
ID54 - New call Opened/Dispatched/Closed for Help Desk Overview & Sample:

Notifies a fixed contact (i.e. Help Desk) on the status of their service call(s).

Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips |  Related Alerts | Update your customer's ticketing software


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There are times when you might have customers who want their internal HelpDesk (or support person) to be notified any time a call is Opened, Dispatched, Arrived, Completed on equipment at their locations. Typically it's to help them track internal calls from users who are complaining about equipment being down and they want to be sure that a call has been opened and/or that the call has been closed.

ID181 notifies the person who placed the call, this process notifies a specific email regardless of who places the call. You may use both for the same account.

Use ID738, ID748, ID969, ID970, ID971, ID972, ID990, ID991 for additional versions of this alert to allow for different verbiage and variables of alert (i.e. Call Types to trigger on)

Run Schedule: every 15-minutes

Type of Output: Email to your customer


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We can customize verbiage, logo, font, and color (please provide specific Custom Color/Shade Numbers-RGB Red/Green/Blue) to match your branding.

Opened/Pending Status:







If a call generates a reschedule (first call must be marked incomplete), then when ID54 triggers for Completed or Invoiced status on that incompleted call, it will add extra verbiage to advise that a rescheduled call is in place.


With Customer Ticketing System Detail in Subject Line:


Custom signatures can also be added, showing company detail, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc.:


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VariableW: Custom Property set with Contact Record (assigned on Equipment, Customer on the Service Call, or Installed Location Customer on the Equipment Record) indicating who is to receive emails. The logic first looks to the equipment level, if nothing present then looks to the customer on the service call, if nothing present then looks to the location customer on the equipment record (as long as no pencil edits have been made to that location customer).

VariableY: Max number of days to allow between call close date and call invoice date. Another words, if it takes longer than 2-days to go from status of completed to invoiced, no email will be sent on notice of invoiced. 

VariableZ: Enter either 'Include' or 'Exclude' call remarks on the closed call email


Variable1: Call Status' to alert on (options: Opened,Dispatched,Arrived,Completed,Invoiced,Canceled)

**FYI completed is same as status of OK to Invoice (OKB) and Cleared (C)

Variable2: Custom Property on Customer Record to override call status' defaults in Variable1

**On MAIN Customer Level is here (not Location # assigned) ONLY, not available to set on Equipment Record Level):


Variable3: Call Types to trigger on. Leave blank for ALL of CM/PM Category OR enter 'Include' or 'Exclude' to indicate if Preventative Maintenance Category calls considered or not.

Call Categories seen in List & Codes / Call Types:


OPTIONAL:  Variable4 and Variable5 to allow for update of your customer's ticketing system:

**SET at CUSTOMER RECORD level only (not set at Equipment nor Parent Level)**


Variable4: Customer Record Custom Property containing special characters (like [ticket] or {ticket}. that would precede the ticket# in subject line. Example: Ticket#[  OR  Call#{

Variable5: Customer Record Custom Property containing word of either HTML or PlainText to indicate the specified format of email

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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. We will set this alert up in test mode first as it is a customer facing alert for you. While in test mode, alert will only send to any email(s) listed on the to/cc/bcc of your alert subscription. You can safely enter actual Caller Contact in the Custom Property ZCJHelpDeskOpen54 as alert is not wired to consider their email while in Test Mode. While in test mode, however; you MUST still have a Caller Contact listed in the Custom Property.

Once you've reviewed sample emails and feel comfortable with the alert's functionality, then you can let us know at you're ready to go live. At that time, we suggest removing emails from to/cc as their email will show on emails sent to your customers and those emails will likely be bombarded with emails.


2. You can also set emails to include Tech, Tech Mgr, Sales Rep, Sales Mgr and/or Creator (of service call) to be included on emails. But please note they will receive EVERY qualifying email send to your customer (spam?).


3. When determining helpdesk contact to receive notifications, the logic first considers the custom property on the Equipment Record, if no contact listed there, then considers the custom property of the Customer on the Service Call, if no contact listed there, then considers the custom property on the Location Customer of the Equipment Record (as long as no pencil edits have been made to that location customer).

If you need alert to consider something else, for instance to look to the Parent Customer of either the customer on the service call or the Installed location customer, please email

Customer on Service Call

ID54 Customer on Service Call.jpg

Installed Location Customer

ID54 Installed Location Customer.jpg

4. Alert considers the status seen here in Call Notes of Service Call (right click on service call, select Notes):



**If the tech does not mark status' as call is worked (dispatched, arrived, completed), then alert will not "see" the status and can not send email to Caller Contact. Also TIME entered is very important. By default the alert fires every 15-minutes, so if the call isn't worked real time and status marked as dispatched, arrived, completed all at same time (even with edited times), alert will not "see" the varying status' at the time the alert fires to send emails.

5. Alert will not notify on same repeat status twice, if call is reverted back to a prior status i.e. technician dispatches to a call the email is sent, if the tech then un-dispatches and then re-dispatches at a later time, the alert WILL NOT email again.

Credit Hold:

Credit Hold:

Calls on Credit Hold status are still considered "pending/opened" calls by eAuto and the alert will still email when those calls are entered.

Global Settings:

Global Settings:

Variable1 designates what status(es) your alert will notify of:

**FYI completed is same as status of OK to Invoice (OKB) and Cleared (C)


You can override these status at the Customer Record Level (ONLY, not available to set on Equipment Record Level) via Custom Property ZCJ54CallStatusOverride (Variable2):

Select any variation of status(s) needed in the drop down. Remember this is ONLY required IF customer does not want the status(s) listed in your Variable1.


And Main Customer Level is here (not Location # assigned):


**As of Alert Revision# 20191205, alert considers Cancelled/Canceled (regardless of spelling) AND if call is marked as Cleared.


5. The Ready to Review (cleared) function is in the service call. It is considered the same status as Completed. This function is typically use when the call is ready for review to ensure no errors in the entries before marking it ok to invoice. (eAgent will only pick up calls that are set ok to invoice when auto invoicing service calls. This Ready to Review (cleared) function prevents the service call from being billed via eAgent Auto Invoice task.)


Multiple Contacts:

Multiple Contacts:

As of version 20210615: If you need this alert to go to more than one fixed email address, you can add additional emails in the Other emails section of the Contact Record set in the custom property to receive the alert. If you have multiple emails listed in the Other emails field, please separate them with a semi-colon. **You MUST be on the current version of the alert to have this functionality work. See below on how to check your version and email us at to get updated.


Check your Revision Log by clicking on tab in your ID54 subscription:



Update your Customer's Ticketing System:

Update your Customer's Ticketing Software:

Alert allows you to use the PO# field on a service call to store the ticket # of your customer's helpdesk software. We then add their helpdesk email as a contact and inject their ticket number in the subject of our email. This allows our email to update their ticketing system. Includes option to send email in HTML or plain text format.

Once the Custom Properties have been populated (see below), all your dispatchers need to do is enter the Customer's Ticket# in the PO Field:


**Your alert version must be 20190401 or later. You can see your alert version number under your subscription Revision Log tab:


Variable4 and Variable5 Custom Properties Required:


Variable4: Customer Record Custom Property containing special characters (like [ticket] or {ticket}. that would precede the ticket# in subject line. Example: Ticket#[  OR  Call#{

Variable5: Customer Record Custom Property containing word of either HTML or PlainText to indicate the specified format of email

**Set on Customer Record ONLY (alert logic does not consider Parent Customer Record nor Equipment Record for these Custom Properties).**

Set ZCJHelpDeskTicketPreChar54 with the characters/format needed by your customer:

For example, set with Ticket# [ :


Email format will contain Ticket# [ in subject line:


OR with just [ in Custom Property ZCJHelpDeskTicketPreChar54: 


Email format will contain [ in subject line:


Custom Properties (we can build for you):

Variable4 Custom Property Attribute:


Variable5 Custom Property Attribute:



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

Send from email settings:

Send from email settings:

-This alert is considered a customer facing alert, so we highly recommend setting the from email address on your subscription to an email address your staff manages should your customer reply to the email received  (i.e. service@ or support@)

HOWEVER, be sure your IT Dept has set needed send as (not on behalf of) permissions; otherwise, emails will be generated but not actually sent once they reach your email server to send out. Please see THIS LINK on needed permissions set up for you IT. Once completed, please email us so we can test (before you change your subscription).ID181from.PNG


What to check if your customer not getting emails:

What to check if your customer not getting emails:

1. Does the Customer Record have a valid Contact Record with an email address listed in Custom Property ZCJHelpDeskOpen54?

2. Is the Call Type set with Category other than Corrective Maintenance or Preventative Maintenance (if you have Variable3 set to include PM/Preventative Maintenance calls)?

3. Check the call notes, did tech mark the call as complete? Are the time stamp differences on each status at least 15-minutes apart?


4. Is there an issue with the from email address listed on your subscription? Please check with your IT Department to ensure ceojuice user has permissions to send as (not on behalf of) the email address listed here on your subscription:

CLICK HERE for instructions on needed permissions for ceojuice user.


Tech Photos on Email:

Tech Photos on Email:

We can add picture of your technician onto the emails generated to your customer, see THIS LINK for how to set up. By default, we will only include tech picture on status of dispatched and arrived.


"Uber" Style Tracking Link:

We can include a link in the email when tech is dispatched to keep your customer continuously updated as to location and ETA. See THIS LINK on needed set up. 


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID181 - Sends service status emails to Caller Contact on service call (can be sent in conjunction with ID54)














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