Tech Status Report sent at start and end of day
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A check to see which technicians are missing in action at start and end of day. This alert runs a Tech Status report showing techs either Dispatched, OnSite, Unavailable, or MIA (missing in action) and incorporates the employee Unavailable Entry component within eAutomate. Alert will fire 30 minutes after start of day (per company/branch) hours and 30 minutes before end of day. Tech is considered MIA if not dispatched OR onsite or does not have an entry in the unavailable time on eAuto Employee Record.
**Send To Tech will only send MIA status email to tech
Run Schedule: The task fires at the bottom of the hour, every hour. If, at that time, the branch is within one hour past open or one hour until close the alert will fire for techs of that branch. So, if you're open 8-5, expect an e-mail at 8:30a and 4:30p. If you're open 8:30-5, expect emails at 9:30a and 4:30p. If you're open 8-5:30 expect emails at 8:30a and 4:30. Considers all times local to the branch time zone, which there may be more than one of across the company.
Type of Output: Email
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Tech MIA:
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Variable W: Custom Property assigned in eAuto Employee Record identifying who is Field Tech
Variable Y: Technicians' Branch Numbers to trigger on, separated by comma, or blank for ALL
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. Alert can be cloned by selecting the + (plus) sign below your existing subscription. Cloning enables you to select different recipients with different variable/filters set:
Alert Schedule
2. Alert Schedule
The task fires at the bottom of the hour, every hour. If, at that time, the branch is within one hour past open or one hour until close the alert will fire for techs of that branch (per Service Hours set in eAuto). So, if you're open 8-5, expect an email at 8:30am and 4:30pm. If you're open 8:30-5, expect emails at 9:30a and 4:30p. If you're open 8-5:30 expect emails at 8:30a and 4:30. Considers all times local to the branch timezone, which there may be more than one of across the company.
Service Hours:
Found in Tools / Lists & Codes / Service Hours:
Branch Time Zone:
Found in Accounting / Branches
If you do not have branches, then Time Zone is listed under Tools / Options / Company:
eAuto Tech Employee Record:
3. MIA/Unavailable Entries
Tech is considered MIA if not dispatched OR onsite OR does not have an entry in the Unavailable Time Entries OR a Time Card Entry in eAuto.
-Use this link for ECi's RemoteTech help:
-Use this link on using time card entries in eAUto to account for techs time:
Unavailable entries entered via tech Employee Record:
Unavailable Entries:
4. Regarding tech visibility when assisting another tech - if you do a lot of “tech assists”, you will find this alert might report those “assisting” techs as MIA because very few dealerships update the service call as it’s dispatched with that assisting tech. The assisting tech usually updates their info as they are leaving. So just be aware that the timing of when that tech assist entry is actually created & dispatched on the call will impact whether or not this alert can “see” what call the assisting tech is on.
5. If you make any changes to unavailable entries today, the alert will not reflect those changes until the next day (nightly table updates required) So, for example, if the alert sees at 8:30AM tech is MIA based on unavailable entry, it will show tech MIA again at 4:30PM (unless he's dispatched or on-site) because the process to update the time card entries runs only overnight.
Subscription Recipients
6. Subscription Recipients
-Send To Technician ONLY sends email to tech when they are MIA (missing in action)
-To Technician's Manager is manger assigned on technicians eAuto Employee Record and will receive summary of al techs status
-To/CC/BCC email recipients will be on copy of Tech Managers email or if To Technician's Manager NOT selected, the To/CC/BCC email recipients receive one list for all techs.
-If using Branch Role(s), those recipients will receive summary of just techs for branch role they are set up for
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
1. Use THIS LINK to review set up of non screw driver time for techs, including holidays, activity codes, and more!
2. For tech to be included, the Custom Property ZCFieldTech (or whichever Custom Property you wish to use) must be set to YES. See below if this Custom Property does not exist on your eAuto Employee Records.
Custom Property Set Up
Creating ZCJFieldTech
Step 1: Create new Attribute via Tools / Lists & Codes / Attributes
Attribute name: ZCJFieldTech
Description: Is Employee a Field Technician
Data type: Yes/No
Step 2: Add Attribute to Employee Record Configuration via Tools / Lists & Codes / Configurations (custom property)
Select Employee Configration type and use Quick Add feature to add.
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID70 - Reminder to set up Holiday Hours in eAuto
ID376 - Tech MIA
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