The ID207 subreport of the SSRS Tech Activity Report (ID204) provides a breakdown of total pages serviced (black and color) between calls, as well as parts costs per click, segmented by Model Category using ID295/Model Mapping.
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Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts
The ID207 report offers detailed insights into technician productivity and cost efficiency by analyzing metrics such as Pages Serviced (CBC Total), Parts Cost Per Click (CPC), and Cost Variance against targets, segmented by model category using ID295. Accessible via the ID204 subreport or directly in SSRS, this report equips managers with a structured view to evaluate service performance, identify cost-saving opportunities, and make informed decisions about service practices and equipment management.
Key Components:
- Pages Serviced Calculation (CBC total): Measures the total pages serviced between calls, attributing credit to the technician who handled the initial call.
- Parts Cost Per Click Calculation (CPC): Calculates the average parts cost per page, allowing segment-based cost comparisons.
- Cost Variance: Difference between actual and target parts costs, indicating alignment with cost targets.
Accessing the Report:
- Via ID204: ID207 can be accessed as a sub-report from the Tech Productivity Report (ID204) by following a hyperlink.
- Direct Access: Run ID207 directly in SSRS under [Service] Technician Productivity Copy Details - ID207.
Run Schedule: Daily (with nightly updates reflecting variable changes)
Type of Output: Report accessed via SSRS
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Report Totals Pie Charts:
The Report total charts aggregate data across all selected technicians in the report, offering a comprehensive view of parts usage and productivity for the organization.
Technician specific totals Pie Charts:
The Technician-Specific Totals Pie Charts provide insights into Total CBC (copies between calls) and Total Parts Cost for equipment managed by specific technician(s). The view varies depending on whether the report is generated for a single technician or multiple technicians:
If only one technician is selected when generating the report:The charts focus on that technician’s individual productivity and parts cost data, showing a personalized view of their impact on costs and usage:
If multiple/all technicians are selected when generating the report: The report includes both a consolidated view across all selected technicians and individual charts for each technician.
Sample of report output:
- The Part CPC column (marked as #1 in the screenshot above) displays the Parts Cost Per Click (CPC).
- The CBC Total column (labeled #2 in the screenshot) indicates the Total Pages Serviced.
- The Parts Cost Var column (marked as #3 in the screenshot) shows the variance between actual and target parts costs.
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For detailed examples, see Alert Functionality.
Variable 3: Default is "0"
Exclude Callbacks in Click Calculations:
Determines whether callback calls are excluded from the CBC calculation.
Example: Set to "1" to exclude callbacks, focusing only on initial service calls for the CBC Total.
Variable 4: Default value is "1"
Multiplier applied to Segment Parts Target:
Applies a buffer to the parts target cost, adding flexibility.
Example: Set to 1.2 to allow a 20% increase over the base target cost. Set to 0.8, a stricter target, reducing the baseline by 20%.
Variable 5: Default is blank
CBC Clicks CallCategory(s):
Defines which call types are included in CBC calculations.
Example: Leave blank to include all types; set to "CM, PM" to only include corrective and preventive maintenance.
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
The ID207 alert provides a detailed analysis of technician productivity and parts costs between service calls. Each calculation below outlines how ID207 tracks key metrics like Pages Serviced (CBC Total), Parts Cost Per Click (CPC), and Target Cost & Parts Cost Variance to give managers insights into efficiency and cost control across equipment segments.
Pages Serviced (CBC Total) Calculation
The Pages Serviced metric, also known as CBC Total, calculates the total pages (black-and-white and color) serviced between two calls. This measurement is based on meter readings from eAutomate, using both black-and-white (CBC BW) and color clicks (CBC Color).
- Formula: CBC Total = Final Meter Reading - Initial Meter reading
Example Calculation:
- Initial Reading: 130,127
- Final Reading: 368,842
- CBC Total: 368,842−130,127=238,715
Settings and Dependencies:
- CBC Clicks CallCategory(s) (Variable 5): Defines which call types are counted. Including more call types broadens the scope of Pages Serviced.
- Exclude Callbacks (Variable 3): When enabled, excludes callback calls, counting only initial service calls for the CBC Total.
Parts Cost Per Click (CPC) Calculation
The Parts Cost Per Click (CPC) metric measures the average parts cost per page serviced, providing an indicator of cost efficiency across different equipment segments.
- Total Parts Cost = $295.26;
- CBC Total = 21,575;
This CPC value ($0.0137) represents the average parts cost per page, helping managers assess efficiency.
Factors Influencing Accuracy:
- Meter Readings: Ensure both start and end readings are recorded.
- Call Type Settings: Only include relevant call types for accurate CBC calculations.
- Call Status: Only fully closed calls should contribute to CBC totals.
Target Cost & Parts Cost Variance Calculation
The Parts Cost Variance metric helps managers assess whether parts costs align with defined targets for each segment, flagging potential areas of cost overage.
- Formula: Parts Cost Variance = Target Cost - Part Cost
Target Adjustment: Use the Segment Parts Target Multiplier (Variable 4) to adjust the target cost. For example:
- Multiplier of 1.1: Raises the target by 10%, allowing up to $550 if the base target is $500.
- Multiplier of 1.5: Increases the target by 50%, permitting up to $750.
This buffer provides flexibility, helping align target costs with actual usage needs.
- Example Part Cost Variance Calculation:
If the Target Cost is $546.28 and the actual Part Cost is $295.26, the Parts Cost Variance is $251.02, indicating that the segment is performing under budget.
Segment Analysis Using ID295
ID207 uses ID295 for model-based segmentation, allowing users to analyze data by equipment type. This segmentation enables targeted cost and usage comparisons.
- Purpose: Segmenting machines by model category (from ID295) enables managers to identify equipment with higher parts costs or frequent service needs, aiding in decisions about maintenance or replacement.
- Additional Resource: For a broader CPC (Cost Per Copy) view across all equipment, consider using ID771 - Profit & MIF Analysis. Unlike ID207, which focuses on specific service calls, ID771 provides an aggregated CPC perspective, highlighting trends across the fleet and complementing ID207’s segment-focused analysis.
Segment-based analysis helps pinpoint cost concentrations, whether due to high-volume machines, technician handling, or equipment types. By managing costs at the segment level, ID207 and ID295 support proactive, cost-efficient decision-making across the organization.
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
Verify Meter Categories and Readings: Set correct meter categories in eAutomate to ensure accurate CBC values.
- Check Pages Serviced: If zero, confirm both initial and follow-up readings are recorded in the correct categories.
- Close All Calls Properly: Fully close service calls to ensure they contribute to CBC calculations.
- Adjust Target Costs with Variable 4: Increase the multiplier if frequent overages occur, allowing more buffer.
- Flag Callbacks Consistently: Ensure callbacks are accurately flagged across calls for tracking.
- Focus on Relevant Call Types: Use Variable 5 to include only necessary call types, such as "Corrective Maintenance."
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID204 – Tech Productivity Report
ID295 – Model Mapping App
ID206 – Callback Details
ID205 – Tech Time Log Data
ID372 – Tech Productivity Incompletes