To create a workflow rule in ConnectWise, go to the Setup Tables and select Workflow Rules:

workflow rules.jpg

Create a new rule with these settings:

workflow rule updated.jpg

1. Table = CRM

2. Rule = When ZCJ_OnHoldCode contains CH - Credit Hold (match to the verbiage from e-automate for the credit hold on-hold code)

3. Event = Change Company Status

If there are further questions on creating workflow rules in ConnectWise, please see the ConnectWise PSA help documentation.

Custom Property Set Up

Custom Property Set Up

When creating new customers in e-automate, make sure that you are assigning the custom property configuration to the customers so that these custom properties are on the customer record so the sync can update them!

custom property config.jpg

To bulk assign the customer custom property configuration, in e-automate go to Lists and Codes, Configurations (Customer properties) (1), and click on the Assign button (2):

bulk assign.jpg

The tracking configuration assignment window will pop up (3) and you can use the QuickSearch to find customers that do not currently have a custom property assigned.

All three of these custom properties must be set in e-automate exactly as noted below for the mapping to work properly.  If you currently have custom properties in e-automate that mimic the information stored in these three properties, please let us know as we may be able to map to your existing custom properties. 

**If you currently have the e-automate customer number stored in a ConnectWise field, we can update the Parent custom properties for you**

There are two custom properties that need to be set up in e-automate for the customer mapping, one for the main company number (Parent Account) and one for the sites (Child Accounts). Both of these attributes need to be added to the Customer configuration.


Company Number

Attribute name: ZCJ_CW_CompanyID

Description: ConnectWise Sync Company ID

Data type: Numeric


The value to be entered in this field is the Company_RecID number from ConnectWise:


**If you do not see the Company_RecID column in your company list view in ConnectWise, you can add this field by clicking on the gear icon to customize the list view, then find Company_RecID in the hidden columns section and use the arrows in the middle to move the column over to the visible columns list.

To update existing ConnectWise companies, you'll need to enter the ConnectWise ID number, if the ID provided is invalid, the sync will not be able to update the record. 


Site Number

Attribute name: ZCJ_CW_SiteAddressRecID

Description: ConnectWise Sync Site's Address RecID

Data type: Numeric


The value to be entered is the Address RecID from the Site:


To update existing ConnectWise sites, you'll need to enter the ConnectWise ID number, if the ID provided is invalid, the sync will not be able to update the record. **If you have the sync set to insert locations you must map existing locations in e-automate to the existing sites in ConnectWise prior to the running of the sync, otherwise the sync will create duplicate sites in ConnectWise.


There is one custom property that can be used to override the filters used to determine customers to sync and insert/update the customer in ConnectWise regardless of the filters set. **This custom property is ONLY used when there is a filter in place to limit the customers by customer type, contract type or branch.


Custom Property to Sync to ConnectWise

Attribute name: ZCJ_SyncToCW

Description: Sync Customer to CW

Data type: Yes/No


If ZCJ_SyncToCW = "Yes", that Customer will sync, even if it doesn't pass the other filters.
If ZCJ_SyncToCW = "No", that Customer will not sync, regardless of any other settings on ID747.


Sales Rep (Optional)

**Only needed if using the option to update the sales rep custom fields in CW from a custom property on the customer record instead of the sales rep assigned to the customer record.**

Attribute name: ZCJ_CW_SalesRepNum

Description: Sales Rep to Sync to CW

Data type: Lookup


CUSTOM PROP sales rep.jpg

This custom prop will be a lookup to the employees in e-automate, on the customer record in e-automate set the sales rep to update the custom fields in ConnectWise. To utilize this field you will need to email and ask to have the option turned on.

CW Custom Field

Custom Fields in ConnectWise

You can create custom fields in ConnectWise to store the on-hold code and the sales rep information.

If you want to store the on hold code from e-automate on the ConnectWise company record, you'll need to create a custom field on the company overview.

**Only Companies in ConnectWise are able to have custom fields, when location customers are put on hold in e-automate there will be no update to the site in ConnectWise.**

To create the custom field in ConnectWise, go to Setup Tables > Custom Fields > Company Overview


Click on the plus sign next to Custom Fields to create a new field. The field caption is ZCJ_OnHoldCode:


This field will hold the On Hold code from e-automate, it is an informational field only.

If you want to store the sales rep information from eAutomate on the ConnectWise company record, you'll need to create a custom field on the company overview.

To create the custom field in ConnectWise, go to Setup Tables > Custom Fields > Company Overview


There are two fields to create:






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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID522 - Project Invoices Sync

ID912 - Moving calls from e-automate to ConnectWise

ID964 - ConnectWise Agreement Sync

ID965 - ConnectWise Service Call Sync

ID966 - ConnectWise Sales Order Sync


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