
ID683 - Sales Opportunity MIF Report Overview & Sample:

Knowing how many territories you should have is important. Too few, and the reps have it easy just waiting for prospects to call in, too many and you're facing a turnover issue as reps struggle to meet quota. This report assumes one rep is in charge of the equipment at a customer.

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Deciding on whether a sales person is successful because they have better selling skills or work ethic versus they just have a great territory can be a challenge. The opposite is also true, are they not making it because the territory just stinks? We teamed up with Tom Callinan to create this report using the assumptions he presents in his training seminars.

Knowing how many territories you should have is important. Too few, and the reps have it easy just waiting for prospects to call in, too many and you're facing a turnover issue as reps struggle to meet quota. This report assumes one rep is in charge of the equipment at a customer. Multiple reps per account based on business type is not applicable to this report.

This process will calculate a sales opportunity ‘value’ for each machine in a territory based upon the model category (segment) assigned. The model categories each will be assigned an AvgSellingPrice (determined by you), an AvgTurnRate in months (how long a model segment typically is in the field before being upgraded), and a RetentionRate expectation (95% is recommended assuming 5% of the base gets lost due to bankruptcy, account closing, bad service - things out of the rep's control).


Type of Output: On Demand SSRS Report


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(right click on images to open in URL and see in larger format)









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This alert has no variables


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

-This report assumes one rep is in charge of the equipment at a customer. Multiple reps per account based on business type is not applicable to this report.

-Results of report are always only as of last completed month (refreshes monthly, RM01-RM12)

-Basis for the $$ values are setup for the Model Category using the CEOJuice ModelCategory mapping application. These values are Average Selling Price, TurnRate (in Months), and the expected retention rate.

-Weighted Value = ((AvgSellingPrice / TurnRate) * Retentionrate) * 12 to arrive at an annualized value.

-Proj turn date (Projected turn date for the machine) is calcuated by using the turnrate for the machines model category (in months) and added that many months to the InstallDate on the equipment record. So the accuracy of the projected turn date is assuming you are updating the install date on the eautomate equipment record as you install machines in the field.

-The projected oppty value is derived by your selection of : AvgPrice ( as set in the Juice Model Mapping app)

-The Potential MIF Upgrade (Sold from Inventory) will reflect the value on machines that were sold out of your inventory vs the entire active MIF value (which might include MPS devices you are servicing but might not be legitimate hardware sales oppty)



1. eAuto Equipment Record must have install date to properly calculate the potential.

2. Subscription to our alert ID320 for sales rep assignment mapping. We use this mapping info for tables used on this Sales Opportunity MIF Report. If you don't have separate CRM or territories, this report will use sales rep assigned to customer record in eAuto.

3. eAuto Model Category to be updated per ID295 Mapping App.

4. Be sure you are subscribed to our alert ID157 to ensure all equipment not on contract and not serviced in X days has been marked as inactive (otherwise the waters will be muddied!).

5. In order to exclude ship ins and ship outs from territory value, please use status of, OR a territory named "Ship In" or "Ship Out," for example, so you can filter these out.



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OnDemand Report Filters

OnDemand Report Filters

**Results of report are always only as of last completed month (refreshes monthly)


Branch(es): filter to run report for specific branch(es) or select ALL

Sales Manager(s): filter to run report for specific Sales Manager or select ALL

Sales Rep(s): filter to run report for specific sales rep(s) or select ALL

Equipment on Contract Code: filter to only consider equipment covered by specificed Contract Codes 

Equipment on Active Lease?: filter to only consider equipment on Active Lease in eAuto

Highlight Priority Equip With Lease Ending Before : set date to to show priority MIF at start/top of report (highlighed in orange).  Based on Proj Turn Date <= will only highlight equipment by priority on the report. It is not a filter in/out of report function.



The following four (1) - (4) are optional filters. They are intended for you to use for excluding Interterritorial (ITT) Equipment from your MIF. Only use if coding applies in your eAuto:

(1) Custom Property for ITT ShipIn Dealer Name: Custom Property you use on Equipment Record containing the ITT ShipIn Dealers name

(2) Equip Territory to Exclude: list Territory Name on Equipment Records to exclude

(3) Equip Status(es) to Exclude: list Equipment Status on Equipment Records to exclude

(4) Ship In Equip Bill Code to Exclude: list Bill Codes to exclude


Calculate Oppty Valuation as (set in CEO Juice Model Mapping App): you set what formula to be used for calculating value of opportunities



These following three filters set time filter for these three columns:

Aging 1 Leases Ending Within Next X Months

Aging 2 Leases Ending Within Next X Months

Aging 3 Leases Ending Within Next X Months




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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

Below (also attached at bottom so you can dowload to excel) is sample figures for the valuation method (also downloadable at bottom of this entire post). You will need to enter Average Price, Turn Rate & Retention Rate (ALL REQUIRED otherwise the report will be blank) via the ID295/Model Mapping App:


Model Type Model Class Model Segment Juice Recommended Model Category Avg Price Turn Rate Retention Rate
BW MFP 1 MFP-A3-BW-01 991 43 0.95
BW MFP 2 MFP-A3-BW-02 3893 39 0.95
BW MFP 3 MFP-A3-BW-03 7033 40 0.95
BW MFP 4 MFP-A3-BW-04 10269 41 0.95
BW MFP 5 PRD-BW-PRD-05 16215 41 0.95
BW MFP 6 PRD-BW-PRD-06 23791 60 0.95
BW Printer 1 PRI-A4-BW-01 785 48 0.8
BW Printer 2 PRI-A4-BW-02 785 48 0.8
BW Printer 3 PRI-A4-BW-03 785 48 0.8
BW Printer 4 PRI-A4-BW-04 785 48 0.6
Color MFP 1 MFP-A3-CO-01 3893 42 0.95
Color MFP 2 MFP-A3-CO-02 8520 42 0.95
Color MFP 3 MFP-A3-CO-03 9071 42 0.85
Color MFP 4 MFP-A3-CO-04 17503 42 0.85
Color MFP 5 MFP-A3-CO-05 38010 42 0.85
Color Printer 1 PRI-A4-CO-01 1484 48 0.6
Color Printer 2 PRI-A4-CO-02 1484 48 0.8
Color Printer 3 PRI-A4-CO-03 1484 48 0.8
Color Printer 4 PRI-A4-CO-04 1484 48 0.8


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID157 - Mark Equipment Inactive

ID295 - Model Mapping App

ID923 - Contract MIF Report






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